Vespa January_2007 - Randolph-Macon College

Vespa January_2007 - Randolph-Macon College

Vespa January_2007 - Randolph-Macon College


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RANDOLPH-MACON BIOLOGY JANUARY, <strong>2007</strong><br />

The <strong>Vespa</strong><br />

R-MC research gets focused.<br />

Major Research Instrumentation grant !om the National Science<br />

Foundation a#ows purchase of state of the art microscope.<br />

The confocal microscope was used to locate three different proteins simultaneously in each<br />

of these developing !uit fly embryos. Each protein was labeled with a different colored<br />

dye (red, green, or blue), and places where two or more proteins overlap are indicated by<br />

colors such as purple and ye#ow.<br />

Researchers at R-MC are now<br />

able to obtain high resolution 3-D<br />

images of living cells thanks to the<br />

installation of a new Olympus<br />

FluoView FV1000 confocal<br />

microscope earlier this month.<br />

This highly specialized microscope<br />

was purchased with a $260,000<br />

grant from the National Science<br />

Foundation. The grant was c0-<br />

authored by a team from the R-<br />

MC Biology Department and<br />

Kelly Lambert from Psychology.<br />

Confocal technology is one of<br />

the most powerful advances ever<br />

For water fleas it’s<br />

boom or bust!<br />

Students in Integrative Biology<br />

learn about population dynamics<br />

by studying tiny invertebrates.<br />

Daphnia, also known as<br />

water fleas, are not actually fleas<br />

(an insect) at all but rather tiny<br />

aquatic crustaceans like crabs or<br />

lobsters. There are over 150 species<br />

of Daphnia in North America<br />

alone, with many more world<br />

wide. All live in freshwater where<br />

they play a key role in aquatic<br />

food webs, acting as a food<br />

sources for larger animals. Besides<br />

being interesting in<br />

their own right,<br />

Daphnia are a<br />

good organism<br />

for population<br />

studies because<br />

of their<br />

interesting<br />

method of<br />

reproduction<br />

called parthenogenesis.<br />

When there<br />

is plenty<br />

of food<br />

available,<br />

all the Daphnia in the<br />

popula- tion are females<br />

which produce eggs that hatch<br />

without being fertilized, each an<br />

identical clone of the mother.<br />

This aspect of their natural history,<br />

along with their short generation<br />

time, simplifies studies of the<br />

factors that influence birth and<br />

death rates. Once students grasp<br />

the basics of population growth in<br />

Daphnia, they gain a new prospective<br />

on human populations including<br />

such topics as the Earth’s carrying<br />

capacity.<br />


RANDOLPH-MACON BIOLOGY JANUARY, <strong>2007</strong><br />

developed in microscopy because<br />

it permits scientists to clearly<br />

visualize specific molecules within<br />

a cell and follow their movement<br />

over time. One of the amazing<br />

benefits of the instrument is its<br />

ability to take a series of optical<br />

sections through living cells, which<br />

can then be stacked together to<br />

produce a 3-D image. Together,<br />

these cutting-edge technologies<br />

give researchers a better<br />

understanding of how proteins<br />

actually function within a living<br />

cell.<br />

The new microscope will significantly<br />

boost research capabilities<br />

at R-MC. Among the researchers<br />

taking advantage of the equipment<br />

will be cell biologist Jim Foster<br />

who plans to use the microscope<br />

to learn more about the specific<br />

proteins required for fertilization.<br />

Students will also benefit from<br />

this technology; in fact, R-MC Biology<br />

student Sara Tittermary, a<br />

junior, already has plans to use the<br />

confocal microscope in her independent<br />

study to examine how<br />

mutant proteins are linked to leukemia.<br />

Access to equipment like the<br />

confocal microscope is extremely<br />

rare for undergraduate students at<br />

institutions of any size. According<br />

to David Coppola, department<br />

chair and principal investigator for<br />

this NSF grant, “Confocal microscopes<br />

are usually associated with<br />

major research universities; the<br />

grant from the National Science<br />

Foundation allowing us to obtain<br />

one for <strong>Randolph</strong>-<strong>Macon</strong> is a<br />

stunning affirmation by science<br />

policy makers of our efforts to involve<br />

undergraduates in independent<br />

research.”<br />

Traci Stevens<br />

Assistant Professor of Biology<br />



MAJOR IN <br />

The answer is simple: major in<br />

anything you want! Medical<br />

schools evince no preference for<br />

the undergraduate major of their<br />

applicants, though there are<br />

required undergraduate courses in<br />

biology, physics, chemistry, math<br />

and English. But, does one major<br />

or another give you a better<br />

chance at getting into med school<br />

One might conclude that ‘major<br />

matters’ based on the most recent<br />

data from the American Association<br />

of Medical Schools, an organization<br />

that represents the 125 accredited<br />

MD granting US med schools.<br />

Perhaps surprisingly, the<br />

percentage of humanities<br />

applicants accepted to med school<br />

exceeded other disciplines in<br />

2006. Does this mean you should<br />

major in English or Philosophy if<br />

you want to get in med school<br />

Not really. It is clear that the<br />

relationship between<br />

undergraduate major and the<br />

slight differences in acceptance<br />

rate suggest a correlation not<br />

causation. In 2006 only 4% of<br />

those accepted to med school<br />

majored in humanities disciplines<br />

as undergraduates! And what was<br />

the most popular undergraduate<br />

major for future ‘saw bones’ You<br />

guessed it: biology. In 2006, 54%<br />

of those attending med school<br />

were biology majors with no other<br />

single discipline exceeding 20%.<br />

Nor does double majoring provide<br />

any advantage according to Vault<br />

Guide to Medical School Admissions<br />

2006. Thus, the best advice<br />

remains ‘follow your heart’ when it<br />

comes to your undergraduate<br />

major...and chill out!<br />


Research team finds a mathematical<br />

constant in organization<br />

of visual brain. Biological systems<br />

tend to be too complicated to<br />

be described by deterministic<br />

mathematical models. Imagine an<br />

equation that describes the intricacies<br />

of the branching pattern of<br />

your average oak tree, for example.<br />

However, recently Dr. Coppola<br />

and his collaborators at Duke<br />

University and the Max Plank<br />

Institute, Gottingen, have demonstrated<br />

a set of universal quantitative<br />

laws that constrain the layout<br />

of a part of the mammalian brain<br />

that processes visual information.<br />

The clearest signature of these<br />

quantitative laws is that the density<br />

of certain characteristic features<br />

of the functional units in<br />

‘primary visual cortex’ are constrained<br />

to a spatial density of the<br />

mathematical constant pi for each<br />

unit. Amazingly this constraint<br />

was found in three different<br />

mammal species that diverged<br />

>50 million years ago. The study<br />

leader Matthias Kaschube, now at<br />

Princeton, points out that the brain<br />

is sufficiently complicated that it<br />

would take more than 10 12 instructions<br />

to specify it, yet the<br />

human genome, for example, has<br />

fewer than 10 5 genes. One solution<br />

to this conundrum is that<br />

complex biological systems, like<br />

the brain, are ‘self-organizing.’<br />

The ‘Pi principal’ that Kaschube,<br />

Coppola and their colleagues have<br />

discovered provides compelling<br />

evidence for this self organization.<br />


RANDOLPH-MACON BIOLOGY JANUARY, <strong>2007</strong><br />



Dr. Russ Shea’s research reminds us of Langston<br />

Hughs’ poignant admonition “Hold fast to dreams<br />

for when dreams die life is a bird that cannot fly.”<br />

However, Russ’ dreams, of late, involve birds that<br />

cannot fly...because they’re stuffed, like the Bird of<br />

Pardadise he is holding in the above photograph.<br />

Midway through his graduate training in<br />

oceanography, Russ found himself spending his off<br />

time on oceanographic cruises watching seabirds.<br />

He wondered how they managed to find the same<br />

patches of food in an otherwise biological desert –<br />

the tropical Pacific Ocean. These observations led<br />

him in an entirely different direction pursuing his<br />

Ph.D. “I was all set to go to the University of Hawaii<br />

to work on a Ph.D. in biological oceanography when<br />

I decided I didn’t like all the time I was spending<br />

away from home on ships – I wanted a land-based<br />

job working on seabirds.” Ultimately he matriculated<br />

to the University of Pennsylvania to work under the<br />

renowned ecologist, Bob Ricklefs. His research<br />

involved problems of growth in tropical seabirds for<br />

which he spent several years working with his wife<br />

and students on Midway Island in the Pacific. In<br />

general, regardless of taxonomic affinity, seabirds<br />

grow very slowly, have one-egg clutches, live a long<br />

time, and mature at a very late age. The evolution of<br />

these life history traits in general, and especially the<br />

evolution of slow growth, has dominated Dr. Shea’s<br />

research interests for the past 30 years, work<br />

supported over the years by the National Science<br />

Foundation and published in premier scientific<br />

journals.<br />

Recently, Russ has been involved in a four-year,<br />

multi-million dollar NSF grant (involving six institutions)<br />

investigating the intersection of physiology<br />

and life history theory in tropical and temperate passerine<br />

birds. According to Shea, “Species differ<br />

widely in rates of reproduction, age at maturity, and<br />

longevity. This variation partly reflects differences in<br />

the environment, but adaptive physiological responses<br />

also influence life history traits.” A fundamental<br />

principle of life history studies is that responses<br />

of individuals and populations to their surroundings<br />

are constrained. Says Shea, “Time, resources,<br />

and body tissues, are limited and must be<br />

allocated optimally among different functions. The<br />

form and functioning of mature individuals reflect<br />

developmental limitations on constructing complex<br />

nervous systems, accumulating experience, and<br />

building immune system defenses.” In this grant,<br />

Shea and his colleagues compare passerines in contrasting<br />

environments (Panama and Michigan) to<br />

address physiological mechanisms associated with<br />

variation in adult survival and related life history<br />

variables. Shea points out that, “In general, birds live<br />

longer in the tropics than at temperate latitudes. Life<br />

history theory suggests that high adult survival rates<br />

and longer<br />

breeding seasons<br />

typical of<br />

tropical environments<br />

select<br />

for a slower<br />

pace of life and<br />

delayed senescence,<br />

to ensure<br />

that the<br />

individual can<br />

realize its potential<br />

longevity. Accordingly, they predict that such<br />

‘slow’ species will exhibit reduced metabolic intensity,<br />

highly developed immune responses, strong responses<br />

against reactive forms of oxygen, year-round<br />

low levels of steroid hormones, and high sensitivity<br />

to environmental stress. Together these traits make<br />

up a syndrome of low reproductive investment and<br />

high self-maintenance, contrasting with opposite<br />

traits of ‘fast’ species at the other end of the life his-<br />


RANDOLPH-MACON BIOLOGY JANUARY, <strong>2007</strong><br />

tory spectrum (passerines in the temperate zone).”<br />

So far, approximately 50 papers have resulted from<br />

this project which began in 2002. The research team<br />

is currently in the last year of the grant and starting<br />

to write the most important synthetic papers showing<br />

how physiology and behavior constrain life histories.<br />

Results from work estimating the proportion of<br />

young birds in museum colonies (thus the picture<br />

above), that support the grand hypothesis, will be<br />

published this summer in the prestigious journal<br />

Ecology. Indeed dreams are alive for Russ Shea...and<br />

they have taken flight!<br />

• Dr. David Coppola, Chris Waggener and Nicole Phillips<br />

(RMC ‘06) presented a paper in November at the Society<br />

for Neuroscience meeting in Atlanta entitled: “Naris occlusion<br />

alters the magnitude and polarity of the EOG in<br />

mice”. Dr. Coppola and his collaborators from Duke University<br />

and the Max Plank Institute presented another paper<br />

at the conference entitled: “A Mathematical Constant in the<br />

Design of the Visual Cortex.”<br />

• Dr. Chas. Gowan had a paper accepted in American Entomologist<br />

entitled: “Stream monitoring methods suitable<br />

for citizen volunteers working in the coastal plain and<br />

lower piedmont regions of Virginia;" this paper was coauthored<br />

with three RMC students, Mindy Ruby, Ryan<br />

Knisley, and Lauren Grimmer. Dr. Gowan also has a<br />

paper appearing in the Proceedings of the 60th Annual<br />

Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and<br />

Wildlife Agencies entitled: “"Hybridization of two darter<br />

species native to Central Virginia" which was co-authored<br />

with R-MC students, Carrie Peirce and Matt Convery.<br />

• Dr. Barry Knisley, Ryan Woodcock (RMC ‘05) and Dr.<br />

Jim Foster have a paper coming out in the journal Conservation<br />

Genetics entitled: “Molecular genetics of Cicindela<br />

(Cylindera) terricola and elevation of C. lunalonga to species<br />

level, with notes on its conservation status.” Dr. Knisley<br />

has another paper entitled: “Description and conservation<br />

of a new species of Cicindela tranquebarica from the<br />

San Joaquin Valley of southern California” due out in the<br />

journal Entomological News.<br />


Dr. Coppola (left) and Chris Wa+ener present their poster at the<br />

Society for Neuroscience meeting in Atlanta.<br />

• Dr. Grace Lim-Fong had a new issue published on August<br />

9th, 2006, entitled: “Joshua Jue-an Fong” (see above).<br />

Grace notes with pride that Joshua was born on Singapore's<br />

National Day (Independence Day).<br />

• Dr. Russ Shea recently had two papers accepted for publication<br />

entitled: “Growth rate, protein accumulation, and<br />

catabolic enzyme activity of skeletal muscles of galliform<br />

birds” to appear in Physiological Biochemistry & Zoology<br />

and “Estimating annual adult survival in sexually dimorphic<br />

species from proportions of first-year birds in museum<br />

collections” to appear in Ecology (see below).<br />

<strong>Vespa</strong> is latin for wasp. The RMC mascot is a ye#ow jacket actua#y a<br />

member of the wasp family. The <strong>Vespa</strong> is published twice per year.<br />

Contacts:<br />

Biology Dept., dcoppola@rmc.edu<br />

Dept. Webpage, www.rmc.edu/directory/academics/biology<br />


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