Session 4 - Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC

Session 4 - Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC

Session 4 - Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC


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UNITED STATES: 1908-1910 Washington-Franklin Issue, DL Watermark<br />

1908-1910 Washington-Franklin Issue, DL Watermark<br />

Ex 3436 3437 3438<br />

3436 / 1908, 1¢-$1 Wash ing ton-Frank lins com plete (331-342), o.g., #340 is never hinged, at trac tive set with<br />

won der ful col ors, a se lect group with many well cen tered, F.-V.F. Scott $1,295. Estimate $500 - 750<br />

3437 1908, 2¢ car mine (332), o.g., never hinged (gum crease), match less GEM top mar gin part im print sin gle,<br />

enor mous JUMBO mar gins and fab u lous rich color, with out ques tion the fin est we have ever of fered, de serv ing<br />

place ment in the fin est col lec tion; perf disc in dent, Su perb; 2013 P.S.E. cer tif i cate. Scott $15.<br />

Estimate $200 - 300<br />

3438 1908, 8¢ ol ive green (337), left mar gin sin gle with part im print, o.g., never hinged, fab u lous Post Of fice<br />

fresh stamp with vivid color, Very Fine. Scott $105. Estimate $75 - 100<br />

3439 3440 3441<br />

3439 1909, 50¢ vi o let (341), top plate num ber sin gle, o.g., stamp never hinged, lightly hinged in sel vage only,<br />

de sir able ex am ple with deep rich color and sharp clear im pres sion, an elu sive never hinged high value stamp,<br />

F.-V.F. Scott $700. Estimate $300 - 400<br />

3440 1909, 50¢ vi o let (341), o.g., pre vi ously hinged, gor geous deep rich color, an ex qui site ex am ple, Very<br />

Fine. Scott $300. Estimate $150 - 200<br />

3441 1909, $1 vi o let brown (342), o.g., very lightly hinged, in tense color and de tailed im pres sion, F.-V.F.<br />

Scott $500. Estimate $200 - 300<br />

<strong>Daniel</strong> F. <strong>Kelleher</strong> <strong>Auctions</strong> <strong>LLC</strong> www.kelleherauctions.com Sale 639 - Sep. 20, 2013 173

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