apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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such matters in the age of Polycarp, than in the middle of the next<br />

century, when they were much better known and many popular fallacies<br />

respecting them had been exploded.<br />

A still more shadowy argument, which Keim advances with great<br />

confidence, is the discouragement of martyrdom as set forth in this<br />

document. We have seen that an undue thirst for martyrdom was the<br />

objection raised against the genuineness of the Ignatian letters (see<br />

above, p. 407 sq). The very opposite spirit<br />

is now impugned in the<br />

Letter of the Smyrnjeans. It is<br />

objected by Keim that the disparagement<br />

of persons offering themselves voluntarily for martyrdom<br />

is alien<br />

to the temper and convictions of the earlier ages, and betokens a date at<br />

least as late as the end of the second century, if not much later.<br />

Polycarp,<br />

he urges, is praised, because he did not deliver himself voluntarily to<br />

martyrdom, but waited till he was betrayed'. Quintus the Phrygian is<br />

held up as a warning, because, having thrust himself forward as a volunteer<br />

martyr, he turned coward and denied his faith at the supreme<br />

moment of trial (§ 4). The first passage, as will appear from the note,<br />

has been wrongly interpreted, and (so far as it is<br />

goes) an incentive to<br />

rather than a discouragement of martyrdom. The second, relating to<br />

adoui so as to be hi '<br />

§ I irepL^nei/ev yap 'iva irapadody, (is Kal<br />

put off the fatal hour', but 'he lingered<br />

1<br />

the 7vay of his captors.'<br />

6 Kvpws, iva fUfiTjTal Kai ^^eis avrou yeuwfieda,<br />

The incident in the subsequent<br />

p-T] p.6vov crKOTrovvTes to Kad' eavrovs narrative to which it more especially<br />

dXXd Kal TO Kara tovs rreXas' dydirrjs ydp refers is not § 5 VTre^9\KBiv et's dypidiov,<br />

d\7]6ovs Kal )3e/3atas eurlu /lltj fxbvov eavTov but rather § 7 KdKeWev oe rjSuvaTo els<br />

diXfiv (Tib^ecrdai<br />

dXXd Kal TravTas tous eTepov x^pl-ov direXdeiv, dXX' ovk ri^ov\r}drj,<br />


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