Review 2006 - 2008 Action Plan 2009 - 2012 - Dublin.ie

Review 2006 - 2008 Action Plan 2009 - 2012 - Dublin.ie

Review 2006 - 2008 Action Plan 2009 - 2012 - Dublin.ie


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<strong>Dublin</strong> City Development Board // <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2009</strong> – <strong>2012</strong> | 33<br />

Children<br />

Objective<br />

◆◆<br />

To Develop a <strong>Dublin</strong> City Play <strong>Plan</strong> in conjunction with <strong>Dublin</strong> City Council that<br />

◆◆<br />

Raises awareness of the importance of play<br />

◆◆ Ensures that children’s play needs are met through the development of a child-fr<strong>ie</strong>ndly<br />

environment<br />

◆◆<br />

Gives children a voice in the design and implementation of play polic<strong>ie</strong>s and facilit<strong>ie</strong>s<br />

◆◆ To maximize the range of public play opportunit<strong>ie</strong>s available to children, particularly children<br />

who are marginalised or disadvantaged or who have a disability.<br />

◆◆ To improve the quality and safety of playgrounds and play areas and ensure that the relevant<br />

training and qualifications are available to persons offering play and related services to<br />

children<br />

◆◆ To improve information on, and evaluation and monitoring of, play provision for children in<br />

<strong>Dublin</strong> City<br />

<strong>Action</strong>s<br />

◆◆<br />

◆◆<br />

◆◆<br />

◆◆<br />

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◆◆<br />

Use the audit and research to identify key actions required to develop the City Play <strong>Plan</strong>.<br />

Agree a h<strong>ie</strong>rarchy of play spaces in conjunction with City Play <strong>Plan</strong> Steering Group<br />

Develop systems of co-operation and sharing of exper<strong>ie</strong>nces, knowledge and best practice.<br />

Carry out consultation with children/parents/adults.<br />

Play <strong>Plan</strong> approved by <strong>Dublin</strong> City Development Board.<br />

Play <strong>Plan</strong> adopted by <strong>Dublin</strong> City Council.<br />

Continue safety audit and ensure all <strong>Dublin</strong> City Council staff inspecting playgrounds have<br />

basic Royal Soc<strong>ie</strong>ty for the Prevention of Accidents to Children training.<br />

Engage with the Office for the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs concerning the<br />

development of play related training.<br />

Objective<br />

◆◆<br />

◆◆<br />

To support and facilitate the development of a childcare policy for <strong>Dublin</strong> City<br />

To support inter-agency collaboration and co-ordination of childcare service provision.<br />

<strong>Action</strong>s<br />

◆◆<br />

◆◆<br />

Collaborate with and support the priority actions of <strong>Dublin</strong> City Childcare Committee Ltd.<br />

Collaborate with and support the priority actions of <strong>Dublin</strong> City Council’s Childcare Policy<br />

through their Children’s Services Unit.<br />

Objective<br />

◆◆ To support the <strong>Dublin</strong> City Children’s Services Committee to build relationships through interagency<br />

co-operation, the elimination of blockages/obstacles and to test “models” to ensure/<br />

promote the best interests of children.<br />

<strong>Action</strong>s<br />

◆◆ Collaborate with and support the priority actions of <strong>Dublin</strong> City Children’s Services<br />


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