CR1000 Manual - Campbell Scientific

CR1000 Manual - Campbell Scientific

CR1000 Manual - Campbell Scientific


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Section 8. Operation<br />

time<br />

description<br />

Specifies the current value of the <strong>CR1000</strong> real-time clock 2 . This<br />

value will only be valid if the value of outcome is set to 1. This<br />

value will be formatted in the same way that record time stamps<br />

are formatted for the DataQuery response.<br />

A text string that describes the outcome.<br />

1 LoggerNet may combine a new clock check transaction with pending LoggerNet clock set<br />

transactions<br />

2 or LoggerNet server<br />

HTML Response<br />

When html is entered in the ClockCheck format parameter, the response will be<br />

HTML. Following are example responses.<br />

HTML tabular response:<br />

HTML page source:<br />

<br />

<br />

ClockCheck Response<br />

<br />

ClockCheck Response<br />

<br />

outcome1<br />

time<br />

2012-08-24 15:44:43.59<br />

descriptionThe clock was checked<br />

<br />

XML Response<br />

When xml is entered in the ClockCheck format parameter, the response will be<br />

formated as CSIXML (p. 68) with a ClockCheckResponse root element name.<br />

Following is an example response.<br />

<br />

JSON Response<br />

When json is entered in the ClockCheck format parameter, the response will be<br />

formated as CSIJSON (p. 68). Following is an example response.<br />

Example:<br />

{<br />

}<br />

"outcome": 1,<br />

"time": "2012-08-24T15:52:26.22",<br />

"description": " The clock was checked"<br />


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