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76o<br />

INDEX.<br />

Scultetus; his position in the Ignatian Severus, proconsul of Asia; Aristides'<br />

controversy, 239<br />

account of his proconsulate, 652 of<br />

;<br />

Sehaste, inscriptions at, his 696<br />

own transactions with him, 669 ;<br />

Sebastus, the month, 687<br />

Valesius on the date of his proconsulate,<br />

Secundus ;<br />

see Pliny<br />

652; view of Masson, 654; of Waddington,<br />

659 sq Wieseler's ; theory<br />

Secundus, a martyr, 56 ; perhaps a freedman<br />

of Pliny, 56; confused with Pliny, 56 regarding him, 675<br />

Semler criticised, 54<br />

Sharbil ;<br />

his conversion, 67 ;<br />

his tortures<br />

Serapia, a martyr, 506<br />

and death, 67<br />

Serennius; see Grafiiamts<br />

Sharbil, Acts of; see Acts of Sharbil<br />

Servianus ;<br />

date of his consulship, 481 ;<br />

circumstances of his murder, 458; Hadrian's<br />

letter to, 456 sq, 480 sq; its 350, 352; silent upon episcopacy in<br />

Shepherd of Hernias; its testimony to<br />

persecutions, 508, 534; to the Canon,<br />

text, 480; its genuineness, 481; its the Roman Church, 398 its bearing on<br />

;<br />

character, 457<br />

the reign of Antoninus Pius, 478, 509<br />

;<br />

Services, Christian, Pliny's account of, 51<br />

its date, 508 ; Nicephorus on, 350 sq ;<br />

sq prayer for the emperors in, 592 sq see Hcrtnas<br />

;<br />

Seven Sects mentioned by Hegesippus, Short Recension, Three Ignatian Epistles<br />

58; their names, 58; their Judaic of the; meaning of the term, 70, 234;<br />

character, 58; their malignity against Syriac MSS of, 72 sq (see Ignatian<br />

the Christians, 58<br />

Epistles); Cureton's theory examined<br />

Severina, wife of Aurelian, 505<br />

at length, 286 sq criticisms<br />

; upon his<br />

Severus, Alexander ; his reverence for arguments from (i) External Evidence,<br />

Christ, 457; alleged persecution under,<br />

(i) Quotations, 286 sq ;<br />

Antenicene<br />

517 sq<br />

quotations from these epistles alone,<br />

Severus, Monophysite bishop of Antioch; 287<br />

his history and sq; but allusions to other epistles,<br />

date, 178; called 'the 287 sq; the quotations examined, 289;<br />

patriarch,' 48; delivers yearly homilies no quotation for eight centuries from<br />

upon S. Basil and S. Gregory, 48 his the Short as<br />

; distinguished from the<br />

Epithronian Orations, 24, 188; his Middle Recension, 290; (ii) Documents,<br />

translators into Syriac, 24, 25, 91, 182, 290 sq; Cureton's fallacious reasoning<br />

188, 193, 201 his veneration for<br />

; Ignatius,<br />

48, 178, 426; the originator of headings of epistles<br />

from the comparative date of MSS, 290;<br />

in Medicean MS,<br />

the name Nurono, 24, 186; quotes the 292 inference therefrom of no weight,<br />

;<br />

Ignatian Epistles, 178 sq, 425; his 293; Historical relations of the<br />

(iii)<br />

order of quotation, 427<br />

;<br />

ignorant of two recensions, 293 sq; difficulties of<br />

the Curetonian abridgment, 324; his an abridgment theory, 294; criticism<br />

adv. Joannem Grammaticum, 182 sq; upon Cureton's arguments from (2)<br />

his Homiliae Cathedrales, 24, 48, 184 Internal Evidence, (i) diction and style,<br />

sq the ; Epistolae Severi et Juliani, 188 295 sq; connexion of (ii) thought, 314<br />

sq his Refutationes Capitulorum ;<br />

Juliani,<br />

190 sq; his Contra Codicillos {b) ecclesiastical, 321; {c) personal,<br />

sq; (iii) topics, {a) theological, 320 sq;<br />

Alexandri, 190 sq his Hymnus in<br />

;<br />

Ignatium, text and 322; summaiy of arguments against<br />

translation, 192 sq; Cureton, 322 sq motive of the abridgment,<br />

323 sq; not doctrinal, 323 sq;<br />

;<br />

importance of his testimony to Ignatius,<br />

251, 324; quotes from the Epistle of but moral and devotional, 324 sq;<br />

Polycarp, 564 sq, 58 1 quoted by capricious curtailments, 325; date of<br />

;<br />

Stephen Gobarus, 204<br />

the abridgment, 326 sq; the fragment<br />

Severus of Ashmunin ; his date discussed, of the Trallian Epistle embedded in the,<br />

229; his writings, 229; quotes the Ignatian<br />

Epistles, 228, 274 sq the version to the<br />

281, 318 sq, 323, 325; relation of this<br />

; .Syriac version of the<br />

quotation ascribed by Pearson to Ibn Middle Recension, 104 sq Rendel<br />

;<br />

Zorha, 230<br />

Harris on a Greek original, 319; see<br />

Severus, Septimius; dates in the reign also Ignatian Epistles<br />

of, 498 sq, 514; condition of Christians<br />

under, 499<br />

Sibylline Oracles; Christian use of the,<br />

Severus, Sulpicius on the Neronian 347; references to emperors in the,<br />

persecution,<br />

10; on the character of Trajan, date and character of books, 542 sq<br />

542 sq; passages explained, 542 sq;<br />

;<br />

3; of Titus, 15; on a supposed persecution<br />

under Vespasian, 15; under stles, Pearson on, 333, 385 sq; in-<br />

Sige; referred to in the Ignatian Epi-<br />

Hadrian, 507, 541; misled by Jerome, ference therefrom of Daille and Blondel,<br />

507; his authorities, 3, 10, 15 333> 385 sq; Bull on, 386; the Valen-

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