CR1000 Manual - Campbell Scientific

CR1000 Manual - Campbell Scientific

CR1000 Manual - Campbell Scientific


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Section 8. Operation<br />

Example:<br />

"signature": 38611,"environment": {"stationfiname": "11467","tablefiname":<br />

"Test","model": "<strong>CR1000</strong>","serialfino": "11467",<br />

"osfiversion": "<strong>CR1000</strong>.Std.21.03","progfiname": "CPU:file format.CR1"},"fields":<br />

[{"name": "battfivoltfiMin","type": "xsd:float",<br />

"process": "Min"},{"name": "PTemp","type": "xsd:float","process": "Smp"}]},<br />

"data": [{"time": "2011-01-06T15:04:15","no": 0,"vals": [13.28,21.29]},<br />

{"time": "2011-01-06T15:04:30","no": 1,"vals": [13.28,21.29]},<br />

{"time": "2011-01-06T15:04:45","no": 2,"vals": [13.28,21.29]},<br />

{"time": "2011-01-06T15:05:00","no": 3,"vals": [13.28,21.29]}]}<br />

Data File-Format Elements<br />

HEADER<br />

File headers provide metadata that describe the data in the file. A TOA5 header<br />

contains the metadata described below. Other data formats contain similar<br />

information unless a non-header format option is selected in the TableFile()<br />

instruction in the <strong>CR1000</strong> CRBasic program.<br />

Line 1 – Data Origins<br />

Includes the following metadata series: file type, station name, <strong>CR1000</strong><br />

model name, <strong>CR1000</strong> serial number, OS version, CRBasic program<br />

name, program signature, data‐table name.<br />

Line 2 – Data-Field Names<br />

Lists the name of individual data fields. If the field is an element of an<br />

array, the name will be followed by a comma‐separated list of<br />

subscripts within parentheses that identifies the array index. For<br />

example, a variable named “values” that is declared as a two‐by‐two<br />

array, i.e.,<br />

Public Values(2,2)<br />

will be represented by four field names: “values(1,1)”, “values(1,2)”,<br />

“values(2,1)”, and “values(2,2)”. Scalar (non‐array) variables will not<br />

have subscripts.<br />

Line 3 – Data Units<br />

Includes the units associated with each field in the record. If no units<br />

are programmed in the <strong>CR1000</strong> CRBasic program, an empty string is<br />

entered for that field.<br />

Line 4 – Data-Processing Descriptors<br />

Entries describe what type of processing was performed in the <strong>CR1000</strong><br />

to produce corresponding data, e.g., Smp indicates samples, Min<br />

indicates minima. If there is no recognized processing for a field, it is<br />

assigned an empty string. There will be one descriptor for each field<br />

name given on Header Line 2.<br />


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