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nino Pio, ecclesiam in urbe regente Aniceto, Romam venit, ubi plurimos<br />

credentium, Marcionis et Valentini persuasione deceptos, reduxit ad<br />

fidem. Cumque ei fortuito obviam fuisset Marcion et diceret ' Cognosce<br />

nos ', respondit,<br />

*<br />

Cognosce primogenitum<br />

diaboli '. Postea<br />

vero, regnante M. Antonino et L. Aurelio Commodo, quarta post<br />

Neronem persecutione, Smyrnae sedente proconsule et universe populo<br />

in amphitheatre adversus eum personante igni traditus est. Scripsit<br />

ad Philippenses valde utilem epistolam quae usque hodie in Asiae<br />

conventu legitur.<br />

(ii)<br />

Adv. Helvtdtum 17 {Op. 11. p. 225).<br />

See above, p. 156.<br />

(iii) Epistula 71 {Op. i. p. 434)-<br />

Porro Josephi libros et sanctorum Papiae et Polycarpi volumina<br />

falsus ad te rumor pertuUt a me esse translata ; quia nee otii mei nee<br />

virium est tantas res eadem in alteram linguam exprimere venustate.<br />

(iv) Chro7iicon M. Aurel. 7 (11. p. 171, ed. Schone).<br />

Persecutione orta in Asia Polycarpus et Pionius fecere martyrium,<br />

quorum scriptae quoque passiones feruntur.<br />

After this follows ' Plurimi in Gallia etc.'; see above, p. 557.<br />

Of the four works of Jerome here quoted the first belongs to A.D. 392, the<br />

second to a.d. 382, the third to A.D. 398, and the fourth to A.D. 378.<br />

14.<br />

RUFINUS [c. A.D. 402— 406].<br />

Historia Ecdesiastica iii.<br />

36, 37, 38, iv. 14, 15.<br />

These passages, translated from Eusebius, have supplied a large portion of the<br />

notices of Polycarp in later Latin writers ;<br />

but they are too long to be given in full.<br />

Macarius Magnes [c.<br />

A.D. 400].<br />

Apocritica iii. 24 (p. log, ed. Blondel).<br />

Aurt 8 ovv Trjv ^fjLvpvaCojp eTncTKOTr'^v Sienctyv IloXv-<br />


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