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748 INDEX.<br />

the Letter of the Smyrnjeans, 604 sq,<br />

rescript 478 sq;<br />

sq ; used the Syriac Version, 327; his<br />

the to Fundanus, on Libanius, on the riots at Daphne, 43, 44<br />

date, 327<br />

609, 612 sq; on the 'postmark' of the<br />

John Tyssington of the Franciscan convent<br />

Letter, 616 ;<br />

sq; minor criticisms on,<br />

at Oxford, 77; quotes the Anglo- 415, 616 sq, 618 sq, 620 sq, 623; on<br />

Latin version, 76, 77; argument therefrom,<br />

the date of the Octavius of Minucius<br />

76 sq<br />

P'elix, 535; on the chronology of Ari-<br />

Joseph the Hymnographer ; his hymn on stides, 672, 676 sq; on the day of<br />

Ignatius, 223; account of, 224<br />

Polycarp's martyrdom, 691<br />

Josephus, respecting Popp^ea, Kimmel, on 1 1<br />

the original of the rescript<br />

Jovius the Monk, quotes the Ignatian to Fundanus, 479 sq<br />

Epistles, 203<br />

Kings, Christian habit of prayer for, 592<br />

Judaism ; see Gnostic yudaism<br />

sq<br />

Julia Gordus, inscriptions at, 694<br />

Kraus, 370<br />

Julian of Halicaniassus, corresponds with<br />

Severus of Antioch, 189, 190<br />

Julian the Count ;<br />

uncle of the KoirMTai., 258, 264<br />

Emperor<br />

Julian, 43 ; by Gibbon confused with<br />

the Emperor, 43<br />

Julian, the Emperor; removes the bones<br />

Lactantius, on the attitude of Trajan towards<br />

Christianity, 8<br />

of Babylas from Daphne, 42 ;<br />

riots of Lagarde, on the Apostolic Constitutions,<br />

the Christians against, 43 ;<br />

tortures the 262, 263; other notices of, 126, 130<br />

Christians, 43<br />

Julianus, a martyr, 504 sq<br />

Lampridius, on Christian temples erected<br />

by Hadrian, 457<br />

Julianus, Claudius, proconsul of Asia; Land, 191 sq, 201 sq<br />

date of his proconsulate, 658 sq, 672 ; Langen, on the In Fide Dormientium of<br />

inscription relating to, 658; his transactions<br />

John Damascene, 5<br />

with Aristides, 658, 668 sq Laodicea, Council of, 258<br />

Julianus, P. Salvius, mentioned by Aristides,<br />

Latin words; used by Ignatius, 410 sq;<br />

656 date of his ; consulship, 656 ; by other Greek writers, 410; in the<br />

Borghesi's mistake as to his identity, Ignatian Epistles either military or legal<br />

656<br />

terms, 411<br />

Julianus, P. Salvius, city prefect, 515; 'Laus Heronis,' Mss of the Latin version<br />

date of his prefecture, 515<br />

of the Long Recension containing the,<br />

Julius Africanus, as a source of Eusebius' 126, 128, 129, 131<br />

information, 29<br />

Julius, bishop of Rome, corresponds with<br />

Legions; named from emblems, 490;<br />

more than one called by the same<br />

Marcellus of Ancyra, 266<br />

number, 491 sq; stations of the twelfth<br />

July Martyrs; %qq Felia'fas<br />

legion, 491; of the tenth legion, 491,<br />

Junius Rusticus; see Ritsticus<br />

725; the name Fretensis, 492, 725; see<br />

Justin Martyr ; in proconsular Asia, 444 ; Thundering Legion<br />

scene of his Dialogue with Trypho, Lemnus, martyred with Pionius, 556, 639<br />

444; its date, 534; his probable intercourse<br />

with Polycarp, 444 ;<br />

Leontius ;<br />

date of his Scholia, 205<br />

at Rome, De the<br />

; Sectis a later recension, 205 its<br />

;<br />

451; date of his First Apology, 478, date, 205<br />

509 ; its bearing on the genuineness of Leontius, bishop of Antioch ;<br />

his date,<br />

the rescript to Fundanus, 477 sq; Rufinus'<br />

40 on Babylas and the emperor Philip,<br />

;<br />

Latin text of the rescript derived 40, 41<br />

from, 479; his account of the martyrdom<br />

Byzantium, mentions Igna-<br />

Leontius<br />

of Ptolemceus and others in liis tius, 205<br />

Second Apology, 508 sq, 534; the Letter<br />

to the Commune Asice attached to Sacra, 220 sq; omissions and errors of,<br />

Lequien; his editions of the Parallela<br />

his Second Apology, 483; genuineness 221 sq<br />

of his Acts of Martyrdom, 509 sq condemned<br />

by Rusticus, 461<br />

Letronne, on the chronology of Aristides,<br />

655<br />

;<br />

; date of his<br />

martyrdom, 510; grouped in Eusebius Letter of the Galilean Churches; see<br />

with other martyrdoms, 648 his companions<br />

martyrdom, 510<br />

;<br />

Vienne and Lyons, Letter of Churches of<br />

Letter of the Smyrnaans; see Sniyrnizans,<br />

Letter of the<br />

Keil, edition of Pliny's letters by, 19, 54, Leucius, apocryphal Acts of S. John by,<br />

55<br />

366 ; coincidence of the name Burrhus<br />

Keim; on the character of Trajan, 7; on in these Acts, 366

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