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apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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744 INDEX.<br />

Socrates under, 562, 650 sq ;<br />

the mistake<br />

explained, 651<br />

his gifts to Queen TheodoHnd, 507,<br />

;<br />

mentioned in the 513; his day, 6<br />

Acts of Pionius, 651, 716<br />

Grossteste, bishop of Lincoln ;<br />

according<br />

Gorres; on the character of Trajan, 7; to Ussher author of the Latin Version<br />

on the evidence of Hilary of Poitiers, ofthe Middle Recension, 76, 127<br />

15 sq; on the Acts of Sharbil, 69; on<br />

; probability<br />

considered, 76 sq, 85, 274;<br />

a persecution under Vespasian, 18 sq; supported by a colophon in a Tours<br />

supposes an anaclironism in the Letter MS, 78; associated wrongly with the<br />

of the Smyrnjeans, 503, 635<br />

Latin version of the Long Recension,<br />

Grabe, 448<br />

127; his Greek scholarship, 77;<br />

Graffito at Pompeii ; containing the word<br />

his<br />

translations from the Greek,<br />

'<br />

77; his<br />

Christian,' 416; containing the name<br />

pupils, 77; bequeaths his books to the<br />

Polycarp, 436<br />

Franciscans at Oxford, 77, 274<br />

Granianus, Q. Licinius Silvanus ;<br />

date Grotius, on the Vossian Letters, 329<br />

of his proconsulate, 479; miscalled Guilds; Trajan's aversion to, 18 sq, 52,<br />

Serenius, 479, 480, 541, 637<br />

53> 55 his<br />

; letter on the firemen at<br />

Gratz, I 2<br />

Nicomedia, 19; on the convivial club at<br />

'Great Sabbath'; in the Letter of the<br />

Smyrnceans, the day of Polycarp's martyrdom,<br />

627, 677; according to Zahn, Gwynn (Prof.); on Paul of Edessa,<br />

Amisa, 19 sq; persecutes Christianity<br />

as a guild, 19 sq<br />

of his 193;<br />

apprehension, 628; in the Acts on Gains, 644<br />

of Pionius, 627 sq, 638 sq in the<br />

;<br />

Paschal Chronicle, 649 sq; explanation<br />

of Bucher, 702 of<br />

; Ussher, 702 of<br />

yevv-qros and yevrjTbs; how employed<br />

by the author of the Long Recension,<br />

;<br />

Hilgenfeld, 625, 671, 705 sq, 710; the 268; date at which the distinction became<br />

recognised, 269<br />

words condemned by Lipsius as spurious,<br />

672 ; interpreted by Wieseler<br />

as a Christian observance, 689 sq its Hadrian ;<br />

relation to the ;<br />

his character, 3, 456 sq ; its<br />

23rd February in a.d. sceptical side, 456;<br />

155) 661; and its superstitious<br />

in a.d. 250, 719 sq; side, 456 sq;<br />

view of C. H. its strong contrasts, 457 ;<br />

Turner, 727; meaning his love of peace, 457; Dion Cassius<br />

of the term in the Christian Church, on his clemency,<br />

709; in 4; his relations to<br />

Jewish nomenclature, 710; in<br />

the Letter of the Christianity, 456 sq, 469 sq, 476 sq;<br />

Smyrnasans, ' a great story of Christian temples built by<br />

sabbath,' 710 sq perhaps the Feast of him, 457; his letter to ;<br />

Servianus, 457,<br />

Purim, 711, 719, 727<br />

480;<br />

'Greek cities,' meaning ofthe term, 681 apologetic literature addressed<br />

sq, to him, 457 sq ;<br />

character and effect<br />

692<br />

of his rescript to Minucius<br />

Gregory Barhebrteus Fundanus,<br />

mentions<br />

;<br />

Ignatius' 458, 476 sq ; alleged persecutions under,<br />

vision of angels, 31, 231; quotes the 458) 505 the error<br />

; traced to Jerome,<br />

Ignatian Epistles, 231<br />

506, 540 sq; and circulated only in<br />

Gregory Martyrophilus, 87<br />

the West, 507, 541; acts and notices<br />

Gregory Nazianzen; on Apollinarianism., of martyrdoms under, 502 sq ; only<br />

272 ;<br />

homilies in honour one<br />

of, 184 sq<br />

Gregory Nyssen, doctrinal terms common<br />

authenticated martyrdom under, 458,<br />

to the Long Recension 508; perhaps the effect of his disordered<br />

intellect, 458, 508; murders<br />

and, 269, 270<br />

Gregory of Tours; mentions Ignatius, Servianus, 458 ;<br />

date of his visits to<br />

203; on the Gallican martyrs, 516, Asia<br />

567; on Minor, 448, 634; to other Athens,<br />

martyrdoms, 516; describes<br />

a miracle on ; Smyrna, 467<br />

634 his donations to<br />

Polycarp's festival, sq; his treatment of the Jews, 469;<br />

471 sq, 568; mentions Polycarp, 567; honours paid to him at<br />

passage criticised and Tralles, 633<br />

explained, 567; sq ;<br />

his title 'Olympius,' 460, 468,<br />

comparative dates and value of his 634 ;<br />

other titles of, 460; encourages<br />

works, 567<br />

paganism, 465<br />

Gregory, patriarch of ; celebrations of his<br />

Antioch, honours birthday, 687 sq notices of his reign<br />

;<br />

paid to Ignatius by, 48<br />

grouped by<br />

Gregory the Eusebius, 647<br />

Great; biographers of, 4;<br />

prays for the soul of Hall, bishop of Norwich ;<br />

his defence of<br />

Trajan, 3 sq ;<br />

wide<br />

currency of the story and episcopacy, 240 his quotations from<br />

;<br />

explanations, Ignatius, 240; his testimony to Ussher's<br />

services, 329<br />

6 sq; his alleged acquaintance with the<br />

Long Recension, 125, 205; his evidence<br />

as to the story of S. Felicitas, 513; with the Virgin, 237; on the age<br />

Halloix ;<br />

on the Ignatian correspondence<br />


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