CR1000 Manual - Campbell Scientific

CR1000 Manual - Campbell Scientific

CR1000 Manual - Campbell Scientific


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Section 8. Operation<br />

ClockSet Response<br />

The ClockSet format parameter determines the format of the response. If a format<br />

is not specified, the format defaults to HTML. For more detail concerning data<br />

response formats, see the Data File Formats section.<br />

Responses contain three fields as described in the following table:<br />

Table 98. ClockSet API Command Response<br />

outcome<br />

time<br />

description<br />

1 — The clock was set<br />

5 — Communication with the <strong>CR1000</strong> failed<br />

6 — Communication with the <strong>CR1000</strong> is disabled<br />

8 — An invalid URI was specified.<br />

Specifies the value of the <strong>CR1000</strong> clock before it was changed.<br />

A string that describes the outcome code.<br />

HTML Response<br />

When html is entered in the ClockSet format parameter, the response will be<br />

HTML. Following are example responses.<br />

HTML tabular response:<br />

HTML page source:<br />

<br />

<br />

ClockSet Response<br />

<br />

ClockSet Response<br />

<br />

outcome1<br />

time<br />

2011-12-01 11:42:02.75<br />

descriptionThe clock was set<br />

<br />

XML Response<br />

When xml is entered in the ClockSet format parameter, the response will be<br />

formated as CSIXML (p. 68) with a ClockSetResponse root element name.<br />

Following is an example response.<br />

<br />


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