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apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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752 INDEX.<br />

Abercius,<br />

served, 84<br />

its ; fate, 84 ; Grossteste of, 77<br />

sq, 541 its character, 458, 478 ; ; its how this MS became known to Ussher,<br />

effect, 458 one of<br />

; many similar rescripts,<br />

458 text, 476 sq Rufinus' Muratorian Canon ; ; ;<br />

241<br />

allusions to, 438,<br />

Latin the original, 477, 479 sq<br />

;<br />

genuineness,<br />

440, 451; testimony to episcopacy in,<br />

477 sq<br />

394; passage explained in, 440; use of<br />

Miracles recorded at great religious crises, the word 'Catholic' in, 413<br />

614 sq<br />

Mithraic worship in the time of the Antonines,<br />

468<br />

'M.a-yvT)(nevs (form), 293<br />

fiaOriTeveiv,<br />

Modestinus; his date, 355 his work On<br />

439<br />

'<br />

;<br />

firju, 693<br />

Punishments,' 355; edicts quoted from,<br />

355, 502 Renan mistaken about, fj.v(TT-npioi>, 5<br />

356<br />

,<br />

305<br />

;<br />

Moesinger, 69, 107, 109<br />

Mommsen ;<br />

on guilds, 53 on the chronology<br />

Pliny's life, 54, 56 on the<br />

; Namphamo, the martyr; spelling of his<br />

; name, 523; account and date of his<br />

date of M. Aurelius' marriage, 659 martyrdom, 523<br />

;<br />

passage emended by, 483 ; supplies a Nartzallus, proper name, 525<br />

Pergamene inscription illustrating the Neapolis, Ignatius at, 36<br />

Epheso- Asiatic Calendar, 687 sq<br />

Monophysites their veneration for Ignatius,<br />

;<br />

Neocresareon, the month, 686<br />

Nero; his character as given by Melito,<br />

48 sq, 178, 194 sq, 57 reasons for<br />

;<br />

2 ;<br />

;<br />

by Tertullian, 2 sq ; his persecution<br />

this, 267; expressions of theirs anticipated differently estimated, 2, 7, 17,725; relation<br />

in the Middle Recension, 267, 425 sq,<br />

of Jews and Christians in the reign<br />

595 the author of the Long Recension<br />

; of, 9 sq ; Tacitus on the persecution of,<br />

unacquainted with, 267 the Short<br />

; 9sq; Sulpicius Severus on the<br />

Recension not the work of, 323 sq cution ;<br />

of, 9 sq<br />

perse-<br />

anonymous works of, 194 sq<br />

Nerva; his kindness to the Jews, 12; to<br />

Montanism ; Ignatius' interest in the scene the Christians, 371; date of his adoption<br />

of the heresy, 383 ; yet not alluded to<br />

of Trajan, 372 ;<br />

of his death, 373<br />

in the Ignatian Epistles, 383 ; its extent<br />

Nestorianism, the Long Recension silent<br />

in the time of Marcus Aurelius, about, 267<br />

illustrated by the story of S.<br />

Neubauer, his assistance in this edition,<br />

725; dates in the history of, 498 sq<br />

200<br />

Montanist fellow martyrs with Pionius, Newman (Card.)<br />

;<br />

on the Christology of<br />

639 ; Quintus the Phrygian not one, the Long Recension, 267, 270; on its<br />

677<br />

date, 273; on the Valentinian Sige,<br />

Montanist treatise addressed to Avircius 387; on episcopacy, 390<br />

Marcellus, ;<br />

498<br />

its date discussed, 498 Nicephorus Callistus; on the legend of<br />

sq<br />

the QeocpSpos, 27 ;<br />

on Ignatius' vision of<br />

Montfaucon, errors in, 131<br />

Months ; Epheso- Asiatic, their relation<br />

angels, 31<br />

.<br />

Nicephorus, patriarch of Constantinople;<br />

to the Julian, 678; their names, 679, his date, 350; two forms of his Chronologia<br />

Brevis, 225, 350; De Boor on<br />

685; beginning of the months, 678,<br />

682 ; origin of the names, 679 ; their their dates, 225, 350; the Stichometria<br />

an Appendix, 350; incorpo-<br />

distinctive character, 679 sq ; (i) the<br />

last day of the month, 680; (ii) the rating an older document, 353 ;<br />

mentions<br />

Ignatius, and quotes the Long<br />

mode of reckoning, 680; backward<br />

reckoning of last decade of, in solar calendars,<br />

Recension, 27, 224, 225, 351 ; places<br />

693 sq ;<br />

transference of names the Ignatian Epistles among apocryphal<br />

of, from lunar to solar calendars, 694 writings, 225, 349 sq; Pearson's theory<br />

sq; numbering and naming of, 697; explain this, 262, 350; his use of<br />

see Calendars<br />

the word 'apociyphal,' 352 sq, 582;<br />

Mordtmann, 685<br />

on the Epistle to Polycarp, 243, 582<br />

Morel's edition of the Long Recension, Nicetes, the persecutor, 35, 366; his conduct<br />

117, 120 sq, 124<br />

to Polycarp, 4-; 3 sq; father of<br />

Morinus, defends the Long Recension, Herodes, and brother of Alee, 35, 366,<br />

245<br />

453<br />

Mountague, bishop of Norwich, 83; his Nicolaitans; not among the accusers of<br />

Origines Ecclesiasticae, 83, 230; his Symeon, 58, 66 ;<br />

the deacon the alleged<br />

Latin MS known to Ussher and now founder of the, 225<br />

lost, 82, 83 sq;<br />

Backhouse but its readings pre-<br />

on<br />

Nicolas of I>incoln, literary labours under

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