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transition in this decade and by 2025 its<br />

population will start contracting from a peak<br />

of about 1.5 billion people.<br />

China will have achieved its demographic<br />

transition in 60 years or three generations,<br />

which is a tremendous accomplishment given<br />

the size of its population. This shows that<br />

legislating population control and openly<br />

enforcing it is a very effective way to fight the<br />

population explosion.<br />

But there are drawbacks to China’s method of combating population growth.<br />

consequences of China’s One-Child Policy are as follows:<br />

The negative<br />

<br />

police state enforcement<br />

To ensure compliance draconian measures have been used especially in the countryside<br />

where the authorities have forced women to abort and have even demolished the homes<br />

of peasants who have had a third child. Even though rural Chinese are allowed two<br />

children (if their first-born is a daughter or suffers from physical disability, mental illness<br />

or mental retardation), whereas urban Chinese are allowed only one, the policy meets<br />

with greater opposition in the countryside than in the cities. Pregnancy without a birth<br />

permit is considered “out-of-plan” and therefore illegal. The One-Child Policy is in great<br />

part responsible for China’s police state and its massive and rigid bureaucracy. Local<br />

governments direct officials to punish non-compliance with heavy fines, termed “social<br />

maintenance fees” (shehui fuyang fei), which force many couples to choose between<br />

undergoing an unwanted abortion and incurring a fine much greater than the average<br />

annual income. Children may go without a household registration (hukou) because they<br />


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