Spotswood Prospectus 2013 - AllTeams

Spotswood Prospectus 2013 - AllTeams

Spotswood Prospectus 2013 - AllTeams


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S P O R T S & O U T D O O R A C T I V I T I E S<br />

<strong>Spotswood</strong> College offers a full range<br />

of conventional school sports and<br />

some which are less conventional.<br />

Participation in sport provides an<br />

avenue for physical and social<br />

interaction outside of the classroom.<br />

* Athletics * Rugby<br />

* Badminton * Skiing/<br />

* Basketball Snowboarding<br />

* Canoe Polo * Soccer<br />

* Cricket * Softball<br />

* Equestrian * Surfing<br />

* Golf * Swimming<br />

* Hockey * Touch<br />

* Inline Hockey * Volleyball<br />

* League * Waka Ama<br />

* Netball * Yachting<br />

A great variety of sports opportunities<br />

is also offered by the Taranaki<br />

Secondary Schools Sports Association<br />

including:<br />

* BMX<br />

* Golf<br />

* Gymnastics<br />

* Indoor Rowing<br />

* Motocross<br />

* Mountain biking<br />

* Orienteering<br />

* Rogaine<br />

* Small Bore Rifle shooting<br />

* Squash<br />

* Surf lifesaving<br />

* Ten Pin Bowling<br />

* Triathlon<br />

Other sports opportunities are<br />

HERTZ Athletics – local competition<br />

events throughout New Zealand or<br />

North Island.<br />

Hapu/House Sports<br />

This is a keenly contested sporting<br />

competition which runs throughout<br />

the year in a huge number of sports<br />

and activities including Netball,<br />

Soccer and Volleyball.<br />

Outdoor Education<br />

Students may also participate in<br />

Outdoor Education Camps –<br />

* Year 10 TSB TOPEC<br />

* Years 12/13 Outward Bound/<br />

Spirit of Adventure<br />

* Year 13 Leadership Camps<br />

School Sports Exchanges<br />

<strong>Spotswood</strong> College has Sports<br />

Exchanges with other schools -<br />

both local and international.<br />

12<br />

P R O S P E C T U S 2 0 1 3

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