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INDEX. 749<br />

Liberian Catalogue; date and character 344; attacks Cynicism and Christianity,<br />

of, 512; references to, 502, 506, 512 sq 344; mainly the former, 345; his use<br />

Linus, 247, 261, 266<br />

of technical Christian terms, 345 ; yet<br />

Lipsius (R. A.); at first supports the with confusion of men and things, 347;<br />

Curetonian theory, 282; recants, 285 coincidences %\'ith the history of Ignatius<br />

and Polycarp in, 137 sq, 344 sq,<br />

sq; on the word 'Christian,' 415 sq,<br />

419; on the Letter of the Smymaeans, 358, =53, 606 sq the coincidences acknowledged<br />

by Renan and Baur, 347 ;<br />

; 604 sq, 610 on a<br />

; passage in the Letter,<br />

616 sq; on the date of Telesphorus, their bearing on the Curetonian theory,<br />

502; on the chronology of Aristides, 287;<br />

670 sq; on presents a parallel to the treatment<br />

of Ignatius by hi guard, 358 ;<br />

the Great Sabbath, 671;<br />

on the date of the birth of Irenaeus, testifies to the Christian contempt of<br />

448; on the Letter to Florinus, 445, death, 407; probably not an apostate<br />

580; on the Epistle of Polycarp, 579; from Christianity, 346; alludes elsewhere<br />

to Christianity, 532<br />

on the year of Polycarp's martjTdom,<br />

; date of his<br />

670 sq, 727<br />

'Alexander,' 532; his friend Celsus,<br />

Liveley, on the Great Sabbath, 711<br />

5 30 see also Peregrimis Proteus<br />

;<br />

Logos; see Christology<br />

Lucilla; betrothed to L. Veras, 493, loo;<br />

Long Recension, Ignatian Epistles of after his death marries Pompeianus,<br />

the ; contents, 70 sq versions and Mss 488 ; ; story of her cure by S. Abercius,<br />

of, 109 sq (see Ignatian Epistles) ; 493' =00<br />

history of the printed text, 237; doubts Lunar calendar; see Calendars. Months<br />

and controversies respecting, 237 sq; Lydia, her relations with S- Paul, 440<br />

suspicions before Ussher's time, 237 sq; Lysanias, in the Acts of Sharbil, 67, 68<br />

from critical reasons, 237; from controversial<br />

reasons, 238; supporters and<br />

objectors, 238 sq; accepted by the Xeon-apSos; use of the word in the Ignatian<br />

Epistles, 412; alleged anachronism<br />

Anglican divines, 239 sq; finally discredited<br />

by the involved in this use,<br />

discovery of 412<br />

Ussher,<br />

; history of the<br />

242 sq; and of<br />

word, 412: Daille's account of it, 412<br />

Voss, 244; subsequent<br />

champions of, 244; interpolations and A070S avo criyijs irpoiKduv, 201, 342, 385 ;<br />

see also<br />

spurious epistles by one Christology<br />

hand, 245 sq;<br />

(i) internal evidence for X670S ex", Xd7os Karcxet, 58, 250<br />

this, 245 sq;<br />

(ii) external evidence, ;<br />

249 sq the date<br />

and purpose of the Recension investigated,<br />

257 sq; (i) external evidence connexion with the Oak Synod, 562;<br />

Macarius Magnes; his date, 561; his<br />

for the date, 257; (ii) internal evidence editio<br />

for the date, 257 sq; derived from princeps of his works, 562;<br />

(a) mentions Polycarp, 561 sq<br />

the ecclesiastical status, 257 sq; (b) Maccabees, Fourth Book of; its date,<br />

the names of persons and places, 260 ; 503 story of mart}-rdom in, 503 ; ;<br />

(c) the plagiarisms, 260, 402 sq; especially<br />

from the Apostolical Constitu-<br />

Macedonia, fellow martjT with Pionius,<br />

repetitions of the story, 503 sq<br />

tions, 262 sq<br />

; (d) the doctrinal teaching, and a Montanist, 156, 639; see Pionius<br />

266 sq; Arianism of the wn-iter considered,<br />

268 sq<br />

Macedonian Calendar; see Calendars<br />

;<br />

Apollinarianism of the Madabbar, 65<br />

writer considered, 271 sq; conclusion Madan, his assistance in this edition, 64<br />

as to date, 273: country of, 274; in Madaurian martyrs; their names, 522;<br />

the Greek Church did not displace the authority for their martyrdom, 523;<br />

Middle Recension, 274; in the Latin date, 523, 532<br />

Church its influence more important, Msonia, inscriptions at, 694<br />

274; but still local, 274; the spurious Magdeburg Centuriators, 578<br />

epistles appended to the Middle Recension,<br />

249 sq, 274 sq; references to Poly-<br />

Magnesia; not \-isited by Ignatius, 361<br />

Magistriani, icxj<br />

carp in the, 560; see also Spurious sq, 364; delegates from, 36, 366; road<br />

Ignatian Epistles<br />

to,<br />

Loofs, 205, 220<br />

34; Damas, bishop of, 34, 365 sq,<br />

4U> 441<br />

Lucas Holstenius, 75<br />

Magnesians, Ignatian Epistle to the; its<br />

Lucian; his life and journeys, 344; date title, 292, 293; its relation to the Epistle<br />

of Mary to Ignatius, 247 Judaism<br />

; ;<br />

of his ' Peregrinus Proteus,' 141 extracts<br />

from, 137 sq; its purpose, 344 attacked in, 374, 375 see also ; Ignatian<br />

sq character of his ' ; Peregrinus Proteus<br />

' historical, 344; with Epistles<br />

accessories. Malalas, John; his character of Trajan,

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