Session 4 - Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC

Session 4 - Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC

Session 4 - Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, LLC


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UNITED STATES: 1847 Issue<br />

1847 Issue<br />

Postal History<br />

3029<br />

3029 1847, 5¢ red brown (1), sin gle, large mar gins all around, tied by neat blue cir cu lar grid can cel on brown<br />

en ve lope with match ing Potts Ville Pa. post mark, ad dressed to Freeland Pa, nice shade and im pres sion; small light<br />

bend at right of stamp, Very Fine. Estimate $750 - 1,000<br />

3030 1847, 5¢ brown (1), sin gle, large mar gins ex cept touch ing at top, red grid can cel and match ing Chicopee<br />

Ms post mark on em bossed la dies cover ad dressed to North Fos ter RI, Very Fine, ex “Elite” sale (Duane Garrett).<br />

Estimate $750 - 1,000<br />

3030<br />

3031 3032<br />

3031 1847, 5¢ red brown (1), hor i zon tal pair, am ple to large mar gins ex cept touch ing along bot tom frame line,<br />

right stamp is dou ble trans fer type B, tied by black cir cu lar grids on with “LOUISVILLE KY 10” post mark with in te -<br />

gral rate ad dressed to Phil a del phia PA; light file folds at cen ter, one through post mark, Very Fine; 2011 Weiss photo<br />

cer tif i cate. Scott $1,150. Estimate $500 - 750<br />

3032 1847, 5¢ red brown (1), sin gle, dark red brown shade, am ple to large mar gins, tied by red square grid<br />

can cel on 1848 folded let ter with match ing New-York post mark, ad dressed to New Ha ven, stamp with ex cel lent<br />

sharp crisp im pres sion, Ex tremely Fine. Estimate $500 - 750<br />

90 <strong>Daniel</strong> F. <strong>Kelleher</strong> <strong>Auctions</strong> <strong>LLC</strong> info@kelleherauctions.com Sale 639 - Sep. 20, 2013

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