apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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The following passages, so far as I know, contain all the notices of<br />

the Christians in heathen writers during the three reigns.<br />

Arrian, Diss. iv. 7. 6.<br />

(i)<br />

Epictetus [c.<br />

a.d. 120].<br />

Etra VTTo fxavta^ [Jikv<br />

Swarai tis outw SLareOrjvai irpos Tavra, koL vtto<br />

idov ot FaXiXatot.<br />

Epictetus is here discussing the attitude of fearlessness before a tyrant's menaces.<br />

As he still survived under Hadrian, with whom he was on intimate terms (Spartian.<br />

Hadr. 16), his knowledge of the Christians was probably drawn from the persecution<br />

under Trajan. It is worthy of notice that Junius Rusticus, the honoured friend and<br />

teacher of M. Aurelius and the persecutor of the Christians (see above, pp. 461, 510),<br />

who was himself an accomplished Stoic (Dion Cass. Ixxi. 35, Capitol. Marc. 3,<br />

Orelli Inscr. 1190), was the first to place 'the memoirs of Epictetus' (rd 'ETriKxr^Tera<br />

inrofivri/jiaTa, i.e. the work of Arrian which we possess and which contains this notice<br />

of the Christians) in the hands of his imperial pupil (M. Antonin. Med. i.<br />

7). Doubtless<br />

however it is a mistake of Themistius {Orat. 5, p. 63 D; comp. Suidas s. v.<br />

'ETT^KXTyros) to represent Epictetus as still surviving and being promoted by 'the two<br />

Antonines'; see on this point Gataker on M. Anton. Med. viii. 31,<br />

(ii)<br />

Phlegon [a.d. 137].<br />

(a) Chrofiica xiii. (Orig. c. Cels. ii. 14).<br />

$Xeywv fievTOi iv TpiaKaiSeKCtTw ^ Tctro-apecrKatSeKaTa), ot/uai, rtov Xpovi-<br />

Kwv Kttt Trjv Trepi Ttvwj/ fJuXXovTiav Trpoyvcacnv (.ou)K€ t

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