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apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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DATE 01' THE MARTYRDOM. 677<br />

accept A.ij. 157 or 158), because the Quartodeciman controversy itselt"<br />

did not break out in Laodicea till a.d 167 (p. 154 sq). He<br />

assumes that Polycarp went to Rome for the express purpose of<br />

settling the Paschal dispute, though Irenoeus does not say so (see<br />

had been<br />

above, p. 555). As the usages of Rome and Smyrna<br />

divergent for a whole generation or more (see above, p. 449 sq), the<br />

divergence could hardly fail to come under discussion, when Polycar])<br />

and Anicetus met face to face, especially if P^astertide were the time<br />

of their meeting. He assumes that Quintus the Phrygian {Mart.<br />

Polyc. 4) was a Montanist; and having made this<br />

assumption he argues<br />

in favour of the later year for the martyrdom, because at the earlier<br />

date Montanism had not yet come to the fore (p. 155 sq). He even<br />

uses the astonishing argument (p.<br />

156 sq) that, judging from the sequence<br />

of names— Polycarp, Thraseas, Sagaris, Papirius<br />

— in Polycrates (Euseb.<br />

H. E. V. 24; see above, p. 556), this writer intended only to enumerate<br />

persons between a.d. 160— 180, and that therefore we are not permitted<br />

to place the martyrdom of Polycarp as far back as a.d. 150 —^160.<br />

As Polycrates mentions S. John immediately before he mentions<br />

Polycarp, it might be argued with equal<br />

latter cannot have happened many years<br />

reason that the death of the<br />

after the death of the<br />

Apostle. All this is mere beating of the air.<br />

Waddington's arguments<br />

may fall short of absolute demonstration; and there remains<br />

the bare possibility that the discovery of some unknown document<br />

may falsify his conclusions. But<br />

by the arguments hitherto brought against them.<br />

assuredly they have not been shaken<br />


The day of the martyrdom is very precisely given<br />

in the chronological<br />

postscript to the Letter of the S}iyrti(zans (see iii. p. 400; comp.<br />

above, p. 626 sq), as follows;<br />

'<br />

The blessed Polycarp<br />

is<br />

martyred on the second of the beginning<br />

of the month Xanthicus, the seventh before the Kalends of March, on a<br />

great sabbath, at the eighth hour' {jj-apTvpa. Se o fj.ixKa.pio% HoXvKapiro';<br />

fjirjvos "BaiVLKOv hevrepa icrTap.€vov, irpo kirra. KaXavZwv Mapriojv, (Ta/3^aTw<br />

fjieydXio, wpa oySorj).<br />

The MSS bp indeed have Matwv, and s has Maiov,<br />

but b indicates elsewhere that the day intended is vii Kal. Mart, (see<br />

III. p. 356;. In v the passage is wanting, but the date is introduced<br />

into the text of the epistle at an earlier point (§ 16) t^ ct/caSt Tptry roi}<br />

^vpovapLov p.qvo'i (see III. p. 392). The recently discovered Moscow<br />

MS m, which is elsewhere our best authority (see<br />

in. p. 355), preserves

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