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apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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persistently throughout to March 26, as the day on which Polycarp<br />

suffered.<br />

(i) In his Paschastreit p. 234 sq (i860), and in the Zeitschr. f.<br />

Wiss. Theol. iv. pp. 288 sq, 331 (1861), he expounds his earher view.<br />

Here he adopts a.d. 166 with Masson and CHnton, as the date of the<br />

martyrdom. For the selection of this particular year there is no<br />

adequate ground, as I have already explained (p. 646). But having<br />

adopted it, he calculated that the 15th Nisan might<br />

fall as early as<br />

March 27 in this year, and as the Jews outside Palestine (owing to the<br />

uncertainty of the calendar) were directed to keep the first and the<br />

last days of the Passover festival twice, he thus arrived at March 26<br />

{Paschastreit p. 243, Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Theol. iv. pp. 303, 331). There<br />

can be little doubt however, that he was several days out in his computation,<br />

if at least we reckon by the full moons, and that Nisan 15<br />

must be placed in April in this year. See the calculations of Kunze in<br />

Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Theol. iv. pp. 303, 330; of Gensler ib. vii. p. 62 sq ;<br />

and of Minnigerode in Wieseler Christenverfolg. p. 75 (see above, p.<br />

690); and comp. Lipsius in Zeitschr. f. Wiss, Theol. xvii. p. 204 sq.<br />

It is<br />

unnecessary however to pursue this question further, as Hilgenfeld<br />

himself has since changed his mind respecting the year.<br />

(2) At a later date Hilgenfeld adopted Waddington's chronology<br />

as against Masson's, but with the modification advocated by Lipsius<br />

(see above, p. 670), so that he now places the martyrdom a.d. 156.<br />

His exposition of this later view will be found in Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Theol.<br />

XVII. p. 324 sq, 1874 (comp. xx. p. 143 sq, 1877; xxii. p. 153 sq, 1879).<br />

In this year 156 he again finds that the 15th Nisan fell on vii Kal.<br />

April., being a Thursday. Here he seems to be less wide of the mark<br />

than in the former case. According to the calculations of Lipsius<br />

{Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Theol. xvii. p. 204), if we take the ecHpse of the moon<br />

on May 6, a.d. 133, as our starting point, we arrive at March 23 for the<br />

full moon of Nisan in the year a.d. 156; while, if we calculate by<br />

Largeteau's tables, we obtain as the result the evening of March 24.<br />

This agrees roughly with Salmon's calculation (p. 691) which makes<br />

Nisan i coincide with March 10, so that Nisan 14 would be March 23.<br />

This would give March 24 or 25 for Nisan 15; and since the Jews<br />

reckoned commonly, not by the astronomical new moon, but by the first<br />

visible appearance, it might very well, he thinks, have coincided with<br />

March 26 {Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Theol. xvii. p.<br />

330 sq).<br />

Hilgenfeld's theory, besides its inherent difficulties, is built upon a<br />

mistaken interpretation of the words ttj^. rjixipa'i koI wpas ruwr^s in § 14<br />

as its foundation. If tliey liad referred, as he supjjoses, to the coinci-

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