Session 4 - Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC

Session 4 - Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC

Session 4 - Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC


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UNITED STATES: 1851 Issue<br />

3126<br />

3127 3128<br />

3126 1855, 10¢ green, type I (13), light black town can cel la tion, gor geous large margined ex am ple, with fan -<br />

tas tic rich color, re mark ably choice pre mium qual ity stamp, Very Fine to Ex tremely Fine; 1997 P.F. cer tif i cate. Scott<br />

$900. Estimate $750 - 1,000<br />

3127 1855, 10¢ green, type I (13), light black town can cel la tion, hand some ex am ple with lively bright shade, a<br />

pretty stamp; slight crease along bot tom right cor ner, oth er wise Very Fine. Scott $900. Estimate $400 - 600<br />

3128 1855, 10¢ green, type II (14), left mar gin sin gle, po si tion 71R1E, neatly struck New York Ocean mail can -<br />

cel la tion, out stand ing color and im pres sion, show ing wide sel vage, a mar vel ous item for the 10 cent 1855 spe cial -<br />

ist, Very Fine; 1993 P.F. cer tif i cate. Scott $160. Estimate $200 - 300<br />

3129<br />

3130<br />

3129 1855, 10¢ green, type II (14), hor i zon tal pair, lightly struck black town can cel la tion, fresh and ap peal ing<br />

mul ti ple with in tense color, very pretty, F.-V.F. Scott $350. Estimate $250 - 350<br />

3130 1855, 10¢ green, type III (15), neat black town can cel la tion, sen sa tional GEM qual ity ex am ple, with<br />

board walk mar gins and bril liant color, just a great stamp, Ex tremely Fine to Su perb; 2012 P.S.E. cer tif i cate graded<br />

XF-SUP-95, 1 of 54 ex am ples to achieve this im pres sive grade. SMQ $725. Scott $160. Estimate $500 - 750<br />

3131 1855, 10¢ green, type III (15), am ple to large mar gins, tied by par tial strike of “PAID” in grid on small cover<br />

ad dressed to Mon treal Can ada, red “BOSTON” post mark and match ing “UNITED STATES” in oval ex change mark<br />

at bot tom left; proper tran sit marks; stamp with triv ial edge flaws at bot tom, cover with faint ton ing at cen ter from wax<br />

seal, F.-V.F. Estimate $150 - 200<br />

<strong>Daniel</strong> F. <strong>Kelleher</strong> <strong>Auctions</strong> <strong>LLC</strong> www.kelleherauctions.com Sale 639 - Sep. 20, 2013 107

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