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apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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tioned in connexion with the martyrdom, in the body of the document<br />

as Asiarch (§ 12) and in the chronological postscript {§ 21) as High-priest,<br />

Now it has been shown; (i)<br />

that these two titles are different designations<br />

of the same office (in. p. 406 sq); (2) that in an Olympian<br />

inscription Philip the Trallian is styled Asiarch in the 232nd Olympiad<br />

which began a.d. 149 (above, p. 629) ; (3) that in three Trallian inscriptions<br />

belonging to the reign of Antoninus Pius and dated the 56th<br />

(TraUian) Olympiad he is called High-priest (above, p. 629 sq); and<br />

(4) that, granting the office to have been held for four years (as I have<br />

endeavoured to prove, iii. p. 412 sq), a probable explanation of the<br />

dating by Trallian Olympiads can be given which would make Philip<br />

High-priest or Asiarch in this very year, a.d. 155, which Waddington<br />

assigns to the martyrdom. Anyhow his tenure of this office —^designated<br />

by either name—is connected in the inscriptions with the reign of<br />

Antoninus Pius. He lived into the succeeding reign, but he is no<br />

longer distinguished by either of these titles.<br />

It should be added also that throughout the Smyrnjean Letter the<br />

singular is used of the emperor. Polycarp is urged to declare ' Csesar is<br />

Lord' (§ 8 Kuptos Kaicrap); he is bidden, and he refuses, to swear by<br />

'the genius of C^sar' (§§ 9, 10, tt^v KatVapos rvxw)- It is at least a<br />

matter of surprise that these forms should be persistently used, if the<br />

event had happened during a divided sovereignty.<br />

Waddington's reconstruction<br />

accepted in the main by Renan L Aiitcchrist p.<br />

of the Aristidean chronology has been<br />

566, L'EgHse Chrctietiue<br />

p. 452 sq; Lipsius Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Thcol. xvii. p. 188 sq (1874),<br />

Jahrb. f. Protest. Theol. iv. p. 751 sq (1878), vii. p. 574 sq (1881), ix.<br />

p. 525 sq (1883); Hilgenfeld Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Theol. xvii. p. 324 sq<br />

(1874), XXII. p. 154 sq (1879); Volkmar Jenaer Literaturzeitung 1874,<br />

no. 274, p. 291; Gebhardt Zeitschr. f. Histor. Theol. 1875, p. 377 sq;<br />

Zahn Pair. Apost. 11. p. 165, 1876; Funk Pair. Apost.<br />

i.<br />

pp. Ixxxiii, xciv<br />

sq, 1878; Aube Histoire des Persecutions p. 319 sq, La Pole/niqiie<br />

Paienne p. 184 sq, 1878; Doulcet Rappoi'ts de I'Eglise Chretienne etc.<br />

p. 103, 1883; Marquardt Romische Staatsverwaltung<br />

1.<br />

p. 375, 1873;<br />

Friedlander Siitengeschichte Ro/us in. pp. 440, 442, 654; H. Schiller<br />

Geschichte der Romischen Ivaiserzeit i. ii.<br />

p. 684, 1883; E. EgU Zeitschr.<br />

f. Wiss. Theol. xxv. p. 227 sq (1S82), xxvii. p. 216 (1884), p. 385 (1888);<br />

T. Randell Date of S. Polycarp' s Martyrdom in Studia Biblica p. 1 7 5 sq,<br />

1885; Lacour-Gayet Antonin le Pieiix p. 149 sq, 1888. On the other<br />

hand Uhlhorn (Herzog Real-Encyklopddie, ed. 2, s. v. Polykarp) and<br />

Wordsworth {Church History<br />

i.<br />

p. 161 sq) incline to the older view;

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