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apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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Caracalla apparently was with him. They returned to Rome together a.d. 202<br />

(Herodian. iii. lo. i).<br />

The Acts therefore point to the divided sovereignty of M.<br />

Aurelius and L. Verus. The name of the City Prefect is given as Publius; and<br />

Borghesi seems to have estabHshed the fact that Pubhus Salvius Julianus was prefect<br />

in A.D. 161, 162 (CEiivres viii. p. 548 sq, IX. p. 302 sq), being succeeded in the<br />

office by Rusticus not before A.D. 163^.<br />

This date is further confirmed by other considerations lying<br />

outside the Acts<br />

themselves, (a) The great inundation of the Tiber, followed by a terrible famine, as<br />

recorded by CapitoHnus {Marcus 8), has been shown to have occurred in a.d. 162;<br />

see Borghesi<br />

1. c. p. 549. This would furnish the occasion when the pontiffs declared<br />

'deos nostros sic irasci ut penitus placari non possint'. We have seen that<br />

((3)<br />

De Rossi confidently ascribes the burial chamber of Januarius to the age of the<br />

Antonines. This is disputed by Aube, p. 453 sq. Judging from analogous cases,<br />

I should have thought<br />

it somewhat difficult to assert with confidence that the architecture<br />

and decorations of a building must fix its date about a.d. 160, and would not<br />

allow of its<br />

having been built forty years later. But it is presumptuous in any one<br />

who has not made a special study of the subject to challenge a verdict which is<br />

founded on patient investigation and long experience. (7) Lastly: the — day of the<br />

martyrdom of the seven sons (this does not apply to Felicitas herself) the loth of<br />

July — is a strong point in favour of the earlier date. This day, as we have seen<br />

(p. 514), was a festival under Antoninus Pius and M. Aurelius, and therefore a likely<br />

time for martyrdoms under these emperors but no<br />

;<br />

such coincidence can be found for<br />

the reign of Severus.<br />

(8)<br />

The Galilean Martyrs [a.d. 177].<br />

The history of the persecutions at Vienne and Lyons<br />

is recorded in a contemporary<br />

letter from these churches to 'the brethren in Asia and Phrygia'. The document<br />

itself indeed has been lost, but very large parts of it are preserved by Eusebius H.E.<br />

V. I, 2. In fact so far as regards the actual persecution, Eusebius has probably not<br />

passed over anything of very material importance. The date is fixed definitely to the<br />

17th year of M. Antoninus, a.d. 177 {H.E. v. prooem.).<br />

The persecution was wholesale, so that it was not safe for any Christian to appear<br />

out of doors (§ 5). No difference of age or sex was made. The nonagenarian Pothinus,<br />

the slave girl Blandina, the young lad Ponticus, all were remorselessly slaughtered.<br />

The prisoners were put to the most cruel tortures. All the elements of power combined<br />

to crush the brethren. The multitude was infiiriated against them (§ 7 ^YptW/ueVy<br />

jrK-qdei. ws irpbs exOpoiJs Kal TroXefiiovs (f>i\eX ylvecrdai: comp.<br />

ib. to. airb rod 6xXov Travdrjfxei<br />

crcopTjdbv iTri(pep6fj.€va). Even their very kinsmen and connexions turned upon<br />

them like wild beasts, exasperated by the foul libels disseminated against them (§ 15).<br />

The governor of the province made a public proclamation that all the Christians<br />

should be sought out (§14 dijfioa-lg. eKiXevaev 6 ijye/j.wv dv a i^'ijTeia 6ai -rravTas rjfids).<br />

Lastly, the emperor himself was consulted concerning some of the prisoners, and his<br />

^<br />

The name Publius however, assigned was City Prefect {C. I. L. 11. 2073), and<br />

to the Prefect, is equally consistent with he must have held the office about a. d.<br />

the later date assigned by Aube to the 200 (Doulcet p. 199; comp. Aubepp. 457,<br />

martyrdom. Publius Cornelius Anullinus 464, Borghesi OEiivres ix. p. 333).<br />


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