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734 INDEX.<br />

persecution of the Christians, 539 sq ;<br />

Arabic fragments of Ignatian literature,<br />

Arrius Antoninus; his proconsulship and martyrs, 642<br />

71. 75. 325> 349<br />

saying of his recorded by<br />

Archaisms in the language of Tertullian,<br />

Ignatius, 539; his identity discussed, 539 sq ;<br />

421<br />

not Antoninus Pius, 459, 539 ;<br />

date of<br />

Archdeacon, the earliest recorded, 451<br />

his proconsulship, 540; a friend of<br />

Archimartyr and protomartyr, 523<br />

Arianism of the author of the Long Recension<br />

examined, 267 sq<br />

Fronto, 540; his severity, 540<br />

Artemidorus of Daldis, 466<br />

Arutus, Aratus, Aristus, Erastus confused,<br />

Aristides, yElius, the rhetorician ;<br />

his 560<br />

credulity, 467, 468; his dreams, 661, Asclepiades, fellow-martyr of Pionius,<br />

665 his character ; generally, 468 ;<br />

identification<br />

of his iraipos, 660 sq, 675 Ashmunin, 229<br />

471. 556, 639, 640<br />

sq ; perhaps acquainted with Polycarp, Asia Minor ;<br />

the headquarters of Christendom<br />

on the fall of Jerusalem, 438, 444;<br />

468; alludes to the Christians, 533; his<br />

Sacred Discourses, 6=; 2 ;<br />

alludes to Quadratus,<br />

the scene of the Paschal controversy,<br />

652, 660 sq<br />

;<br />

importance of the 382; of Montanism, 383; of various<br />

chronology of his life, 652 views of heresies, ; 383 sq episcopacy in, 391;<br />

;<br />

Masson, 653 sq of<br />

; Letronne, 655 of Churches ; of, contrasted with the Roman<br />

Borghesi, 655; of Waddington, 654, Church, r ; imperial visits to, 448<br />

656 sq readjustments of sq,<br />

Waddington's 634; Roman ; state-worship at, 460, 467<br />

system, 667 sq illness of<br />

;<br />

Aristides, its sq; the centre of superstitious rites in<br />

character and duration, 654 sq,665, 668 the time of the Antonines, 460, 466;<br />

sq his transactions with ; officials, 658, and of the Pagan revival, 465 sq date<br />

;<br />

668 sq ;<br />

dates in his life, 671 ; calendar of the plague in, 652 sq, 660, 666, 673<br />

used by, 685, 696<br />

Asia, Asiatic ; meaning of the term, 682,<br />

Aristides the Apologist, on the martyrdom<br />

of S. Dionysius the Areopagite, Asiarchs ; synonymous with High Priests,<br />

692<br />

505<br />

628, 667 duration of the ; office, 667 ;<br />

Aristion, at Ephesus, 438, 463; see also see Commune Asia, Philip the Trallian<br />

AristoH<br />

Ariston ;<br />

two persons of the name, bishops Asiatic Calendar; see Calendars<br />

of Smyrna, 463, 533; argimient therefrom,<br />

Asiatic Proconsulate; see Proconsulate<br />

463<br />

Assemani, J. S., 49, 107, 154, 194, 281<br />

Armenian Acts of Martyrdom of Ignatius,<br />

Assemani, S. E., 107<br />

90; embody the Epistle to the Athanasius (S.); quotes the Ignatian<br />

Romans, 90, 253, 426; a translation Epistles, 149; his treatise De Synodis<br />

from the Greek, 90; criticism on Arimini et Seleucire, 149; its date, 149;<br />

Zahn's account of, 91<br />

Syriac version of his works, 327 his<br />

;<br />

Armenian Church, the Spurious Ignatian teaching compared with that of Ignatius,<br />

39<br />

Epistles unknown in the, 274<br />

Armenian literature, the golden age of, Athenagoras; date of his Supplicatio, 142,<br />

86<br />

5'26, 537; shows a coincidence with<br />

Annenian version of the Ignatian Epistles;<br />

the Ignatian epistles, 142 his ; testimony<br />

history of, 73, 86 sq; MSS of, to the existence of persecutions, 526,<br />

86; date of, 86, 254, 257, 326, 426; 537<br />

a translation from the Syriac, 87 sq, Atilius Maximus, date of his proconsulship,<br />

98 sq, 105, 249, 254, 293; without<br />

653, 659<br />

comparison with the Greek, 89; fragment<br />

of the Syriac original extant, 89, Attains of Smyrna, 35, 367; the name,<br />

Attalus of Pergamus, martyr, 446<br />

99 sq; the position of the Additional 367<br />

Epistles in the MSS, 234, 249, 253; the Atticus, Symeon accused before, 21 sq,<br />

position of the Epistle to the Philippians,<br />

253 sq the order of the Genuine Aube<br />

59, 60, 65, 637<br />

; ;<br />

on the character of Trajan, 3<br />

;<br />

on<br />

Epistles, 86, 234, 276, 426 sq; its importance<br />

correspondence of Pliny, 54 sq on<br />

;<br />

in determining the date of the the rescript to Fundanus, 478 on the<br />

;<br />

the Long Recension, 257 sq, 285 ;<br />

and of Apology of Justin Martyr, 478 ;<br />

the Short Recension, 326 see also /gnatiati<br />

on the Urban in the story of S. Cse-<br />

;<br />

Epistles<br />

cilia, 520, 522; on the Acts of Pionius<br />

Arnold, C. F. ,<br />

on the Neronian persecution,<br />

in the hands of Eusebius, 721 sq; on<br />

725<br />

the date of Celsus, 530 sq; publishes<br />

Amuphis, the magician, 48S<br />

the genuine Acts of the Pergamene

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