apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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letter mentions deKdr'^s ye/MivotppePTTjo-lq., as it is corruptly written in the MSS. The<br />

tenth was a double legion,<br />

or rather two legions (Dion Cass. Iv. 23 ot UKaroi eKarepoi,<br />

o'L re iv rrj Tlavvovlq, ry dvo) ol 8i8vfxoL Kal ol iv called 'Ioi;5ciii;i), respectively Geniina and<br />

Fretensis. There can therefore be no doubt that the corrupt Greek represents<br />

'decima Gemina et Fretensis.' The name ' Gemina' or Twin ' ' is the designation of<br />

several legions (the viith, xth, xiiith, xivth), which were or had been twofold; and<br />

Otto here (I know not for what reason) singles out the xivth. Both x Gemina and<br />

XIV Gemina were stationed in Pannonia Superior, so that either might easily have<br />

been employed in this war. The other xth legion, Fretensis, was quartered in Judsea.<br />

If therefore it took any part in this war, it must, like Fulminata, have been transferred<br />

to those parts temporarily for the purpose.<br />

I am disposed to think that there was some truth in the Christian account of the<br />

incident. Claudius Apollinaris, who first mentions it, addressed his Apology to<br />

M. Aurelius, and therefore must have written within six years of the event at the outside.<br />

He is therefore entitled to credit as the most strictly contemporary of all known<br />

authorities. He could hardly have placed the Legio Fulminata in Germany, when its<br />

head quarters were well known to be in the East, unless it had actually been sent<br />

thither. There is<br />

nothing improbable in its transference, such removals being common<br />

in time of war. Thus in Tac. Atm. xv. 25, 26 we have a notice of the transmission of<br />

several legions from great distances to the seat of war. But a legion stationed in<br />

Melitene would naturally contain a very appreciable proportion of Christians, as it<br />

must have drawn recruits from districts where Christianity was exceptionally strong at<br />

a very early age. If the drought were oppressive, these Christians would probably<br />

pray for rain. Here then we have the true elements in the story. On the other<br />

hand the request of the emperor to the Christians for their special prayers and his<br />

subsequent acknowledgement of their efficacy are doubtless a fictitious garnish with<br />

which the enthusiasm of the early Christians decked out the simple fact.<br />

(/8) Letter to Euxeiiiaius.<br />

'AvTCOvtvos AvTOKpdrwp 2e/5acrTos Ev^evtava) IIoTrXt'wvt ^(aipav. 'Eyo)<br />

et Tretpav tt/s o"i^S ay^tvotas epyot ai;TOts Karacrra, koI jU.aA,io"Ta ois<br />

eFay;;^os Trpocrrafet tov rjjxiTepov Kpa.Tovt(ras S/xv/ovatots rrjv iK tov kX.ovov rr/s y^s eTriyevofxivrjv avrots<br />


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