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apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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Epistle {V ^glise Chrctienne p. v ; comp. ib. pp. 442 sq, 463, Les J^vangiles pp. xxviii<br />

sq, 486 sq, 494 sq, Marc-Aurcle p. 417 sq). But, having done tliis, he casts about<br />

helplessly for any theory which will explain the facts. These ' gemini angues ' fasten<br />

upon him, and<br />

Corripiunt spirisque ligant ingentibus'<br />

'<br />

tela ferentem<br />

till he is hopelessly enfolded in their coils. He is driven to make two statements,<br />

which are strangely at variance with the facts; (i) He speaks of the Epistles of<br />

Ignatius and the Epistle of Polycarp as '<br />

perfectly homogeneous in style and<br />

colouring' (' parfaitement homogene de style et de couleur', Les £v. p. xxx), though<br />

hardly any two early Christian writings differ more (see above p. 594 sq)<br />

;<br />

(2) He<br />

considers that one of the main motives of the Epistle of Polycarp was to plead for<br />

episcopacy {Les Ev. p. xxx, VEgL Chret. pp. 443, 444). If this were so, I can<br />

only repeat what I have said before, that he could not have done his work worse.<br />

From Daille downward, presbyterian writers of successive ages have put him forward<br />

as their champion. As regards his own views, Renan does not, so far as I have<br />

observed, commit himself to any definite theory, but he limits the possibilities thus;<br />

It appears then, either that the Epistle of Polycarp and those of Ignatius are the<br />

'<br />

work of the same forger ('sont du meme faussaire ') or that the author of the letters<br />

of Ignatius had the design of finding a point d'appiii in the Epistle of Polycarp and,<br />

while adding a postcript [i.e. c. 13], of creating a recommendation for his work' (/. c. p.<br />

xxx). And he seems to hover between these two solutions elsewhere without coming<br />

to any definite conclusion (comp. Les Av. pp. xxvii, 486, 487, 488, Vj^gl. Chret. pp.<br />

316, 463, 49S, Marc-Atir. p. 418). Both these theories I have already considered<br />

in the preceding pages. As regards the former the wholly diverse character of the<br />

two writings is a sufficient refutation. As regards the latter it has been shown, if I<br />

mistake not, (i) that the 13th chapter is better authenticated than the other parts of the<br />

epistle, and (2) that it is not at all what a forger would have invented to recommend<br />

the Ignatian letters, inasmuch as it fails for this purpose both in excess and in defect.<br />

All this perplexity Renan would have avoided by the frank acceptance of the Ignatian<br />

Epistles as genuine. This step he is not prepared to take. On the contraiy he<br />

declares again and again that they (or at least six out of the seven) are certainly<br />

spurious. Yet at the same time he is<br />

ready to allow: (i) that they were known to<br />

Lucian (see above, p. 347) ; (2) that the journey to Rome and the martyrdom there are<br />

historical facts (see esp. Les £v. pp. xxxiv, 487) ; (3) that the Epistle to the Romans<br />

was known to Irenseus ; (4) that the Epistle to the Romans is genuine in the main (see<br />

above, p. 314). After travelling so far on the road, it is difficult to see why he<br />

should refuse to take the final step.<br />

Other critics, less scrupulous than Renan, adopt a more drastic treatment. Their<br />

starting-point is the assumption that the Epistle of Polycarp cannot be genuine, because<br />

it bears testimony to the Ignatian letters which are certainly spurious. Their<br />

other arguments are all secondary, to support this foregone conclusion. This is the<br />

position of Schwegler, Scholten, and others. The time has gone by, when such<br />

treatment could be received with deference.

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