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of him as no persecutor<br />

of the Christians. If therefore he is the person intended,<br />

the story must have been ' improved ' in the course of transmission. Even as it<br />

stands, it betrays an unwiUingness on the part of the proconsul to push matters to<br />

extremities. (3)<br />

One Gaius Arrius Antoninus was proconsul of Asia (Lamprid. Coitmodus<br />

7) about A.D. 184 or 185 (Waddington I.e. p. 239 sq). This is<br />

probably the<br />

person meant (Tillemont Mimoires 11. pp. 170, 572, Keim Rorn. u. Christenthiim<br />

p. 610, Renan Marc-Aiirele p. 62, Goxxes Jahrb./. Protest. Theol. 1884, p. 395 sq,<br />

Aube Les Chretiens ete. p. 29 sq). Waddington (J.c), though preferring this latest<br />

Arrius Antoninus, considers the earliest of the three possible. This latest was a great<br />

friend of Fronto, who addresses him as 'my master and very dear son' ('mi domine<br />

fill carissime ',<br />

Fronto Epist. p. 192, Naber), and was advanced to successive honours<br />

by the 'sanctissimi imperatores' M. Aurelius and L. Verus (Henzen no. 6485 comp.<br />

;<br />

Borghesi CEuvres v. p. 383 sq).<br />

From the nature of some of these offices it would<br />

seem that Marcus had especial confidence in him. He was apparently a very severe<br />

administrator of justice, and made himself many enemies thereby.<br />

Fronto writes to<br />

him, ' Raro umquam tot simul capita de caelo tacta sunt, quot tu condemnasti' (p. 195),<br />

and remonstrates with him for his harsh treatment in one case more especially (p. 192<br />

sq). Unfortunately Fronto's letters to him are much mutilated. This was during<br />

the joint reign of Marcus and Lucius (p. 194 'imperatores nostri'). A sentence<br />

pronounced by Arrius, when proconsul of Asia, was the occasion of a plot against<br />

him which cost him his life (Lamprid. Comm. 7). Thus the character of this Arrius<br />

Antoninus entirely suits the story of Tertullian (Aube p. 31 sq). Our only difficulty<br />

is in placing a persecution so severe as this is represented in the reign of Commodus,<br />

which was a period of general tranquillity for the Church. But possibly the story is<br />

exaggerated. Moreover, as occurring in the early years of the reign it may be looked<br />

upon, like the Madaurian and Scillitan martyrdoms (see above p. 522 sq), as a survival<br />

of the policy<br />

of M. Aurelius. Nor does it seem impossible, having regard to the<br />

data, to place the proconsulship of Arrius Antoninus two or three years earlier than it<br />

is tentatively placed by Waddington.<br />

(ix)<br />

HiERONYMUS [a.D. 392, 397].<br />

(a)<br />

Vir. Illustr. 19.<br />

Quadratus apostolorum discipulus,<br />

Christi fidem martyrio coronato, in locum ejus<br />

Public Athenarum episcopo ob<br />

substituitur et ecclesiam<br />

grandi terrore dispersam fide et industria sua congregat. Cumque<br />

Hadrianus Athenis exegisset hiemem, invisens Eleusinam, et omnibus<br />

paene Graeciae sacris initiatus dedisset occasionem his, qui Christianos<br />

oderant, absque praecepto imperatoris vexare credentes, porrexit ei<br />

librum etc.<br />

Jerome has derived his information from two passages of Eusebius H.<br />

;<br />

E. iv. 3,<br />

which mentions that Quadratus the Apologist addresses his work to Hadrian 'because<br />

certain wicked men were endeavouring to harass our people '<br />

{on 87] iropripoi rtves dvSpes<br />

rovs rjfi.eTipovs evo-xXetv iireipQvTo), and H. E. iv. 23, which relates on the authority<br />

of Dionysius of Corinth that Quadratus Bishop of Athens succeeded Publius and<br />

gathered together the congregation which had been scattered by the persecution.<br />


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