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apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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505<br />

do represent genuine martyrs, who were buried in the neighbourhood of Symphorosa,<br />

but had no other connexion with her ;<br />

and that their sonship was a later adaptation<br />

of the story of the Maccabasan mother and her sons. They were brothers as members<br />

of the Christian brotherhood, but in no other sense. If so, there is no sufficient<br />

ground for assigning their martyrdom to the reign of Hadrian. The companion story<br />

of Felicitas and her seven sons, which I shall have to consider presently, is best<br />

explained in the same way.<br />

The Acts of Symphorosa state that the heathen pontiffs, at whose instigation these<br />

sons of Symphorosa were martyred, called the jDlace of their execution Ad Septem<br />

Biothaitatos. This word ^loddvaros (or more correctly ^laiodcwaros), which commonly<br />

meant 'a suicide', was applied by the heathen to Christians who voluntarily courted<br />

martyrdom see W. Dindorf in Steph. Thes. s. v. ^caioCavariu, and Ducange Gloss.<br />

:<br />

Lat. s. V. 'Biothanati'. It seems probable that the place did bear this name, so that<br />

the statement is not a pure invention of the writer of these Acts.<br />

(y)<br />

S. Diojiysius the Areopagite.<br />

The Martyrologium Veins Romamun p. 170 {Patrol. Lat. cxxiii.) under v Non.<br />

Octob. has the entry; 'Athenis Dionysii Areopagitae sub Adriano diversis tormentis<br />

passi, ut Aristides testis est in opere quod de Christiana religione composuit ;<br />

hoc opus apud Athenienses inter antiquorum memorias clarissimum tenetur'. This<br />

notice has been copied by subsequent Latin martyrologists.<br />

A person who enjoyed distinction as an Areopagite as early as A. D. 52, when<br />

S. Paul visited Athens, could hardly have been living during the reign of Hadrian<br />

— (a.d. 117 138). In order to obviate this difficulty Otto {Corp. Apol. Christ, ix. p. 345<br />

sq) supposes that in the authority used by this martyrologist 'sub Adriano' was a<br />

marginal note referring to the time when Aristides' Apology was written. It is<br />

hardly probable however that, if Aristides had made this statement respecting<br />

Dionysius the Areopagite, it would have been overlooked by Eusebius. At all events<br />

Eusebius elsewhere {H. E. iii. 4) takes the pains to record a notice which he found in<br />

Dionysius of Corinth respecting his namesake the Areopagite. We must therefore<br />

suppose that our martyrologist has altogether mistaken his authority. There is another<br />

mention of Aristides the Apologist in this same Martyrology (ii<br />

Kal. Sept.).<br />

(S)<br />

Alexander Bishop of Rome and others.<br />

Linked with this bishop in the honours of martyrdom are his priests Evenlius and<br />

Theodulus, with their converts Hermes the prefect and Quirinus the tribune. The<br />

authority is the Acts of Alexander (May 3).<br />

These Acts may be safely rejected on<br />

several grounds ;<br />

(a) They are full of historical mis-statements and anachronisms. Thus Aurelian<br />

militiae at the time<br />

the persecutor of these martyrs is represented as coties utriiisqtie<br />

of Trajan's death; the title being thus antedated by some centuries. Hermes is City<br />

Prefect at the time, though history says nothing of a person of this name bearing this<br />

office. Aurelian's wife, who by the way plays the part of Pilate's wife, warning her<br />

husband against shedding the blood of an innocent man, is called Severina (or Severiana).<br />

But Severina is the name of the consort of the emperor Aurelian. (b) They<br />

teem with miracles and exaggerations of all kinds. Thus S. Alexander converts the

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