
Dialog Dialog


January 2011 Magazine for customers of elero GmbH and those interested in the company inducing Interview with Rainer Kunz: Proactive approach to the upturn page 4 inspiring New generation of bidirectional controls: “ProLine 2” portfolio expanded page 12 inclinable Product quiz: Take part and win! page 19 „dialog

January 2011<br />

Magazine for customers of elero GmbH and those interested in the company<br />

inducing Interview with Rainer Kunz:<br />

Proactive approach to the upturn<br />

page 4<br />

inspiring New generation of bidirectional controls:<br />

“ProLine 2” portfolio expanded<br />

page 12<br />

inclinable Product quiz:<br />

Take part and win!<br />

page 19<br />


Content<br />

Editorial<br />

marketplace<br />

••• donations to charity ••• Westerwelle in Uruguay •••<br />

inducing<br />

inducing<br />

Editorial<br />

Dear Reader,<br />

elero supports charitable causes<br />

marketplace:<br />

News | 3<br />

Interview with Rainer Kunz:<br />

Proactive approach to the upturn | 4<br />

Three facts when it comes to saving energy:<br />

Less CO2 thanks to modern sun protection | 5<br />

High-quality products, “Made in Germany”<br />

and first-class service – this is<br />

what our customers worldwide appreciate<br />

about elero. Likewise is the<br />

fact that we always establish a dialog<br />

tières (MSF), which provides emergency<br />

medical aid in war regions and following<br />

natural disasters. “We have decided to<br />

support MSF because it is represented<br />

worldwide and we as a global company<br />

elero USA: Unperturbed by the hot desert sand | 6<br />

with our customers on equal terms.<br />

also want to help at international level.<br />

elero Switzerland: Barrier-free accommodation – full of drive | 7<br />

This is also the aim of our customer<br />

On the other hand, we would like to<br />

elero Germany: Lots of light for bright minds –<br />

sun protection for Dußlingen public library | 8<br />

elero Latinoamérica: elero technology moves doors and<br />

grilles at Montevideo Airport | 7<br />

inspiring<br />

Quality put to the test: Optimized production process for<br />

venetian blind drives and DIN test benches set standards | 10<br />

New generation of bidirectional controls:<br />

“ProLine 2” portfolio expanded | 12<br />

Overview drives: The very heart of automation | 14<br />

Affected by the weather – luckily: Sensors an in-demand aid | 16<br />

magazine “dialog”, the first English<br />

language version of which you now<br />

have in your hands.<br />

“dialog” is not an advertising brochure. Rather we wish to<br />

provide you with the latest background information on<br />

relevant topics of great concern to the international roller<br />

shutter and sun protection industry – regardless of whether<br />

or not these involve elero products and services.<br />

In the current issue, the topic of energy efficiency plays an<br />

From the budget for Christmas presents elero is<br />

supporting “Médecins Sans Frontières” and the<br />

German child protection association Deutscher<br />

Kinderschutzbund this year.<br />

In 2009 elero donated the budget foreseen<br />

for Christmas presents to the<br />

German child protection association<br />

Deutscher Kinderschutzbund. This met<br />

with such a positive response from customers<br />

and partners that a good cause is<br />

also to be supported in 2010.<br />

continue with our current commitment,”<br />

explains Rainer Kunz, Managing Director<br />

of elero. A further 5,000 euros are therefore<br />

being donated to the “Hängebrücke”<br />

project of Deutscher Kinderschutzbund.<br />

In addition, many employees have decided<br />

to participate in the “Christmas in<br />

a shoe-box” campaign, packaging toys,<br />

school utensils, clothes and sweets as<br />

presents. Thanks to their aid, children<br />

Many employees participated in the “Christmas in a<br />

shoe-box” campaign.<br />

In case of questions or comments, please<br />

contact the relevant elero office or repre-<br />

inclinable<br />

Find the right drive with just 10 mouse clicks:<br />

Free software simplifies product selection | 18<br />

Product quiz: Take part and win! | 19<br />

Dates and events | 19<br />

important role. For with the right products the users of automated<br />

roller shutters and sun protection can, for example,<br />

save 111 metric tons of CO 2 in Europe alone – an enormous<br />

potential, and one which the governments of virtually all<br />

the EU countries have now discovered.<br />

This year a donation of 5,000 euros is<br />

being made to Médecins Sans Fron-<br />

living in poverty in countries such as<br />

Georgia, Moldavia and Romania can now<br />

look forward to Christmas.<br />

sentation:<br />

elero.com<br />

Article contains<br />

audio files<br />

Article contains<br />

video files<br />

3 17<br />

5 19<br />

Article contains<br />

photo files<br />

Article contains<br />

links and downloads<br />

Yet one thing is true not only when it comes to the subject<br />

of energy efficiency: The better we are able to convince a<br />

customer of the concrete benefits of a product for his individual<br />

needs, the greater the chance of sealing a business<br />

deal. We intend to take up this challenge together with<br />

you – and with “dialog” we are providing a small but vital<br />

building block for your sales success.<br />

I wish you lots of reading pleasure!<br />

Rainer Kunz, managing director elero GmbH,<br />

CEO Günther Group<br />

Westerwelle promotes Uruguay<br />

Investments in emerging markets have<br />

long since ceased to be an insider<br />

tip. The focus is on countries such as<br />

China, India and Brazil. Among foreign<br />

investors a South American state has to<br />

date been somewhat unknown, often<br />

tending to be overshadowed by its big<br />

neighbours – Uruguay. In the framework<br />

of his South American trip with a business<br />

delegation in March foreign minister Guido<br />

Westerwelle paid a visit to the secondsmallest<br />

country in South America so as<br />

to draw attention to it as an investment<br />

location. Also invited to the reception<br />

given by the delegation in the German<br />

Embassy was elero branch manager Paul<br />

Riezler. Since 2006 the company has been<br />

taking care of South American customers<br />

at local level – with a positive response:<br />

Automation of roller shutters and sun<br />

protection is in demand, and a reduction<br />

in cooling energy is increasingly coming<br />

to the fore as a sales argument. Although<br />

the country is still in its infancy when it<br />

comes to energy efficiency, it would like<br />

to reduce its energy imports in the future<br />

and increase the proportion of renewable<br />

energies. An excellent outlook for the Suntracking<br />

business area, which elero began<br />

developing two years ago.<br />

German foreign minister Guido Westerwelle (with interpreter<br />

Simone Hess) at the reception in the Germany<br />

Embassy in Montevideo. His goal: Intensification<br />

of the relationships between Germany and Uruguay.<br />

2 3<br />

Source: German Embassy Montevideo

Interview with Rainer Kunz<br />

Proactive approach to the upturn<br />

Three facts when it comes to saving energy<br />

Less CO 2 thanks to modern sun protection<br />

inducing<br />

The roller shutter and sun protection<br />

industry can look forward to<br />

the future with optimism again –<br />

Refurbishment boom<br />

“Demand for energy-saving refurbish-<br />

Wiederaufbau (KfW) is offering favorable<br />

loans for the purchase and installation<br />

of wired and radio-controlled drives. The<br />

this has also been confirmed by the most<br />

ment is rising. Yet according to a Forsa<br />

only problem is: Hardly anybody knows<br />

recent business confidence index. Which<br />

study only 27 % know that they can save<br />

this. Specialist installation firms should,<br />

factors will affect the upward trend in<br />

energy with automated roller shutters.<br />

therefore, point out this possibility to<br />

the coming year are explained by Rainer<br />

Our task, therefore, is that of conveying<br />

their customers at all costs.”<br />

Kunz, Managing Director elero GmbH<br />

the idea that automation is an “absolute<br />

and CEO of the Günther Group, using a<br />

necessity” in the framework of optimum<br />

“Smart Home”<br />

number of keywords.<br />

refurbishment for future energy savings.<br />

But the arguments that have proved suc-<br />

“Controlling sun protection at home from<br />

Demographic change<br />

cessful to date with constructors are not<br />

the workplace using a smart phone –<br />

sufficient here. Additional benefits such<br />

does anybody really want this Who<br />

“The demographic change which impacts<br />

as an appreciation in the value of the real<br />

wants to think about his roller shutters<br />

on our industry is nothing new – take<br />

estate and preparation for old age have<br />

when he is away from home Every<br />

More than 40 % of global energy consumption is accounted for by the use of<br />

barrier-freedom for example. Once<br />

dimensioned buttons was the basic<br />

requirement, now we have to provide<br />

to come to the fore to a greater extent.”<br />

State aid as a sales argument<br />

product has to measure up in terms not<br />

only of its usability, but also of in terms<br />

of its practical relevance and meaningful<br />

buildings – and about half of this consumption results from heating and cooling.<br />

What many people do not know: The simple use of modern sun protection sys -<br />

tems could reduce the amount of CO 2 required for energy consumption in<br />

Thanks to automated sun protection systems in<br />

winter it is nice and warm indoors and in summer<br />

pleasantly cool.<br />

“simplicity” with different control options<br />

benefits – technical innovations that only<br />

Europe by a total of 111 metric tons, according to the ESCORP-EU25 study<br />

suitable for our customers needs. Intui-<br />

“The government’s economic stimulus<br />

thrill the manufacturer’s technicians are<br />

by the Physibel-Institute Maldegem in Belgium.<br />

tive operation, reliable systems and clear<br />

programs are coming to an end, yet there<br />

of no real help to the industry nor, above<br />

functions are the primary demands being<br />

is still funding for energy-saving buil-<br />

all, to our customers.”<br />

made on building technology.”<br />

ding measures. Thus, Kreditanstalt für<br />

Intelligent architecture<br />

“What is still a future dream with private<br />

Fact 1: Optimum room climate whatever<br />

sun protection decreases this proportion<br />

residential properties, and will probably<br />

the season<br />

to 30 %, while exterior sun protection to<br />

remain so in the medium term, is some-<br />

5 % – A huge saving! Thus the operating<br />

thing that has already firmly established<br />

A lot of glass is used in modern architec-<br />

costs for an air-conditioning system can<br />

itself in the commercial property sector:<br />

ture. Yet this material easily conducts heat<br />

be reduced considerably – and not only in<br />

The intelligent façade with a sun protec-<br />

outdoors on cold winter days. Vice versa,<br />

southern Europe. In most cases a smaller<br />

tion system that takes into account wind<br />

the sunlight warms up rooms to a consi-<br />

and more cost effective unit is sufficient.<br />

and weather, and automatically ensures<br />

derable degree in summer – heat builds<br />

optimum lighting levels – and thus the<br />

up. With automatically controlled sun<br />

Fact 3: Noticeably lower heating costs<br />

optimization of energy consumption.<br />

Controls for entire properties such as the<br />

protection it is possible to regulate the<br />

amount of solar energy entering a room –<br />

In winter for example, a closed sun<br />

The simple use of modern sun protection systems<br />

could reduce the amount of CO2 in Europe.<br />

Objecta from elero and the cross-industry<br />

and thus create a pleasant room climate<br />

protection system creates a cushion of<br />

interface standard SMI are examples of<br />

whatever the season.<br />

air between the system and the window<br />

intelligent architecture. A lot more is still<br />

pane – this does not conduct heat well<br />

possible – and I am certain that we will<br />

Fact 2: Lower costs for air-conditioning units<br />

and is reflected even better by the sun<br />

see further innovations in this area that<br />

protection system. Ensuring not only that<br />

truly make a difference to the industry.<br />

Without modern sun protection systems<br />

it is pleasantly warm inside, but also that<br />

Without a smart phone in sight.”<br />

roughly 60 % of the solar energy pene-<br />

10 % less heating energy is required – and<br />

4<br />

Rainer Kunz, managing director elero GmbH, CEO Günther Group.<br />

trates the window pane. Interior reflective<br />

that saves money.<br />


elero USA<br />

Unperturbed by the hot desert sand<br />

elero Switzerland<br />

Barrier-free accommodation – Full of drive<br />

inducing<br />

“Tepary bean eaters” – this is the translation of the name of the Papago tribe which<br />

once resided in the southern area of what is now the US state of Arizona. The staple diet<br />

of the Papago was legumes, the only vegetables that grew in the desert region. Today a<br />

modern research and office centre close to the capital Phoenix reminds us of the native<br />

Effective sun protection is afforded<br />

by a louver façade which surrounds<br />

the 223,000 square meter building:<br />

The some 2,700 slats are automated<br />

Source: Nyffenegger<br />

Source: Nyffenegger<br />

inhabitants: The Papago Gateway Center. Just like its eponym, the complex has found a<br />

and track the course of the sun. Linear<br />

way of dealing with the intense heat – thanks to the use of elero linear actuators.<br />

actuators of the type Econom 0 move the<br />

slats in groups of ten precisely in accor-<br />

Source: Colt International<br />

dance with the signals from the control.<br />

Although they are weather-resistant and<br />

rust-proof thanks to their stainless steel<br />

casing, as a result of the major sandstorms<br />

they were integrated into the vertical<br />

girder profiles. Alongside shading tasks<br />

The retirement home “Au Lac” comprises four buildings<br />

with a total of 67 barrier-free apartments.<br />

Source: elero<br />

the linear actuators also have other jobs<br />

to perform: The louver slats move each<br />

morning and evening for about two hours<br />

in line with commands from a special program<br />

and “paint” pictures and ornaments<br />

on the façade.<br />

Composite venetian blinds and colored vertical awnings bring a sense of vibrancy to the façade – automation<br />

ensures security.<br />

The central control Objecta has separate channels<br />

and is able to move the sun protection independently<br />

for each façade. At the same time it may also<br />

be controlled manually.<br />

Remaining mobile and independent<br />

in old age is aspired by many people<br />

– and this is no longer unattai-<br />

The residential home comprises of four<br />

buildings arranged in a quadrangle: On the<br />

ground floor there is a restaurant, fitness<br />

controls issue a command to open/close<br />

blinds or extend/retract awnings. This<br />

takes place separately for each façade as<br />

nable. The so-called “best agers” are active<br />

center and various medical practices. One<br />

Objecta has four separate channels for the<br />

and enjoy their retirement to the full. This<br />

floor above this everything is oriented<br />

analysis of the weather conditions.<br />

trend is increasingly also being recognized<br />

towards seniors requiring care. The three<br />

A façade with some 2,700 automated slats encompasses the major office complex.<br />

Linear actuators of the type Econom 0 move the slats.<br />

by retirement homes – for example by the<br />

upper floors accommodate 67 barrier-free<br />

Additionally, the sun protection is cen-<br />

senior citizens’ residence Au Lac in Biel,<br />

apartments: These may be accessed by<br />

tralized in groups with the aid of DIN-rail<br />

Some interesting facts<br />

Switzerland.<br />

The residence is located in the immediate<br />

vicinity of Lake Biel, and its central location<br />

wheelchairs, and are<br />

fitted with modern<br />

building technology<br />

Modern building technology –<br />

barrier-freedom would be unthinkable without this<br />

mounted<br />

control units<br />

(REG) and is<br />

such as fire protection and emergency thus able to react specifically for each<br />

integrates the residents directly into the<br />

alarms.<br />

storey. The benefit of REG: These are ac-<br />

events in the town. Aluminum and glass<br />

commodated in a compact switch cabinet<br />

transport brings life into the architecture<br />

Centrally controlled – by façade, storey or<br />

and thus do not disrupt either the overall<br />

Tempe<br />

of the building: The façade is characterized<br />

by the pattern created by the offset alumi-<br />

manually<br />

appearance or the sensitive operation of<br />

the retirement home.<br />

Arizona – “The Grand Canyon State”<br />

num grid, which, together with the warm<br />

colors of the window panes behind this<br />

construction, ensures a harmonious façade<br />

Another point of focus for the planners:<br />

Sun protection. Two “Objecta” central<br />

controls have been used – one for the<br />

In the apartments the residents can also<br />

regulate the venetian blinds themselves.<br />

This state is not just a popular tourist designation because of its famous sights – its varied countryside ranges from deserts<br />

with the appearance of considerable<br />

composite venetian blinds and one for the<br />

Independence and security are not only to<br />

to snow-capped mountains. And with its mixture of Spanish influences and the legacy of the native inhabitants Arizona is<br />

depth. The large windows are protected by<br />

vertical awnings. Connected to these are<br />

the fore in the residential concept, but also<br />

typical of the south-western USA.<br />

colored vertical awnings and composite<br />

transparent sun/wind sensors which mea-<br />

when it comes to building technology.<br />

venetian blinds, and guarantee a pleasant<br />

sure the wind speed and light intensity.<br />

room climate.<br />

Depending on their thresholds, the central<br />

6<br />


elero Germany<br />

Lots of light for bright minds –<br />

Sun protection for Dußlingen public library<br />

elero Latinoamérica<br />

elero technology moves doors and grilles<br />

at Montevideo Airport<br />

inducing<br />

Source: keller-fotografie.de<br />

Source: keller-fotografie.de<br />

The specialist magazine “Travel + Leisure” recently voted it one of the world’s most<br />

beautiful airports – Aeropuerto Internacional de Carrasco. The architect Carrie Jacobs,<br />

who also writes for the New York Times, included it in her personal “Top Ten” of the most<br />

stunning airports. There can be no question about it: The airport in Uruguay’s capital<br />

Montevideo is an impressive sight.<br />

Some interesting facts<br />

Source: Aeropuerto Internacional de Carrasco<br />

Montevideo<br />

in Uruguay<br />

The new public library in Dußlingen was opened in September 2009.<br />

The multicolored slats give the impression of pages<br />

of a book.<br />

The library in Alexandria was regarded as one of the most important in the ancient<br />

world. The visitors did not have much time for reading however – use of the library was<br />

limited to just a few hours per day depending on the amount of sunlight. The users of<br />

the new public library in Dußlingen, Swabia, are in a more fortunate position: They can<br />

leaf through books from morning to night – a dynamic sun protection façade ensures<br />

optimum lighting.<br />

The library is a single-storey, elongated<br />

structure made of glass,<br />

Capturing the light<br />

encompassed by a movable sun The slat façade is automated: It tracks the<br />

protection façade from Colt International.<br />

The 670 m 2 façade is made up of vertical<br />

slats each five meters high and 60 centimeters<br />

wide, and all coated in different<br />

colors ranging from grey<br />

position of the sun and also moves in line<br />

with the current weather status. Sensors<br />

on the exterior permanently measure the<br />

light intensity; in doing so they differentiate<br />

between direct<br />

to beige-brown. If the<br />

slats are open, they are<br />

The architecture of the sun protection<br />

façade is reminiscent of books<br />

and diffuse sunlight:<br />

In the event of direct<br />

reminiscent of an opened book – when<br />

closed they resemble a row of books on a<br />

shelf.<br />

sunlight, the slats are moved into the optimum<br />

position to reflect heat; diffuse light<br />

is directed so that the rooms are brighter.<br />

Thus the sun protection façade keeps the<br />

heat out in summer and ensures passive<br />

The linear actuator Picolo 300 XL moves the five<br />

meter high slats precisely and quietly into the<br />

correct position.<br />

solar heating in winter – and so reduces<br />

the energy consumption all year round.<br />

The drive solution for the slat façade originates<br />

from elero: 13 linear actuators of the<br />

type Picolo XL with a stroke length of 300<br />

mm move the slats precisely by as much<br />

as 120 degrees. Thanks to their slender<br />

design using weather-resistant stainless<br />

steel the drives blend in inconspicuously<br />

with the façade, defying the cold and<br />

rain. They are also notable for their quiet<br />

running – the readers in Dußlingen library<br />

can devote themselves to their books<br />

without being disturbed.<br />

Not just an impressive sight, but also state-of-the-art in terms of technology: Montevideo Airport.<br />

At the heart of this imposing<br />

construction is the new terminal<br />

opened in December 2009,<br />

designed by the renowned architect Rafael<br />

Viñoly: A monolithic roof runs along the<br />

entire length of the building – 360 meters.<br />

In addition, around 8,000 square meters of<br />

glass ensure the optimum use of natural<br />

daylight.<br />

8 9<br />

A total of 165 million euros was invested<br />

in Uruguay’s showcase project. So that the<br />

terminal is not merely convincing from a<br />

visual stance, but is also state-of-the-art in<br />

terms of technology, those responsible for<br />

the project used quality “Made in Germany”:<br />

Various doors in the terminals (dutyfree<br />

zone, duty-free shops, partitions) and<br />

counters are automated with elero drives<br />

and may be controlled using DoorControl<br />

and BoxControl. An important argument<br />

in favor of the elero technology: The drives<br />

and controls suit the specific requirements<br />

of rolling doors in an optimum manner<br />

and fulfill all the relevant safety norms<br />

without any problem whatsoever.<br />

elero.com/en;press;photomaterial.htm<br />

With DoorControl and BoxControl doors and<br />

counters in the terminal can be controlled.<br />

Montevideo is the capital of Uruguay<br />

and is situated on the Río de la Plata<br />

river. The city has a port that is naturally<br />

protected, thus giving Montevideo<br />

a special position. Some 1.3<br />

million people live here, nearly half<br />

of Uruguay’s total population, therefore.<br />

Montevideo is regarded as one<br />

of the safest cities in Uruguay. Over<br />

the years a colorful mix of peoples,<br />

many of European origin, has settled<br />

in the city – whose origins go back to<br />

the year 1726.

Quality put to the test<br />

Optimized production process for venetian blind drives<br />

and DIN test benches set standards<br />

inspiring<br />

elero employees on the new venetian blind assembly line.<br />

Tubular drives during the test process.<br />

Test bench to DIN EN 14202.<br />

Test bench with high-tech equipment such as sensors and high-resolution camera.<br />

Optimum light divergence, a<br />

transparent appearance, a<br />

decorative effect – venetian<br />

blinds are in trend. And not only that:<br />

error quota is one of the main goals that<br />

the venetian blind drive assembly teams<br />

has set itself,” says Bachofer.<br />

manently monitors the horizontal shaft<br />

position of the drive – something desired<br />

by many customers. In addition, Bachofer<br />

and his team also took a close look at the<br />

establish “the serviceability of tubular and<br />

block motors”. Among the parameters<br />

“More and more customers are asking<br />

whether our drives are tested to DIN EN<br />

tested are the life-cycle<br />

of the drives under a<br />

Putting drives through their paces in<br />

the DIN testing unit:<br />

14202,” explains Ralph<br />

Trost, head of quality<br />

More and more house and apartment<br />

owners are deciding in favor of automa-<br />

Main focus of attention on new assembly<br />

line<br />

material flow: A central kanban system<br />

now guarantees that parts are automa-<br />

normal nominal load<br />

of 10,000 cycles for<br />

Drives run as many as 10,000 times<br />

in endurance testing.<br />

assurance at elero. “In<br />

the meantime we can<br />

tion. This rising demand prompted elero<br />

tically replenished immediately without<br />

venetian blind and tubular drives. In addi-<br />

say: We do things so thoroughly that we<br />

to thoroughly modernize the assembly<br />

The key innovation is the new PLC assem-<br />

staff having to interrupt the production<br />

tion, the rotational speeds and end posi-<br />

set standards. Quality and reliability are<br />

of venetian blind drives in 2009. “With a<br />

bly line with four integrated workstations<br />

process.<br />

tions are established and recorded using a<br />

still the best service that customers can<br />

two-shift operation we now achieve the<br />

at which the venetian blind drives are<br />

travel measuring system. On the basis of<br />

be offered – and not only in our industry.”<br />

output that we used to attain<br />

in a three-shift round-theclock<br />

operation,” explains elero<br />

Two shifts<br />

instead of three<br />

assembled mechanically – it ensures<br />

an efficient working process.<br />

So that there are still sufficient<br />

Life cycle logged exactly<br />

Talking of test benches – there have not<br />

these test results any possible deviations<br />

(for example overheating, fluctuations in<br />

current flow) are identified and a suitable<br />

In total the quality assurance department<br />

now has ca. 160 test stations in various<br />

production manager Ralf Bachofer. “And<br />

capacities for the final testing following<br />

only been changes in the venetian blind<br />

reaction may be initiated. The results are<br />

applications, in the field and in the climate<br />

In case of questions or comments, please<br />

should demand rise to an even greater de-<br />

assembly, two additional new and fully-<br />

drive assembly: Since January 2009 both<br />

input into the elero CAQ system – the test<br />

chamber, in which temperatures of -28°<br />

contact the relevant elero office or repre-<br />

gree, we can change to three shifts at any<br />

automated test benches are available<br />

tubular drives and venetian blind drives<br />

results thus directly benefit the relevant<br />

to +80°C as well as +40°C with 95 percent<br />

sentation:<br />

time.” Naturally the change has not been<br />

at the cost of quality. “Attaining a zero<br />

to check the motor and limit switch<br />

functions. A high-definition camera per-<br />

have been tested on a random sample<br />

basis on a special line to DIN EN 14202 to<br />

departments such as development and<br />

quality assurance.<br />

relative humidity are tested on a weekly<br />

basis.<br />

elero.com<br />

10<br />


New generation of bidirectional controls<br />

“ProLine 2” portfolio expanded<br />

Eye-catcher ProLine 2<br />

You will frequently see ProLine 2 in the coming weeks.<br />

The product launch is being supported by an advertising<br />

campaign in specialist media and promotional<br />

campaigns, such as the enclosed bookmark.<br />

Lots of things function better if there is an exchange of information and a dialog is<br />

maintained. This principle has been transferred by elero to its generation of bidirectional<br />

controls ProLine 2: All the hand-held transmitters are now available. At the same time<br />

the drives are being fitted with new radio control modules and will be available from the<br />

spring of 2011 onwards, including, for example, the RolTop-868 for roller shutters in newlyconstructed<br />

buildings and the SunTop-868 for awnings. In contrast, the Combio-868 is<br />

recommended for those wishing to retrofit.<br />

info box<br />

direct. better. informed.<br />

elero is gradually converting all its<br />

radio control components over to the<br />

bidirectional technology. Commissioning<br />

remains as simple as ever: The installation<br />

and teaching-in processes are identical<br />

with the unidirectional standard. Thanks<br />

to the uniform and modular design of the<br />

devices, they can be networked with one<br />

another as to date without any problems.<br />

Four hand-held transmitters, comfortable<br />

operation<br />

MonoTel 2:<br />

The single-channel hand-held transmitter<br />

has three main operating buttons (Up, Stop,<br />

Down), with which the programming of intermediate<br />

and ventilation positions is also<br />

possible. An LED display window surrounds<br />

the Stop button – if the command has been<br />

performed successfully, the LED lights up<br />

green.<br />

Benefits for your customers:<br />

Versatile: ProLine 2 may be used<br />

with roller shutters, venetian blinds,<br />

roller blinds and awnings – all forms<br />

of sun protection and shading automation<br />

are covered therefore.<br />

Intuitive: The user interface is<br />

oriented to the common control<br />

commands of users, and the menu<br />

is clear and easily comprehensible.<br />

With the TempoTel 2 the menu selections<br />

may be made very conveniently<br />

using a joystick.<br />

LumeroTel 2:<br />

In addition to the main operating buttons,<br />

there is also a Select button, to switch from<br />

manual to automatic operation. An “Automatic”<br />

LED display on the right-hand edge<br />

shows whether the automatic mode is activated.<br />

So as to avoid accidentally switching<br />

between automatic and manual mode, it is<br />

fitted with a delay time.<br />

Timeless: The hand-held transmitters<br />

are available as standard in the<br />

colors pure white, silver and titanium<br />

grey – ensuring they fit in with<br />

every design.<br />

Downward compatible: Retrofitting<br />

and conversion of individual<br />

components is possible. ProLine 2 is<br />

downward compatible with all the<br />

current ProLine products.<br />

elero.com/en;proline-2-<br />

controls.htm<br />

VarioTel 2:<br />

The group hand-held transmitter controls<br />

as many as five individual channels or a<br />

central channel. Five LEDs above the main<br />

button show the current channel; these<br />

may be operated in manual or automatic<br />

mode. With the Select button it is possible<br />

to switch between individual and group<br />

channels and for each channel from manual<br />

to automatic operation.<br />

MonoTel 2 LumeroTel 2 VarioTel 2 TempoTel 2<br />

How bidirectional radio control functions<br />

With bidirectional radio technology each<br />

receiver is also a transmitter. For it not<br />

only receives signals from hand-held<br />

transmitters and sensors – but also confirms<br />

and passes them on. This has two<br />

benefits: Reliable radio transmission and<br />

immediate feedback.<br />

Further information can be found on:<br />

elero.com<br />

TempoTel 2:<br />

This convenient hand-held transmitter<br />

has an illuminated navigation menu,<br />

which is operated using a joystick. The<br />

menu (10 languages) intuitively guides<br />

the user through settings such as the<br />

activation of the Astro and holiday programs<br />

or the daily and weekly switching<br />

programs. The TempoTel 2 has as many as<br />

ten single channels, two group channels<br />

and one central channel.<br />

ProLine 2<br />

elero.com<br />


Overview drives<br />

The very heart of automation<br />

Venetian blinds:<br />

So as to guide natural daylight into a<br />

inspiring<br />

room in an optimum manner, the “Soft”<br />

venetian blind drives from elero adopt<br />

A drive is at the heart of every automated system. It receives the signals from the control,<br />

exact intermediate positions and turn slats<br />

ensuring that cumbersome cranks and belts are a thing of the past. Be it roller shutters, ve-<br />

accurately. In addition to a “Soft” brake,<br />

netian blinds, awnings or screens, either wired or using radio technology – a brief overview<br />

reveals: elero has the right drive for every installation situation.<br />

elero.com/en;en-revolineantriebe.htm<br />

they have torque switching in the upward<br />

phase: As soon as the learned power output<br />

is exceeded, e.g. because the blind is<br />

frozen, the drive shuts down. The angle of<br />

Roller shutters:<br />

the slats may be adjusted using an inching<br />

The drive type “Rol” is customized for the<br />

control on the hand-held or wall-mounted<br />

motorization of roller shutters; it is available<br />

transmitter with virtually no delay – and<br />

with various torques and speeds, and also<br />

with an SMI interface venetian blinds are<br />

as a radio-controlled version. An integrated<br />

also suitable for complex building manage-<br />

slow-running function with true torque<br />

ment systems.<br />

JA 05 Soft.<br />

reduction guarantees a gentle “arrival”<br />

that extends the life of blinds. With drives<br />

up to 20 Nm a “Soft-Stop” contributes to<br />

Roller shutters, awnings and screens:<br />

a considerable reduction in noise. From<br />

With its mechanical limit switch the “Vari”<br />

the spring of 2011 onwards the RolTop-868<br />

is a simple alternative for flexible use with<br />

is also available with bidi-capable radio<br />

roller shutters and textile sun protection.<br />

components.<br />

These drives have manually programmable<br />

limit switches for both the upper<br />

and lower final positions. A quick-setting<br />

mode guarantees swift installation and<br />

assembly. As with all the drives, the Vari-<br />

RolTop group.<br />

Eco is also available as a radio version with<br />

868 MHz.<br />

Awnings:<br />

The SunTop drives for awnings and conservatories<br />

are available in various sizes and<br />

VariEco group.<br />

with differing torques – and the radio version<br />

also offers bidi-capable radio components<br />

from the spring of 2011 onwards. The limit<br />

Interior shadings:<br />

switches may be set freely or to the stop<br />

With its diameter of 35 mm and speeds<br />

positions. True torque reduction and a lear-<br />

of up to 70 rpm the new RevoLine S is<br />

ning power curve ensure the fabric is not<br />

the smallest and fastest drive for interior<br />

tautened more than necessary – meaning it<br />

shading. A special mode allows for the pre-<br />

is gentle on the material and on the unit.<br />

cise setting of the end and intermediate<br />

positions via a hand-held transmitter –<br />

even with several drives. In addition, the<br />

drives produce very little vibration and<br />

are thus extremely quiet. Thanks to the<br />

proven “Soft” brake there is no disturbing<br />

clicking sound when the blind reaches its<br />

14<br />

SunTop group.<br />

end position.<br />

RevoLine S.<br />


Affected by the weather – luckily<br />

Sensors an in-demand aid<br />

inspiring<br />

Sun sensors, rain sensors, wind sensors, individually or combined in one unit, as a wired solution or a radio control version: elero<br />

offers a variety of reliable weather sensors for the automation of roller shutters and sun protection. Which solution is most<br />

suitable depends to a great extent on the sun protection and the installation situation – and naturally on the requirements of<br />

the residents.<br />

Deployment area Function Radio control Solar cell May be used in combination with<br />

Aero V, A Sun, wind AeroTec, AeroControl<br />

Aero-868 A Sun, wind • • Combio-868 RM, drives with integrated<br />

receiver<br />

Aero-868 Plus V, A Sun, wind • • Combio-868 JA/RM, drives with integrated<br />

radio receiver<br />

Aquero A Rain AeroTec<br />

Lumero R, V, A Sun AstroTec/-868, AeroTec<br />

Lumero-868 R, V, A Sun • • Combio-868 JA/RM, drives with integrated<br />

radio receiver<br />

Lumo R Sun AstroTec/-868, individual controls<br />

Lumo-868 R Sun, glass breakage,<br />

twilight<br />

Protero-868 A Wind, vertical<br />

curves<br />

Sensero-868 AC V, A Sun, wind, twilight<br />

Sensero-868 AC Plus V, A Sun, wind, rain,<br />

twilight<br />

• Combio-868 RM, roller shutter drives<br />

with integrated radio receiver<br />

• Combio-868 RM and awning drives with<br />

integrated radio receiver<br />

• Combio-868 JA/RM, drives with integrated<br />

radio receiver<br />

• Combio-868 JA/RM, drives with integrated<br />

radio receiver<br />

Ventero V, A Wind AeroTec, AeroControl<br />

Ventero-868 A Wind • • Combio-868-RM, awning drives with<br />

integrated radio receiver<br />

R – Roller shutters, V – Venetian blinds, A – Awnings<br />

Drives and controls are the central<br />

automation elements – but only<br />

with the right accessories can<br />

Roller shutters:<br />

Up in the morning, down in the evening –<br />

and that’s all roller shutters can do Not<br />

Venetian blinds:<br />

Venetian blinds ensure pleasant lighting<br />

conditions in rooms. A sun sensor is not<br />

Awnings:<br />

Awnings also need protection from the<br />

wind. A popular possibility: A wind sensor<br />

One for all:<br />

The weather sensor Sensero-868 AC<br />

Plus for sun protection is an all-rounder:<br />

specialist firms and industry develop so-<br />

at all: Fitted with a radio-controlled sun<br />

sufficient with exterior venetian blinds,<br />

supplements the operation with a hand-<br />

It unites sun, wind and rain sensory<br />

lutions to meet complex demands. This is<br />

sensor such as the Lumo-868 they also<br />

however – the sensitive slats require<br />

held transmitter. The Protero-868 is a<br />

functions in one compact unit – the wind<br />

why elero offers a variety of sensors, from<br />

protect sensitive plants and furniture<br />

protection from strong winds. To this end<br />

practically “invisible” sensor. It measures<br />

speed is measured using an inconspicuo-<br />

simple sun sensors through to sophisti-<br />

against too much sunshine if the resi-<br />

two sensors are not necessary: The Aero is<br />

any oscillation of the retractable-arm<br />

us air-flow sensor on the underneath of<br />

cated weather sensors, which monitor<br />

dents are away and keep the apartment<br />

a wired sun-wind sensor that records light<br />

awning caused by the wind and also regi-<br />

the device. Thanks to various operating<br />

solar radiation, wind strength and rainfall.<br />

cool in summer.<br />

intensity and wind speed. With the radio-<br />

sters when its angle has changed due to<br />

modes and pre-set threshold values this<br />

Alongside wired sensors, which are in<br />

control version Aero-868 Plus it is possible<br />

the formation of a pocket of water. It may<br />

all-rounder can be commissioned very<br />

demand with new construction above<br />

to forego the laying of cables for a mains<br />

be integrated into the radio-controlled<br />

quickly.<br />

all, the product range also includes radio<br />

supply entirely – power is provided by two<br />

drive/hand-held transmitter system<br />

control versions: These are noted for their<br />

integrated solar cells.<br />

without any problems.<br />

swift and uncomplicated installation and<br />

are often used when retrofitting therefore.<br />

A brief overview shows which weather<br />

sensor is suited to which installation<br />

situation.<br />

Further information can be found on:<br />

elero.com/en;prolinecontrols;sensors.htm<br />

Lumo-868<br />

Aero<br />

Protero-868<br />

Sensero-868 AC Plus<br />

16<br />


Find the right drive with just 10 mouse clicks<br />

Free software simplifies product selection<br />

Product quiz<br />

Take part and win!<br />

inclinable<br />

The choice of the right drive for an<br />

automation solution depends on<br />

many factors. With a roller shutter,<br />

Vista and Windows 7 and which may be<br />

updated automatically using an online<br />

update. The following language choices<br />

have, such as an integrated radio receiver<br />

or a manual override. After just a few<br />

mouse clicks the program analyses the<br />

1<br />

Get a taste of the future. The first ten<br />

entries with the correct solution will<br />

receive an Amazon voucher with a value<br />

for example, it is the size and weight of<br />

are currently available: German, English,<br />

data, recommends the most suitable elero<br />

of 30 Euros (issued in respective national<br />

the roller shutter, as well as the shaft type.<br />

With an awning, among other factors, the<br />

width of the unit, the overhang and the<br />

French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Polish and<br />

Turkish.<br />

drive and also identifies possible alternatives.<br />

On request the result is transferred<br />

directly to a fax order form or a concrete<br />

2<br />

currency).<br />

How to enter:<br />

angle of inclination are decisive. Those<br />

wanting to simplify the decision-making<br />

process use the drive computation pro-<br />

The program requests the relevant factors<br />

via a user-friendly entry mask – not just<br />

for roller shutters and awnings, but also<br />

project list may be created for the installation<br />

technician.<br />

3<br />

Tell us which elero products are to be seen<br />

on the photographs.<br />

gram from elero.<br />

for roller blinds/drop-arm awnings, ve-<br />

Good luck!<br />

The program is now available in a new<br />

netian blinds, sectional doors and rolling<br />

doors/roller grilles. In addition, the user<br />

4<br />

The closing date for entries is 28.02.2011.<br />

version which runs under Windows<br />

may state which features the drive is to<br />

5<br />

Drive computation with just a few mouse clicks – no problem with the program from elero<br />

Choosing<br />

application<br />

Product<br />

search<br />

Project<br />

management<br />

Master data<br />

6<br />

7<br />

Result will be shown automatically<br />

in result field<br />

8<br />

Please mail the solution to:<br />

dialog@elero.de<br />

All the important dates and events in 2011 at a glance<br />

Options for further dealing<br />

with results<br />

(We reserve the right to make changes)<br />

Date<br />

Event<br />

Selection/suggestion of<br />

possible drives, starting<br />

with recommendation<br />

16. – 22. March 2011 Internationale Handwerksmesse (IHM),<br />

Munich, Germany<br />

22. – 24. March 2011 R + T Asia, Shanghai, China<br />

23. – 25. March 2011 eltefa, Stuttgart, Germany<br />

We will be pleased to receive your<br />

suggestions, praise and criticism.<br />

Direct link to further<br />

elero products<br />

More<br />

parameters 2<br />

Entry fields for<br />

computation 1<br />

1<br />

Mandatory fields<br />

2<br />

Optional fields<br />

5. – 8. April 2011 Mosbuild, Moscow, Russia<br />

8. – 10. June 2011 intersolar, Munich, Germany<br />

29. – 30. June 2011 Consense, Stuttgart, Germany<br />

dialog@elero.de<br />

13. – 16. September 2011 ineltec, Basel, Switzerland<br />

contact<br />

18<br />

elero.com/<br />

en;service;downloads.htm<br />

21. – 24. November 2011 The Big 5 Show, Dubai, UAE<br />

28. February – 3. March 2012 R+T, Stuttgart , Germany<br />

Tanya Dettling<br />

Tel. + 49 (0) 7025/13-338<br />

tanya.dettling@elero.de<br />

19<br />

Still questions

Imprint<br />

Responsible for the content:<br />

Tanya Dettling<br />

Editor:<br />

Tanya Dettling<br />

Graphics:<br />

Stadler GmbH, Markenkommunikation<br />

Text:<br />

A&B ONE Kommunikationsagentur GmbH<br />

Stadler GmbH, Markenkommunikation<br />

Circulation:<br />

5,000<br />

Publisher:<br />

elero GmbH<br />

Linsenhofer Str. 59 – 63<br />

D – 72660 Beuren<br />

Germany<br />

Tel. +49 (0) 7025/13-01<br />

Fax +49 (0) 7025/13-212<br />

info@elero.de<br />

www.elero.com<br />

www.elero-linear.com<br />

Member of<br />


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