Session 4 - Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC

Session 4 - Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC

Session 4 - Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC


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UNITED STATES: Postage Due<br />

3769 3770 3771<br />

3769 Reg is try, 1911, 10¢ ul tra ma rine (F1), im pres sive bot tom mar gin part im print sin gle, o.g., never hinged,<br />

ex tremely large mar gins and won der ful deep rich color, Very Fine. Scott $175. Estimate $150 - 200<br />

Postage Due<br />

3770 Post age Due, 1879, 2¢ brown (J2), o.g., never hinged, at trac tive ex am ple with bril liant color, in a won -<br />

der ful state of pres er va tion, Very Fine; 1985 A.P.S. cer tif i cate. Scott $1,100. Estimate $600 - 800<br />

3771 Post age Due, 1879, 2¢ brown (J2), o.g., never hinged, at trac tive ex am ple with breath tak ing fresh color,<br />

an im mac u late mint stamp in a won der ful state of pres er va tion, 134 years old and still look ing good, F.-V.F.; pho to -<br />

copy of 1997 P.F. cer tif i cate for block of 4, from which this stamp was taken, this be ing the lower right stamp from the<br />

block. Scott $1,100. Estimate $350 - 500<br />

Special Printings<br />

3772 () Post age Due, 1879, 2¢ deep brown, Spe cial Print ing (J9), un used with -<br />

out gum, de cent ex am ple of this rarely of fered stamp, with cap ti vat ing rich color and<br />

finely de tailed im pres sion; thin ning at bot tom, oth er wise Fine, a great rar ity of which<br />

only 1,361 were sold; 1972 and 2013 P.F. cer tif i cates. Scott $19,000 for o.g.<br />

Estimate $5,000 - 7,500<br />

3772<br />

3773 Post age Due, 1879, 5¢ deep brown, Spe cial Print ing (J11), small part<br />

o.g., hand some ex am ple of this ex tremely elu sive five cent 1875 Spe cial Print ing, nicely<br />

cen tered with ster ling color, a won der ful rep re sen ta tion of this is sue; per fo ra tions trimmed<br />

away at top, oth er wise F.-V.F.; 2002 P.S.E. and 2013 P.F. cer tif i cates. Scott $15,000.<br />

Estimate $4,000 - 6,000<br />

3773<br />

<strong>Daniel</strong> F. <strong>Kelleher</strong> <strong>Auctions</strong> <strong>LLC</strong> www.kelleherauctions.com Sale 639 - Sep. 20, 2013 245

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