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758 INDEX.<br />

Quadragesimal Fast, 259<br />

Rabbinical stories of<br />

Quadratus, C. Antius A. martyrdom,<br />

Julius, 66<br />

503 sq<br />

Ramsay (Prof. W. M.) his<br />

; discoveries<br />

the Ignatian Epistles, 388 sq its origin, 536; its early importance,<br />

Quadratus, L. Statius, proconsul of Asia; illustrating the life of S. Abercius, 494<br />

mentioned in the Letter of the SmyrnKans,<br />

sq, 725; the Asiarchate of Philip the<br />

635; confused with M. Ummidius Trallian, 629 sq, 632 ;<br />

the 'Asiatic'<br />

Quadratus, 651 ; mentioned in the Discourses<br />

solar calendar, 684 ; on the date of the<br />

of Aristides, 652 sq, 660 sq date<br />

;<br />

Life of S. Abercius, 499 ; of the alleged<br />

of his consulship, 653, 661, 676; Valesius<br />

Letter to Euxenianus, 500 ;<br />

on the<br />

on the date of his proconsulate, route of Ignatius, 365 ;<br />

on the word<br />

652 sq, 658 sq; view of Masson, 653 sq ; exemplarium in Greek inscriptions, 411<br />

of Waddington, 660 sq Waddington's<br />

;<br />

Reign of Christ, dating from the, 503,<br />

view confirmed, 665 sq; yet may have 635 sq<br />

to be modified, 668 sq; Wieseler's Reiteration, a characteristic of Ignatius<br />

theory of two of the name, 673<br />

and S. Paul, 4 1 1 sq<br />

Quadratus, M. Ummidius ;<br />

his name, 651, Reliques, Christian veneration for, 42,<br />

676 date of his consulship, 651, 676; 617 sq<br />

;<br />

by Bucherius and Ussher confused with Renan; on the character of Trajan, 7;<br />

Statius Quadratus, 651 ; by Pearson accepts the genuineness of the correspondence<br />

of Pliny, 55; of the Ignatian<br />

considered the Quadratus of Aristides,<br />

653 Keim supposes a confusion in Epistles accepts only the Epistle to the<br />

;<br />

the postscript of the Letter of the Romans, 314, 341, 399, 428, 503; declares<br />

Smyrnaeans, 676<br />

against the Curetonian theory,<br />

Quadratus the ;<br />

Apologist by Jerome 286 ;<br />

recognises the coincidences in<br />

confused with Quadratus bishop of Lucian with the Ignatian Epistles, 347,<br />

Athens, 540 sq; origin of this confusion,<br />

603 ; accepts the story of Ignatius'<br />

540; Eusebius on, 507<br />

; Orosius martyrdom, 354, 605 ; his concessions<br />

on, 541<br />

generally, 603; perplexities of his point<br />

Quadratus, bishop of Athens, 540<br />

of view, 601 sq; on a quotation from<br />

Quartodeciman Controversy Ignatius' Modestinus, 355 sq; on the wife of<br />

;<br />

interest in its scene, 382 sq<br />

; yet not S. Paul, 440 ;<br />

on the character of<br />

alluded to in the genuine Epistles, 382 Polycarp, 443 ; on the age of Polycarp,<br />

sq ; hinted at in the Long Recension, 448; on IrenKus' visit to Rome, 451 ;<br />

259, 382 sq; Polycarp's visit to Rome confuses Caracalla and Antoninus Pius,<br />

in connexion with, 382 sq, 449 sq, 356 ;<br />

on the revival of paganism under<br />

676 sq; letter of Irenseus to Victor the Antonines, 465<br />

;<br />

on the name<br />

upon the, 450<br />

;<br />

Hilgenfeld on the Fulminata, 490 on the date of Celsus,<br />

;<br />

relation of the Letter of the Smyrnreans<br />

to, 625, 671, 705; on the day of the Renaudot ;<br />

his date, 281 ;<br />

his discoveries<br />

Paschal commemoration in, 625<br />

;<br />

view respecting a Syriac version of the Ignatian<br />

of Wieseler, 689 sq<br />

Epistles, 281 ;<br />

his obligations to<br />

Quintilianus, J. Proculus, 639<br />

Severus of Ashmunin, 229<br />

Quintus the Phrygian<br />

;<br />

his conduct in Rescript of Trajan ; see Trajan<br />

time of persecution, 407, 619 sq; not Resurrection, why denied by early Gnostics,<br />

a Montanist, 677<br />

587<br />

Quirinus, a martyr mentioned in the Rhaius Agathopus, deacon of Syria ; follows<br />

the route of Ignatius, 36, 368;<br />

Acts of Alexander, 505; his daughter<br />

Balbina, 506; discovery of the tomb at Troas brings good news from Antioch,<br />

of a, 506<br />

36, 368 ; at Philadelphia, 363,<br />

Quotations, patristic, from the Ignatian 368 sq, 407<br />

; coincidence in the name,<br />

Epistles, 135 sq<br />

.S69- 4.^7<br />

Quotations, scriptural ; usage of Ignatius Rieu (Dr), his assistance in this edition,<br />

in the matter of, 402 sq; compared 229<br />

with that of Irenreus, 404; of Polycarp,<br />

Ritschl's theory of an interpolated Epistle<br />

596 sq ; formula of quotation of Polycarp, 579; its supporters, 579<br />

Ritschl's used by Clement of Rome, 593 ; by sq ; the theory considered at length,<br />

Ignatius, 402 ; by Polycarp,<br />

;<br />

593 by 593, 600 sq<br />

Irenaeus, 338; by Eusebius, 59; in the<br />

Ignatian Epistles and the Epistle of<br />

Ritterling, on the Tenth Legion, 725<br />

Roman bishops, succession of early, 247,<br />

Polycarp, see separate Index in Vol. ill. 261, 266<br />

Quotations from traditional sources, in Roman Church ;<br />

Greek and Oriental in<br />

536 ; its condition in the time of Igna-

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