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additional information - FGUA


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2012 Mad Hatter Utilities Acquisition<br />

The Florida Governmental Utility Authority (“<strong>FGUA</strong>”) acquired the Mad Hatter Utility, Inc. and Paradise<br />

Lakes, LLC Systems (“Mad Hatter”) on Friday, June 29. The <strong>FGUA</strong> is a government owned utility<br />

created under the provisions of Section 163.01, Florida Statutes, through an interlocal agreement<br />

among Citrus, Hendry, Lee, Pasco, Polk, and DeSoto Counties in Florida. The <strong>FGUA</strong> was created in<br />

1999 in part as a mechanism to move privately owned systems to public ownership, where a city or<br />

county is not in a position to do so.<br />

In 2007, Pasco County Commissioners, County Staff, and customers requested the <strong>FGUA</strong> target<br />

certain investor-owned utilities to determine whether acquisition of certain private utilities could be<br />

accomplished in a practical manner and under reasonable financial terms. In 2009, Mad Hatter was<br />

included in these “candidate” systems. In late 2011, Mad Hatter filed a rate increase letter with the<br />

Florida Public Service Commission seeking authorization of a substantial rate increase that, if<br />

passed, would have more than doubled customers’ bills. With the opportunity to transition the utility<br />

to public ownership and have more local control, and the prospect of much higher customer rates,<br />

the <strong>FGUA</strong> negotiated an agreement to purchase Mad Hatter from its current owner.<br />

In order to make the acquisition, the <strong>FGUA</strong> needed to raise rates to pay for the costs of acquisition,<br />

operations and improvements. However, the approved <strong>FGUA</strong> rates are less than rates filed with the<br />

Florida Public Service Commission by Mad Hatter. Rate <strong>information</strong> is provided throughout the FAQ<br />

section. For more <strong>information</strong>, please review the FAQ on the following pages or call the Pasco<br />

Customer Service Office at: 727-372-0115.

Mad Hatter Utilities – <strong>FGUA</strong> Acquisition FAQ<br />

Q: Who is the <strong>FGUA</strong><br />

A: The <strong>FGUA</strong> is a single-purpose local government created by Florida Statutes, focused on water<br />

and wastewater utility ownership, operation and management. The <strong>FGUA</strong> operates pursuant<br />

to Florida’s open government Sunshine laws like all other local governments, and has a<br />

record of full transparency in its business, and public accountability. The <strong>FGUA</strong> is known for<br />

ensuring utilities are brought to public standards by necessary improvements, full regulatory<br />

compliance, and a high level of customer service. It currently serves approximately 90,000<br />

customers in seven systems in four counties.<br />

Q. Why is this acquisition occurring<br />

A: In collaboration with Pasco County Government, the <strong>FGUA</strong> acquired Mad Hatter to assist<br />

Pasco County in easing the burden of a substantial rate increase, obtain more local control,<br />

and to help support future system growth and reliability in the County by providing system<br />

improvements and interconnections with Pasco County Utilities’ system. The <strong>FGUA</strong> purchase<br />

allows Pasco County to interconnect its system for future growth and acquire the system<br />

when it wishes in the future. The acquisition has been in the negotiation phase since 2009.<br />

The Mad Hatter System was purchased for $14 million.<br />

Q: How will customers benefit from the <strong>FGUA</strong>’s ownership<br />

A: Customers will benefit from <strong>FGUA</strong> ownership in several ways. Since the <strong>FGUA</strong> is a local<br />

government, customers have more direct influence over utility decisions such as rates,<br />

capital improvements, and service levels. Customers get all of the benefits that current <strong>FGUA</strong><br />

customers receive, including online bill pay, EZ-pay, public web-based access to all records,<br />

and quick response times to customer inquiries.<br />

<strong>FGUA</strong> Customers receive exceptional customer service from their utility. A survey was<br />

conducted earlier this year by an independent expert public opinion research firm to gauge<br />

customer satisfaction. A random, statistically valid sample of customers were interviewed by<br />

telephone, with 75% of respondents labeling the utility’s customer service as “good” or<br />

“excellent,” 92% of respondents stating they were “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with<br />

responses to emergencies and 91% of customers being “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with<br />

responses to maintenance requests.<br />

The <strong>FGUA</strong> works closely with other government agencies to ensure full regulatory compliance<br />

to provide safe drinking water for all customers. In addition, the <strong>FGUA</strong> will be making<br />

improvements to ensure better service reliability including adequate fire protection and that<br />

future demands on the system can be met.

Mad Hatter Utilities – <strong>FGUA</strong> Acquisition FAQ<br />

Q. What is the <strong>FGUA</strong> actively doing to engage the community<br />

A: The <strong>FGUA</strong> held five public meetings with community leaders and residents to answer<br />

questions, address their concerns, and provide an opportunity for full dialogue with the <strong>FGUA</strong><br />

prior to the acquisition. The <strong>FGUA</strong> has spoken to HOA leaders in the affected communities<br />

and mailed an April 13, 2012 letter introducing the <strong>FGUA</strong>, notifying residents of the pending<br />

Mad Hatter acquisition and public hearing process. The <strong>FGUA</strong> held a Special Masters<br />

Hearing on May 15 th at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Lutz, FL which was open to all<br />

customers and interested members of the community to provide public comment on the<br />

acquisition and proposed rate increases. The <strong>FGUA</strong> will give the opportunity to participate in<br />

a Utility Advisory Committee, a volunteer committee comprised of appointed customers that<br />

will review capital improvement activity, system rates, policies and procedures and customer<br />

service activities.<br />

Q. What is <strong>FGUA</strong>’s relationship with Pasco County Government<br />

A: The <strong>FGUA</strong> has a strong relationship with its host government, Pasco County. It is party to the<br />

Interlocal Agreement governing the <strong>FGUA</strong> and has a seat on the Board of Directors. The<br />

Board of County Commissioners reviewed and approved every step of the <strong>FGUA</strong>’s Mad Hatter<br />

Acquisition. In addition, the <strong>FGUA</strong> works closely with Pasco County Utilities on a number of<br />

initiatives, ranging from economical, joint bulk water and wastewater agreements to more<br />

cost effectively use utility facilities and local capital improvement projects to collaborative<br />

community outreach initiatives, including an annual school student poster contest. The <strong>FGUA</strong><br />

acts as an extension of Pasco County Utilities services.<br />

Q: What types of improvements will be occurring<br />

A: After thoroughly analyzing the system, the <strong>FGUA</strong> has identified $3.4 million in capital<br />

improvements needed to address regulatory compliance and future growth to the system.<br />

Improvements include: installing interconnections with Pasco County Utilities to ensure<br />

future service reliability and capacity, converting the disinfectant process from free chlorine<br />

to chloramines to be compatible with county-supplied water, installing SCADA (remote,<br />

electronic monitoring systems) at well sites, and rehabilitating lift stations. Details of the<br />

capital improvement projects will be more fully described to communities when they are to<br />


Mad Hatter Utilities – <strong>FGUA</strong> Acquisition FAQ<br />

Q: How much is my bill going to be after the acquisition<br />

A: Individual customer bills will vary depending on a number of factors including the customer’s<br />

meter size, water use, and the location within the Mad Hatter service area. Different<br />

locations have different rates due to the capital improvements and operations costs<br />

associated with the each area’s needs. A detailed schedule of proposed rates was included<br />

in a customer letter mailed, April 13, 2012 and was published in the Tampa Bay Times on<br />

April 21, 2012. This schedule will also be available on the <strong>FGUA</strong> website at www.fgua.com or<br />

by calling the <strong>FGUA</strong> Pasco Office at 727-372-0115.<br />

Q: How were the rates determined<br />

A: The rates were determined through careful analysis of operations, maintenance, capital<br />

improvement, as well as acquisition costs by an independent rate consultant. Rates were<br />

set at levels necessary to sell bonds at favorable interest rates. The <strong>FGUA</strong> Board of Directors<br />

approved the rates at a Public Hearing on Thursday, May 17.<br />

Q: When will the new rates take effect<br />

A: Bills were sent to customers in the Foxwood Community by Mad Hatter in mid-June. The next<br />

bill customers received in the Turtle Lake, Paradise Lakes, and Linda Lakes areas were sent<br />

from the <strong>FGUA</strong> but reflected the Mad Hatter rates. These bills were mailed in early July<br />

consistent with the previous owner’s billing schedule. The Mad Hatter rates are being applied<br />

for these bills because they are for meter reading cycles completed to <strong>FGUA</strong> ownership. The<br />

<strong>FGUA</strong> approved rates took effect for all bills rendered after this initial mailing.<br />

Q: Can you provide me with an example of what a typical bill l may look like<br />

A: As an example, tables are provided below to show what a residential customer who uses<br />

6,000 gallons of water and has a 5/8” meter could expect under the <strong>FGUA</strong> approved rates<br />

and under the filed Mad Hatter Public Service Commission increase request. A similar table<br />

was provided in an April 13, 2012 letter that was mailed to impacted customers.<br />

Service Area<br />

Previous<br />

Rates<br />

Mad Hatter<br />

Proposed Rates<br />

<strong>FGUA</strong><br />

Approved Rates<br />

Mad Hatter West 1 $51.28 $103.95 $89.29<br />

Mad Hatter East 2 $51.28 $103.95 $89.29<br />

Paradise Lakes $43.24 N/A $89.29<br />

Linda Lakes $62.29 $103.95 $89.29<br />

1<br />

Includes Foxwood and Cypress Cove developments<br />

2<br />

Includes Terra Bella, Twin Lakes, Turtle Lakes, Woodridge Highland Oaks,<br />

Carpenter's Run, and Oak Grove

Mad Hatter Utilities – <strong>FGUA</strong> Acquisition FAQ<br />

Base Charges<br />

Usage Charges 3<br />

Total<br />

Service Area Water Wastewater Water Wastewater (6,000 gallon usage)<br />

Mad Hatter West 1 $19.86 $15.67 $3.32 $5.64 $89.29<br />

Mad Hatter East 2 $19.86 $15.67 $3.32 $5.64 $89.29<br />

Linda Lakes $19.86 $15.67 $3.32 $5.64 $89.29<br />

Paradise Lakes (Residential) $19.86 $15.67 $3.32 $5.64 $89.29<br />

Paradise Lakes (Condos) $29.82 $32.59 - - $62.41<br />

Notes: Rate table assumes a residential dwelling with a 5/8" meter and 6,000 gallons of usage. Please see Notice of<br />

Public Hearing document for commerical rates, master metered rates, and other miscellanous fees.<br />

1<br />

Includes Foxwood and Cypress Cove developments<br />

2<br />

Includes Terra Bella, Twin Lakes, Turtle Lakes, Woodridge Highland Oaks, Carpenter's Run, and Oak Grove<br />

3<br />

Usage charges are per 1,000 gallons<br />

Q: Why such a sharp increase in the rates Could the <strong>FGUA</strong> phase the increases s gradually<br />

A: The rates for the increase must take effect in full immediately in order to cover the<br />

acquisition, critically needed system improvements, and bond financing. Without these initial<br />

increases, financing could not be obtained.<br />

Q: Why is the <strong>FGUA</strong>’s Consolidated System involved in the transaction<br />

A: The <strong>FGUA</strong> Consolidated System is being included in the transaction to secure favorable<br />

financing for both systems. The Consolidated System was originally financed by a short-term<br />

bank loan with a five-year maturity. By including the Consolidated System in the transaction,<br />

the <strong>FGUA</strong> is able to lock in long term favorable financing and a lower interest rate for that<br />

system as well as improving the marketability of Mad Hatter financing. As a result, the<br />

acquisition cost and overall impact to customers is reduced.<br />

Q: Does the <strong>FGUA</strong> gain a profit by purchasing and operating the system<br />

A: The <strong>FGUA</strong> did not pursue the system to make a profit. The <strong>FGUA</strong> is a government entity and<br />

does not earn a profit. Instead, the <strong>FGUA</strong> is focused on meeting critical water and wastewater<br />

utility needs in partnership with county government. The <strong>FGUA</strong> received support from Mad<br />

Hatter customers and county staff on an agreed purchase price of $14 million. The financing<br />

obtained by the <strong>FGUA</strong> provides funding to purchase the utility and to execute the Capital<br />

Improvement Plan, which is designed specifically to address water service and quality<br />

concerns and to improve customer service.<br />

Q: It appears that Mad Hatter Utilities, , Inc. is still in operation. Why is this<br />

A: The <strong>FGUA</strong> acquired four utility service areas from Mad Hatter located in Pasco County (Linda<br />

Lakes Groves, Paradise Lakes, Mad Hatter East and Mad Hatter West). However, Mad Hatter<br />

Utilities, Inc. still maintains and operates three system areas in Hillsborough County.

Mad Hatter Utilities – <strong>FGUA</strong> Acquisition FAQ<br />

Q: What payment options will be available to Mad Hatter Utility area customers<br />

A: The <strong>FGUA</strong> provides many payment options. Customers may make payment by mailing their<br />

payment to the <strong>FGUA</strong>, paying in person at the <strong>FGUA</strong> Pasco Customer Service Office, paying<br />

over the phone by credit card, paying by Electronic Funds Transfer using a banking account<br />

(EZ-Pay), paying online at the <strong>FGUA</strong> website at www.fgua.com, or by visiting any local Amscot<br />

location. EZ-Pay forms are available online at the <strong>FGUA</strong> website by clicking on the “Customer<br />

Center” link on the home page followed by clicking and downloading the “EZ-Pay<br />

Authorization Agreement.” Customers interested in making an online payment may click on<br />

the “Online Bill Pay” link, then on “Consolidated Customers” and then follow the instructions<br />

provided.<br />

Q: How will my customer service experience change as an <strong>FGUA</strong> customer<br />

A: The <strong>FGUA</strong>’s mission focuses on providing excellent water and wastewater utility service<br />

to its customers. In order to fulfill this mission, the <strong>FGUA</strong> Capital Improvement Plan<br />

includes a strong emphasis on public involvement and developing positive relationships<br />

with <strong>FGUA</strong> customers by increased communication with customers through community<br />

meetings and billing inserts, as well as providing a Community Service Representative<br />

team to address significant customer concerns.<br />

Q: What can consumers do if they have issues with their water quality or service<br />

A: Customers are encouraged to report any issue to the Pasco <strong>FGUA</strong> Utility Customer<br />

Service Office at (727) 372-0115.<br />

Q: How can I address my outstanding concerns<br />

A: Customers may call our Pasco County Customer Service Office at 727-372-0115 or visit the<br />

<strong>FGUA</strong> website at www.fgua.com. In addition, Customers interested in participating in the<br />

Mad Hatter Customer Committee may contact Matt Rihs, Community Service Representative,<br />

at (727) 372-0115, x330.

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