Rhythms Final Exam Study Guide Physical Fitness

Rhythms Final Exam Study Guide Physical Fitness

Rhythms Final Exam Study Guide Physical Fitness


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<strong>Rhythms</strong> <strong>Final</strong> <strong>Exam</strong> <strong>Study</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><br />

<strong>Physical</strong> <strong>Fitness</strong><br />

1. You should exercise in your target heart rate range for at least ___________ minutes to improve your<br />

aerobic condition.<br />

2. To be healthy, you should exercise ________ to ________ times a week.<br />

3. Your __________ ___________ is a good way to measure your intensity.<br />

4. List the 5 Health-Related <strong>Fitness</strong> Components<br />

5. Please indicate what fitness component do pushups improve<br />

6. Explain the difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercise.<br />

7. When you exercise within your ____________ ____________ _____________ range and strengthen your<br />

heart, you lower your ______________ _____________ ____________.<br />

8. Always use your first two fingers to take your pulse and never your _____________ because it has a pulse of<br />

it’s own.<br />

9. Indicate which fitness components are targeted with each of the 4 fitness days.<br />

10. What is the name of the pulse taken on the wrist<br />

11. What is the name of the pulse that is taken on the side of the neck<br />

12. Why is breathing so important in yoga<br />

13. Yoga is designed to improve what health fitness component<br />

14. Name 3 benefits of core workouts:<br />

15. Why is engaging your core important in yoga<br />

16. What three muscle groups should be focused on to develop a strong core

17. What benefit(s) does physical activity have on the heart<br />

18. What benefit(s) does physical activity have on the brain<br />

19. What is the typical beat count for our tinikling routines<br />

Please explain the following dance steps:<br />

20. cha cha<br />

21 jazz square<br />

22. step touch<br />

23. rock step<br />

24. Name at least 3 things that jumping rope will improve<br />

25. What exercise burns more calories per minute than any others<br />

26. Name 3 benefits of step aerobics.<br />

27. Name 3 ways to increase/decrease the intensity of your step aerobics workout.<br />

28. Name 5 stability ball exercises<br />

29. What are 3 benefits of using a stability ball for a core workout<br />

30. Name the 6 principle of Pilates.

31. The Pilates powerhouse refers to what 3 muscle groups _______________________________________<br />

32. What physical benefits should you expect from practicing Pilates on a regular basis<br />

33. What are 3 health benefits of a muscle endurance workout<br />

34. What is circuit training<br />

35. Muscle endurance gives you the physical ability to do what 2 things<br />

36. Give an example of a muscle endurance routine in terms of sets and repetitions.<br />

37. Zumba is inspired by what kind of dance<br />

38. Name the kinds of dance steps that are incorporated into zumba.<br />

39. Name the Yoga pose pictured.<br />

_______________ _____________ __________________ _______________ _______________<br />

_______________ ____________________ _________________ ______________ _____________

________________ __________________ ________________ ______________ ______________

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