Review 2006 - 2008 Action Plan 2009 - 2012 - Dublin.ie

Review 2006 - 2008 Action Plan 2009 - 2012 - Dublin.ie

Review 2006 - 2008 Action Plan 2009 - 2012 - Dublin.ie


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<strong>Dublin</strong> City Development Board // <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2009</strong> – <strong>2012</strong> | 31<br />

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◆◆ Digital Inclusion Projects<br />

◆◆ Children’s services<br />

Key theme Economic Development<br />

Key theme Environmental sustainability<br />

Key theme Social Inclusion<br />

The <strong>Dublin</strong> City Social Inclusion Measures Group (SIM) is charged with coordinating and<br />

monitoring social inclusion actions within the City. It is a formal sub group of the City Development<br />

Board.<br />

The avoidance of duplication and utilising existing services and infrastructure is an over-arching<br />

priority of the SIM Group approach. The SIM Group also intends to take a more proactive<br />

approach with regard to social policy by drawing attention to and recommending actions for<br />

dealing with emerging issues.<br />

The SIM Group intend to rev<strong>ie</strong>w the plan in three months to ensure that its work programme is still<br />

valid and to refocus it as necessary. The Group is aware that the local elections due in June <strong>2009</strong><br />

will lead to the creation of a new committee and wish to ensure that the new grouping has the<br />

opportunity and flexibility to reshape the action plan to the environment that exists at that time.<br />

Social Inclusion mapping<br />

Objective<br />

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Develop an information system to better capture concentrated social exclusion<br />

Develop a common social inclusion management information tool for all statutory agenc<strong>ie</strong>s to<br />

better target social and economic deprivation<br />

<strong>Action</strong>s<br />

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The National Institute for Regional and Spatial Analysis social exclusion mapping project<br />

completed<br />

Analysis carr<strong>ie</strong>d out of benefits of deploying system city wide<br />

SIM Group will draw attention to and propose actions to emerging issues<br />

Older Persons<br />

Objective<br />

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To improve services provided to Older Persons through the promotion of inter-agency<br />

cooperation.<br />

<strong>Action</strong>s<br />

◆◆<br />

To develop an city wide action plan with strategic themes of housing, health, education<br />

access, mobility, transport, environment and personal safety<br />

People with disabilit<strong>ie</strong>s<br />

Objective<br />

◆◆<br />

To improve city wide services for people with Disabilit<strong>ie</strong>s<br />

<strong>Action</strong><br />

◆◆ Create an inter-agency sub-group to develop an action plan

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