apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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Here the secret is revealed. The last mentioned Polycarp<br />

is a local<br />

saint, a Roman presbyter and confessor, a companion of S. Sebastian, who<br />

was martyred under Diocletian (see BoUand Act. Sand. Februarius iii. p.<br />

369). He would naturally occupy a large space in the field of view with<br />

Romans in the succeeding centuries; and, finding a Polycarp's festival<br />

in some calendar which fell into their hands, they would not unnaturally<br />

assign the day to him. But when they came afterwards to commemorate<br />

the great Polycarp of Smyrna, his day was preoccupied, and another<br />

time must be found for him. What more natural than that he should<br />

be identified with or substituted for the first<br />

person of the name who<br />

met their eye in the calendar These substitutions and interchanges of<br />

namesakes are a very common feature in calendars, and we shall<br />

come across instances (see below, 11. pp. 420 sq, 429). In this way the<br />

of the Roman<br />

Polycarp of Nicsa is altogether excluded in the final stage<br />

calendar. Who he was, and when he suffered, I am unable to say.<br />

Judging from the place of martyrdom and from the fact that he is not<br />

designated an '<br />

ancient martyr', we may infer that he suffered under one<br />

of the later heathen emperors, perhaps Diocletian. The displacement<br />

of a day (Jan. 26 for Jan. 27) is frequent in the Hieronymian Martyrology,<br />

as indeed elsewhere.<br />

The first of the three Martyrologies therefore exhibits the original<br />

Eastern, the last the final Western arrangement; while the middle one<br />

presents an intermediate stage, a dissolving view where the Polycarp of<br />

Niccea is fading away and the Polycarp of Smyrna is emerging to take<br />

his place.<br />

It has been shown, if I mistake not, that the traditional day of the<br />

martyrdom, February 23, has the highest claims on our acceptance, and<br />

that its authority remains unshaken by any rival theories. But the difficulty<br />

of the ' great sabbath ' still remains to be explained.<br />

'<br />

The great sabbath ' in the Christian Church was the Saturday intervening<br />

between Good Friday and Easter Day. As the whole week was<br />

called -q fxeydXi] e/38o/xas (Chrysost. Op. IV. p. 294), so this Saturday was<br />

TO fxiya adpfiaTOv. Thus Chrysostom {Oj>.<br />

V. p. 525) writes, wa-n-ep avT-r]<br />

K€cf)dXaLov Twi' A-oiTTwi/ e/38o/xa8wv, ouTws TavTr]ost. Const. V. 19 it occurs only in the heading of the chapter, -n-epl<br />

but not in the document itself<br />

rrjs TravvuxtSos to5 fxeydXov (rafS/Sdrov,<br />

Again in Can. Apost. 66 et tis KXrjptKos evpeOrj rrjv KvpcaKyv rjixipav vrjarevoiv

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