Review 2006 - 2008 Action Plan 2009 - 2012 - Dublin.ie

Review 2006 - 2008 Action Plan 2009 - 2012 - Dublin.ie

Review 2006 - 2008 Action Plan 2009 - 2012 - Dublin.ie


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<strong>Dublin</strong> City Development Board // <strong>Action</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>2009</strong> – <strong>2012</strong> | 29<br />

Local<br />

■■ Government policy for Development Boards<br />

■■ <strong>Dublin</strong> City Development Board “<strong>Dublin</strong> A City of Possibilit<strong>ie</strong>s”<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

<strong>Dublin</strong> City Council’s “Driving the Successful City”<br />

<strong>Dublin</strong> Chamber of Commerce “Imagine <strong>Dublin</strong> 2020”<br />

<strong>Dublin</strong> Visions<br />

The <strong>Dublin</strong> City Development Board has identif<strong>ie</strong>d the connectivity between the three main vision<br />

strateg<strong>ie</strong>s for the city area. These strateg<strong>ie</strong>s are directly related to each other and indicate an<br />

emerging citywide consensus as to the direction <strong>Dublin</strong> city must take in order to ach<strong>ie</strong>ve its<br />

potential as a world-class city for citizens and visitors alike.<br />

<strong>Dublin</strong> City<br />

Council<br />

“Driving the<br />

Successful City”<br />

<strong>Dublin</strong> City Development Board<br />

“City Of Possibilit<strong>ie</strong>s”<br />

<strong>Dublin</strong> Chamber of<br />

Commerce<br />

“Imagine <strong>Dublin</strong> 2020”<br />

Economic<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

City of Neighbourhoods<br />

Diverse and Inclusive city<br />

Connected and Informed City<br />

Integrated City<br />

Democratic and Participative City<br />

Safe City<br />

Moving and Accessible City<br />

Family Fr<strong>ie</strong>ndly City<br />

Health and Active City<br />

Cultural and Enjoyable City<br />

City Of Homes<br />

Learning City<br />

Enterprising City<br />

A Community Fr<strong>ie</strong>ndly City<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

A Knowledge City<br />

A Great European City<br />

A Highly Competitive City<br />

A well Governed City<br />

Social<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

City of Neighbourhoods<br />

Diverse and Inclusive city<br />

Connected and Informed City<br />

Integrated City<br />

Democratic and Participative city<br />

Safe City<br />

Moving and Accessible City<br />

Family Fr<strong>ie</strong>ndly City<br />

Health and Active City<br />

Cultural and Enjoyable City<br />

City Of Homes<br />

Learning City<br />

Enterprising City<br />

A Community Fr<strong>ie</strong>ndly City<br />

■■<br />

A Great European City<br />

Cultural<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

■■<br />

City of Neighbourhoods<br />

Diverse and Inclusive city<br />

Integrated City<br />

Cultural and Enjoyable City<br />

A Community Fr<strong>ie</strong>ndly City<br />

■■ Great European City

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