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INDEX. 739<br />

extensive forgeries of Ignatian literature,<br />

Philippians, 253; alleged<br />

Constantius Pleziotes, 549<br />

to the<br />

275; on John the Monk, 154; on<br />

Cooper, B. H., 293<br />

copiatpe, 258, 264<br />

the name Nurono, 24, 186 sq; on the<br />

Copto-Thebaic version of Ignatian Epistles,<br />

connexion of thought in the Short<br />

73, 108 sq, 234, 274; Ciasca's Recension, 314 sq; minor criticisms<br />

edition, 108 sq ; position of the Additional<br />

on. Si, 120, 191<br />

Letters in the, 234, 249<br />

Curetonian Letters; see Short Recensiot,<br />

Cornelianus; mentioned in the Life of Ignatian Epistles of the<br />

S. Aberclus, 493 ; persons of the name, Cynicism ; attacked by Lucian, 344 ; by<br />

500<br />

Aristides, 533 ; its resemblance to<br />

Cornelius of Rome, on the lower orders Christianity, 344 sq, 533<br />

of the clergy, 258<br />

Cyprian (S.); his name Ccecilius, 26;<br />

Correspondence with S. John and the his captivity compared with that of<br />

Virgin, 234 sq; see Mary the Virgin, Ignatius, 359 state of ; episcopacy in<br />

Spurious Ignatian Epistles<br />

the time of, 396<br />

;<br />

his martyrdom shows<br />

Cotelier; his edition of the Ignatian coincidences with the passion of Christ,<br />

Epistles, 115; MSS employed by, 114, 612 sq ;<br />

with the martyrdom of Polycarp,<br />

116, 128, 221, 225; on a catalogue of<br />

616<br />

Beauvais, 235; on the doctrinal position<br />

of the Long Recension, 268; on Cyril of Jerusalem; coincidence with the<br />

Cyprian Calendar; see Calendars<br />

the word Sige, 386<br />

Ignatian Epistles in, 149; on the word<br />

Crescens; bearer of the Epistle of Polycarp,<br />

Sige, 386; misquoted by Didymus,<br />

600; his connexion with Philippi, 386<br />

600; the name, 600<br />

Cyrillonas; his date, 168; his metrical<br />

Crescens, tTie enemy of Justin Martyr hymns, 168; coincidence with the<br />

and Tatian, 510<br />

Ignatian Epistles in, 168<br />

Crescens, martyrs of the name, 60, 65, Cyzicene Calendar ;<br />

see Calendars<br />

504 sq<br />

Crocus, delegate from Ephesus, meets KadoKiKri iKK\riaLa{ri), 413 sq see Catholic<br />

;<br />

Ignatius, 34, 365<br />

Church<br />

Crome, Walter ; donor of the Caiensis MS, KadoXiKos, two meanings of the word,<br />

and its scribe, 81; his name wrongly 414 sq<br />

given, 83<br />

KaraKpiTos and SoOXos, 370<br />

Cronion, the month, 686<br />

KaT^X^'- ^oyos, 58<br />

Cross of Christ; its prominence in the Kepavvo^oKos, 489 sq<br />

Ignatian Epistles,<br />

as contrasted with Kepawo(ji6pos, 490<br />

the Epistle of Polycarp, 595<br />

Kwiriarai, 258, 264<br />

Cureton; publishes the Acts of Sharbil, xnpa.L, 312, 345, 399<br />

69 discovers and publishes two MSS XpiCT^IMiropos, 261, 266<br />

;<br />

of a Syriac version of three Ignatian Xpi'CTTiavLcr/j.oi, 312, 415 sq<br />

Epistles, Short Recension, 72, 281 ; XpiiTTiai'os, 415 sq; see Christian<br />

his theory, 281; attacked by Wordsworth,<br />

Xpi-(TTo4>bpos, 235, 248, 278<br />

282; replies in his Vindicise<br />

IgnatianjE, 282 discovers a third<br />

; MS, Daduchus, epitaph on, 631, 632<br />

72, 282; publishes his Corpus Ignatianum,<br />

72, 282; his supporters and<br />

; Daille attacks the Vossian Letters, 280,<br />

331 character of his attack, 331 ; sq,<br />

opponents, 282 sq two classes of the 418 sq; answered by Pearson, 280,<br />

;<br />

latter, 283; his method discussed, 284 333 ;<br />

attacks the Epistle of Polycarp,<br />

sq; recent opinion unfavourable to 578 sqj; on the testimony of Irenzeus to<br />

his view, 285 sq; his theory fully discussed,<br />

286 sq his fallacious reason-<br />

silence of<br />

the Ignatian Epistles, 337 sq; on the<br />

; Irenasus, 341 sq ;<br />

on the<br />

ing from the comparative date of MSS, .Stichometria of Nicephorus, 350 sq<br />

290 sq; the case summed ;<br />

up, 322 sq; on the mention of Onesimus, 365 on<br />

;<br />

publishes fragments of a Syriac Version supposed allusions to Valentinus, 385 ;<br />

of the Middle Recension, 91, 92; mistaken<br />

on the word Sige, 385 ;<br />

on the establishment<br />

as to its character, 73, 98 sq, 105 ;<br />

of episcopacy, 390, 396, 422 ;<br />

on the evidence for the Spurious Epistles, on the style of the Ignatian Epistles,<br />

250; on the testimony of Eusebius, 408 sq on the word ; XeoTrctpSoj, 412;<br />

250 sq; on the position of the Additional<br />

Epistles in mss, 249, 252; on Damas, bishop of Magnesia meets ; Igna-<br />

the minor criticisms upon, 403, 409<br />

authorship of the Ignatian Epistle<br />

on<br />

tius, 365, 366, 414; his youth, 441;<br />

the name, 366<br />


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