apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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tions are important as preserving passages of which the Greek is lost<br />

and which are extant only in the Latin translation, thus testifying to<br />

the fact that the original Greek in the missing portion corresponded<br />

to the extant Latin version.<br />

To the concurrent testimony of antiquity there is no dissentient<br />

voice. Nicephorus indeed places Polycarp, as well as Ignatius and<br />

Clement, among his '<br />

apocrypha ' but it ;<br />

has been shown already<br />

(p. 349 sq) that he did not intend to throw any doubt on the genuineness<br />

or authenticity of the writings so described. By so designating<br />

them, he wished merely to distinguish them from such books as had<br />

claims to be regarded as canonical Scripture.<br />

(ii)<br />

Internal Evidence.<br />

The external testimony in favour of the genuineness has been shown<br />

to be exceptionally good. We thus approach the study of the epistle<br />

with a strong guarantee of its<br />

authenticity, which can only be invalidated<br />

by solid and convincing proofs and against which mere<br />

hypothetical combinations and ingenious surmises are powerless. It<br />

remains now to enquire whether the internal evidence is such as to<br />

demand a reversal of the judgment to which in all ordinary cases the<br />

external testimony would irresistibly impel us.<br />

Those objections must be first considered which have been raised<br />

on the ground of the character and contents of the letter. Here however<br />

we may pass over all arguments based on the incredibility<br />

of the<br />

Ignatian story in itself, as these have been considered already and set<br />

aside (p. 354 sq). The objections which remain are as follows'.<br />

(i)<br />

It is<br />

urged that in this letter Polycarp assumes a position of<br />

influence, which can hardly be reconciled with the facts and which<br />

would only be intelligible at a later period of his life". This objection<br />

could not have been regarded as formidable, even when Polycarp's<br />

martyrdom was dated according to the received chronology as late as<br />

A.D. 167. But recent investigation has placed<br />

it twelve years earher,<br />

and accordingly the date of his birth must be moved backward through<br />

the same number of years. If the eighty-six years, of which he speaks<br />

1<br />

The authenticity of this document required. It has recently been the subject<br />

was investigated by me at length some of an investigation by Funk {Die Echtheit<br />

years ago in the Contemporary Review der Ignatianischen Briefe'^. 1459, 1883),<br />

May 1875, p. 838 sq; and I have ven- who employs many of the same argutured<br />

to transfer to the present vv'ork so ments.<br />

much of my former paper as -<br />

my purpose Supernaturat Religion, i. p. 277 sq.

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