1. THE EXSISTENCE OF ANGELS - Harvest Free Will Baptist Church

1. THE EXSISTENCE OF ANGELS - Harvest Free Will Baptist Church

1. THE EXSISTENCE OF ANGELS - Harvest Free Will Baptist Church


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INTRODUCTION: The word angel is used in the Bible to describe supernatural or heavenly beings whose<br />

business is to act as God's special agents to carry out His will.<br />

<strong>1.</strong> <strong>THE</strong> <strong>EXSISTENCE</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>ANGELS</strong><br />

a. Angels are _______________ beings, created by God.<br />

i. For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and<br />

invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things<br />

were created by him, and for him: Colossians 1:16<br />

b. Angels are _______________ beings, not tied down to the laws of physical nature like we are.<br />

i. Angels have a glorious _______________, similar to when Jesus was transfigured.<br />

<strong>1.</strong> In the Bible, angels would appear in _______________ form and be mistaken for men.<br />

2. In the Bible, angels would appear and _______________ food. – Genesis 18:1-8<br />

a. Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have<br />

entertained angels unawares. Hebrews 13:2<br />

ii. Angels are immortal, without _______________ and unable to taste death. – Luke 20:35-36<br />

<strong>1.</strong> If Jesus would have become an angel, He could not have _______________.<br />

iii. Angels can enter locked prisons, and _______________ locked doors. – Acts 12:7, 5:19<br />

iv. Angels are able to _______________ great distances very quickly, sometimes in a flame of<br />

fire. – Daniel 10:12-13, Judges 13:20<br />

c. Angels are _______________ beings. - … his angels, that excel in strength… - Psalms 103:20<br />

i. One angel killed 185,000 Assyrian soldiers in one _______________. – 2Kings 19:35<br />

ii. One angel killed 70,000 Israelites following David’s _______________. – 2Samuel 24:15-16<br />

iii. One angel broke the seal and rolled away the _______________ from the tomb.<br />

d. Angels are sexless beings, unable to _______________ and have children.<br />

i. For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the<br />

angels of God in heaven. Matthew 22:30<br />

<strong>Harvest</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Will</strong> <strong>Baptist</strong> <strong>Church</strong><br />

www.harvestbakersfield.com<br />

Pastor Kurt Lindgren<br />


e. Angels are too numerous to be _______________. - …innumerable company… Hebrews 12:22<br />

i. Jesus said He could call _______________ legions of angels. – Matthew 26:53<br />

f. Angels are holy beings (Mark 8:38), capable of falling into _______________ and losing their position<br />

in heaven. – Ezekiel 28<br />

i. When some of the angels sinned, God did not provide a _______________ for them.<br />

2. <strong>THE</strong> EMPLOYMENT <strong>OF</strong> <strong>ANGELS</strong><br />

a. Angels work in _______________ to honor, worship and serve the Lord God. – Revelation 5:11-12<br />

b. Angels work on _______________, running errands for the Lord God.<br />

i. An angel guided Hagar to a _______________ of water. – Genesis 21:14-19<br />

ii. An angel appeared before Joshua with a drawn _______________. – Joshua 5:13-15<br />

c. Angels work in Heaven and on earth to carry out God’s Judgments and will.<br />

i. Angels were sent by God to _______________ Balaam’s pathway. – Numbers 22:22<br />

ii. Angels were sent by God to _______________ King Herod. – Acts 12:23<br />

iii. Angels will one day be sent by Jesus to gather all the sinful tares at the last judgment and<br />

_______________ them. – Matthew 13:41<br />

d. Angels work for Christians by _______________ them in daily living and serving the Lord.<br />

i. An angel guided Phillip to meet and _______________ too an Ethiopian Eunuch. – Acts 8:26<br />

e. Angels work for Christians by _______________ them and providing for them. – 1 Kings 19<br />

i. God has an angel assigned to every _______________. - Matthew 18:10<br />

f. Angels work for Christians by _______________ them to Heaven when they die. – Luke 16:22<br />

g. Angels will accompany the Lord Jesus Christ when He _______________. – Matthew 25:31<br />


Angels are a wonderful blessing to the Christian. We should constantly thank God for the faithful,<br />

untiring ministry of our guardian angels.<br />

<strong>Harvest</strong> <strong>Free</strong> <strong>Will</strong> <strong>Baptist</strong> <strong>Church</strong><br />

www.harvestbakersfield.com<br />

Pastor Kurt Lindgren<br />


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