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apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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reckoned indifferently the ' ist, 2nd, 3rd, etc. after the Restoration,' or<br />

the '51st, 52nd, 53rd, etc' absolutely. This practice was not uncommon.<br />

Thus we read of the 517th commemoration of the quinquennial<br />

Ephesian festival (Wood's Ephesus Inscr. vi. 8, 18, pp. 54,<br />

68). If this solution be adopted, the 56th Olympiad, at which<br />

Philip is designated High-priest of Asia, would coincide with a.d. 153.<br />

But it will be shown, if I mistake not, that the office of High-priest<br />

or Asiarch was held for four years (in. p. 412 sq) ; and, supposing<br />

Philip to have been in office from a.d. 151 to 155, or from a.d. 152 to<br />

156, his tenure would cover both the notices in the Trallian inscriptions<br />

and the probable date of Polycarp's martyrdom. Moreover it is<br />

also reconcilable with the Olympian inscription (no. i); for, though<br />

the 232nd Olympiad began a.d. 149, the inscription does not say that<br />

the monument was erected in the first year of the Olympiad. There<br />

— are therefore the four years a.d. 149 153 to range over; and we are<br />

thus brought well within the limits which on other grounds we have<br />

assigned to Philip's tenure of office.<br />

(4) The name of the procoisul is<br />

given in this postscript<br />

as Statins<br />

Quadratus. In the narrative itself he is not named. But it will be<br />

shown in the following chapter that Statius Quadratus held the Asiatic<br />

proconsulate somewhere about the time when Philip the Trallian was in<br />

office and when the martyrdom must have taken place.<br />

Thus all the particulars affecting the date are confirmed in some way<br />

or other ;<br />

and the credibility of the paragraph has been established by<br />

a mass of evidence gathered from various quarters and far exceeding<br />

what we had any right to expect.<br />

But an anachronism has been discovered in the words which follow.<br />

It is<br />

objected that the contrast between the temporal and the eternal<br />

rulers— between the high-priesthood of Philip and proconsulate of<br />

Quadratus on the one hand, and the kingdom of Christ on the otherindicates<br />

a much later date than the middle of the second century;<br />

that<br />

such a formula is inipossible before a.d. 525, when Dionysius Exiguus<br />

invented the mode of dating from the Christian era ;<br />

and that it is still<br />

rare even in the 9th century'.<br />

1<br />

Gorres Zeitschr. f. JViss. Thcol. XXI. finding the form in question not only in<br />

P- 53 (1878), adopting the view of Bas- the Ldler of the Smyrncran: but also in<br />

nage Annul. Pol. Eccl. 11. p. 362, who \.\\z Acts of the Scillitan Martyrs {Zeitschr.<br />

condemns the ^cYj ^^/ax/w/w, etc., on /. Wiss. Theol. xxii. p. 97 sq, 1879;<br />

this ground (see above, p. 503). Gorres Jahrb. f. Protest. Theol. 1884, p. 259).<br />

inadvertently writes 'Dionysius Areopa- This objection is repeated by J. Reville<br />

gita ' for Dionysius Exiguus. He has de Ann. Dieqtie Polyc. Mart. p. 30.<br />

subsequently withdrawn this objection,

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