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apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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738 INDEX.<br />

version of the Middle Recension, 76;<br />

the authorship<br />

Christians; why at first confused with<br />

Churton ; Constance, Council of, 359 sq<br />

Jews, 9; the distinction when recognised, criticised, 123, 176<br />

9; their position under Nero, 2 sq, 7, Ciasca, 108 sq<br />

11; under Domitian, 7, 11 sq, 370 Cittinus, proper name, 525<br />

sq; under Nerva, 371; under Trajan, Clairvaux MS, no. 119, perhaps alluded<br />

1 sq, 13 sq, 50 sq, 371, 456; their to by S. Bernard, 236<br />

numbers, 55; their hours of service, Claude Joly; history and date of, 115;<br />

51 sq; charges of obstinacy brought MS belonging to him, 114 sq<br />

against, 50; of profligacy, 52 sq, 400; Claudian, on the miracle of the Thundering<br />

under Hadrian, 456 sq, 476 sq, 502<br />

Legion, 488<br />

sq; under Antoninus Pius, 458 sq, Clemens, Flavins, 12, 370<br />

508 sq; mode of procedure against, Clement, Epistle of; coincidences with,<br />

508; under Marcus AureHus, 461 sq, in the Ignatian Epistles, 371, 402, 430;<br />

509 sq, 526 sq; under Commodus, in the Letter of the Smyrnieans, 626<br />

371, 499, 525 sq; under Septimius sq, silent about episcopacy in the<br />

Severus, 498 under Alexander Severus, Roman Church, ;<br />

398; compounds used<br />

457; under Decius, 639 sq; see also in, 410<br />

Christianity<br />

Clement of Alexandria; his testimony to<br />

'Christifera'; applied to Mary of Cassobola,<br />

episcopacy, 394; his coincidences with<br />

235; confusion resulting from the Ignatian Epistles, 143; his account<br />

this application, 127, 235<br />

of S. John's life at Ephesus, 440; his<br />

Christology; generally, 267 of the<br />

; Ignatian<br />

Epistle to the Philippians, 254; of on martyrdom, 620, 621<br />

anonymous instructor, 444; his views<br />

the interpolated Epistle to the Romans, Clement of Rome his ; personal character<br />

278; of the Long Recension generally, contrasted with that of Ignatius, i<br />

sq;<br />

267 sq; of the Genuine Epistles, 267, his formula of quotation, 593; order of<br />

333> 342. 373 sq' 385 ; of the Short Recension,<br />

succession of, 247, 266; popularity of<br />

320; of the Epistle of Polycarp, the name, 49<br />

593' 595 sq; this last contrasted with Clement the Hymnologer, mentions<br />

the genuine Ignatian Epistles, 595 sq; Abercius, 500, 501<br />

of the Apostolic Constitutions, 266; of Clementine Homilies, character of Simon<br />

Marcellus of Ancyra, 266; see Docctism Magus in the, 347<br />

Christopher (S.) ; history of, 27; legend Clergy, lower orders of the; list given in<br />

of, 27; analogy of the legend to that of the Long Recension, 258; by Cornelius<br />

the Theophoros, 27<br />

of Rome, 258; by Council of<br />

the Chronicon Paschale; its date, 66; its Antioch, 258; by Council of Laodicea,<br />

sources, 66 ; its errors, 66 ; its account 258; the argument derived therefrom<br />

of the persecution of Trajan, 65 sq; as to the date of the Long Recension,<br />

its testimony to Polycarp's ordination 259, 269<br />

by S. John considered, 441 ; quotes the Clubs; see Guilds<br />

Long Recension, 210 sq; its account Coemeterium Domitillse, 370<br />

of Polycarp's visit to Rome, 565 ; and cognitio, 50<br />

martyrdom, 568 sq, 649 sq; passage Coloe, inscriptions at, 694 sq<br />

emended in, 569; sources of its information<br />

Commodus ;<br />

state of the Chi'istians under,<br />

here, 649; explanation of the 17' 37I' 476, 499' 525 sq; influence of<br />

year given for the martyrdom, 650 ; its Marcia upon, 371, 526; his adoption,<br />

error as to the month of the martyrdom, 723; his appointment of consules suffecti,<br />

657; made Caesar, 723; his joint<br />

678, 702 sq, 707; its date for the<br />

martyrdom of Pionius, 718<br />

sovereignty with M. Aurelius, 642, 648,<br />

Chrysostom (S.) on the date of<br />

;<br />

Ignatius, 659sq, 715, 724; accession, 724; adopts<br />

27; quotes the Ignatian Epistles, 165 the name Pius, 663 ; change of prsenomen,<br />

724; games at Smyrna in<br />

sq; his homily in honour of Ignatius,<br />

157 sq, 232; its date and place of honour of, 713 sq<br />

delivery, 46 sq, 165; shows a coincidence<br />

Commune Asice ; its<br />

games, at Smyrna,<br />

with the Long Recension, 261 ; 452 sq, 467, 712; elsewhere, 698; its<br />

on the story of Baby las, 40 sq<br />

;<br />

his use influence on the reform of the calendar,<br />

of Latinisms, 411<br />

685, 698; letter of Antoninus Pius to<br />

Church ; its<br />

prominence in the Ignatian the, 459, 481 sq; see Asiarchs<br />

Epistles, 595 sq ;<br />

contrast in the Compounds used in the Ignatian Epistles,<br />

Epistle of Polycarp, 596; see Catholic 409 sq in the Epistle of Clement, 410;<br />

;<br />

Church<br />

on of the Latin in Xenophon, 410

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