Session 4 - Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC

Session 4 - Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC

Session 4 - Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC


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UNITED STATES: 1847 Issue<br />

3060 3061 3062<br />

3063<br />

3060 1847, 5¢ red brown (1), gor geous blue Syr a cuse town can cel la tion, choice ex am ple with tre men dous<br />

eye ap peal, col ored can cel could be the scarcer ul tra ma rine post mark, but we're fig ur ing it as the more com mon<br />

blue can cel, Fine. Scott $550. Estimate $250 - 350<br />

3061 1847, 5¢ red brown (1), twice struck blue nu meral "5" can cel la tion, fab u lous ap pear ing ex am ple, with<br />

out stand ing rich color and nicely bal anced mar gins; tiny crease along bot tom left cor ner, oth er wise Very Fine. Scott<br />

$460. Estimate $200 - 300<br />

3062 1847, 5¢ red brown (1), bril liant red grid can cel la tion, gor geous sharp early im pres sion, a very pretty<br />

stamp; tiny crease along top left cor ner, oth er wise Very Fine. Scott $425. Estimate $200 - 300<br />

3063 1847, 5¢ red brown (1), ver ti cal pair, choice red square grid can cel la tions, ex traor di nary top qual ity mul -<br />

ti ple, ver ti cal pairs are much scarcer than hor i zon tal pairs, a won der ful show piece with rav ish ing rich color, Very<br />

Fine; 2009 P.S.A.G. cer tif i cate graded VF-80. Scott $1,000. Estimate $750 - 1,000<br />

3064 3065 3066 3067<br />

3064 1847, 5¢ red brown (1), right mar gin hor i zon tal pair, light red can cel la tions, de sir able po si tion piece<br />

show ing wide sheet mar gin, a choice mul ti ple for the 1857 spe cial ist or plater; light ver ti cal pre-print ing pa per<br />

crease be tween the two stamps at bot tom cen ter, af fects both stamps, Fine. Scott $1,000. Estimate $400 - 600<br />

3065 1847, 5¢ red brown, dou ble trans fer (type “B”) (1 var.), po si tion 90R1, show ing dou ble trans fer of top<br />

and bot tom frame lines, with ad di tional plate bruise in left mar gin, light red grid can cel la tion, F.-V.F. Scott $600.<br />

Estimate $400 - 600<br />

3066 1847, 5¢ red brown, dou ble trans fer (type “B”) (1 var.), po si tion 90R1, show ing dou ble trans fer of top<br />

and bot tom frame lines, light red French tran sit post mark, eye catch ing ex am ple clearly show ing dou bling of frame<br />

line at bot tom, with a rarely seen post mark on this is sue; deep thin spot, Very Fine ap pear ance. Scott $600.<br />

Estimate $400 - 600<br />

3067 1847, 5¢ red brown, dou ble trans fer (type “B”) (1 var.), po si tion 90R1, show ing dou ble trans fer of top<br />

and bot tom frame lines, light blue and light ened manu script can cel la tions, an im pres sive wide sheet mar gin sin gle;<br />

light pa per wrin kles, oth er wise Fine. Scott $230. Estimate $200 - 300<br />

<strong>Daniel</strong> F. <strong>Kelleher</strong> <strong>Auctions</strong> <strong>LLC</strong> www.kelleherauctions.com Sale 639 - Sep. 20, 2013 95

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