Session 4 - Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC

Session 4 - Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC

Session 4 - Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC


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UNITED STATES: 1851 Issue<br />

3105 3106 3107 3108<br />

3105 1851, 1¢ blue, type IIIa (8A), neat black can cel la tion, bril liant bright shade, a flaw less ex am ple with nice<br />

eye ap peal, Fine. Scott $900. Estimate $350 - 500<br />

3106 1852, 1¢ blue, type IV (9), po si tion 89L1L, o.g., hinged, amaz ing large margined ex am ple, with lively<br />

bright color, a flaw less top qual ity stamp, Ex tremely Fine; 2013 P.S.E. cer tif i cate. Scott $750.<br />

Estimate $750 - 1,000<br />

3107 1852, 1¢ blue, type IV (9), neat blue grid can cel la tion, ex traor di nary ex am ple with cap ti vat ing deep rich<br />

color, a very ap peal ing top qual ity stamp, Ex tremely Fine to Su perb; 2011 P.S.E. cer tif i cate graded XF-SUP-95.<br />

SMQ $675. Scott $105. Estimate $400 - 600<br />

3108 1852, 1¢ blue, type IV (9), top right cor ner mar gin pair, neat black "New York, Aug. 1" c.d.s., out stand ing<br />

GEM qual ity pair, with won der fully rich color, spec tac u lar show piece wor thy of place ment in the fin est col lec tion;<br />

cor ner crease in mar gin at bot tom right and small in ter nal crease, oth er wise Su perb; 2013 P.S.E. cer tif i cate. Scott<br />

$240. Estimate $500 - 750<br />

3109 1851, 3¢ or ange brown, type I (10), light blue town can cel, and “Man In The Hat” inked over vi gnette,<br />

con tem po rary with the is sue, but was drawn at an in de ter mi nate time af ter re ceipt of the cover bear ing the stamp,<br />

out stand ing ex am ple of this pop u lar and rarely of fered fancy re mark ing, an eye catch ing show piece for the ex hib i tor<br />

or spe cial ist of the three cent 1851 is sue, Fine; 2009 P.F. certificate. Scott $200. Estimate $500 - 750<br />

3110 1851, 3¢ or ange brown, type II (10A), o.g., pre vi ously hinged, ab so lutely stun ning ex am ple of this im -<br />

mense rare and un der val ued stamp, fea tur ing bal anced mar gins and bold prooflike color, as fresh and choice as<br />

the first day it was is sued over 160 years ago, de serv ing place ment in a col lec tion of dis tinc tion, as you won't find<br />

one much better than this, Very Fine to Ex tremely Fine; 1985 and 2012 P.F. cer tif i cates. Scott $3,250.<br />

Estimate $3,000 - 4,000<br />

<strong>Daniel</strong> F. <strong>Kelleher</strong> <strong>Auctions</strong> <strong>LLC</strong> www.kelleherauctions.com Sale 639 - Sep. 20, 2013 103

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