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apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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The first form of this edict, bearing the name of Antoninus Pius, is attached in the<br />

Mss as a sort of appendix to the Second Apology of Justin Martyr {Op. i. p. 244 sq,<br />

Otto, ed. 3). There is no reason however for supposing that it was so attached<br />

by Justin himself, and this appendix must be due to a later transcriber. In the<br />

opening lines the mss have SrjixapxiKTJi i^ovaias viraros ird', TraTTjp Trarpidos to ku,<br />

which was corrected by Mommsen {Thcol. Jalirb. xiv. p. 431, 1855) as I have given<br />

it in the text, 57]fj.apxi-Kris e^ovcias rb Ka ,<br />

vTraros to 5', waTy]p waTpLdos<br />

— a correction<br />

which commends itself, for the text of the mss is impossible, whether the document be<br />

genuine or not. This reckoning, Trib. Potest, xxi, Cons, iv, corresponds to a.d. 158,<br />

three years after the probable date of Polycarp's martyrdom.<br />

The second form, professing to have issued from M. Aurelius, is found in Eusebius<br />

(ZT. £. iv. 13). The emperor's titles however are not consonant with themselves. The<br />

dates, Trib. Potest, xv, Cons, iii, would give a.d. i6i ;<br />

but M. Aurelius did not assume<br />

the name 'Armeniacus' (not'Apfi&ios but 'Apij.evi.aK6s)<br />

till a.d. 163 (Capitolin. Marcus<br />

8, Verus 7; see Clinton Fasti Roinani i. p. 151 sq). If therefore the document be<br />

genuine, some correction is necessary. Thus we might make an alteration in the<br />

numbers, and read, as I have suggested elsewhere (11. p. 496), 9 {<br />

— 'ivvarov) for €<br />

{wiixTnov), in which case we shall get, Trib. Potest, xix, Cons, iii, corresponding to<br />

A.D. 165. Or again we might strike out the word 'ApfiivLos as a later addition; and<br />

this solution is suggested both by the form {'Ap/j.€vi.aK6s alone being correct) and<br />

by the fact that the words 'AppiivLos dpxi-epevs p-iyiaTOs are wanting in Chroii. Pasch.<br />

p. 484 sq (ed. Bonn.), where it is quoted. In Rufinus however and in the Syriac<br />

Version of Eusebius they are found as in the Greek ; and, since the Chronicon Paschale<br />

would naturally derive the document from Eusebius, we must attribute the omission<br />

to the carelessness of a scribe, whose eye was misled by the homceoteleuton -crros in<br />

2e/3a(7r6s, jxiyiffTos,<br />

It is to be observed also that, though the name of M. Aurelius is distinctly given in<br />

the heading of the edict itself, yet Eusebius [H. E. iv. 12) prefaces it with the words,<br />

ei'Tenx^ets 5e /cat 1;^' eTepuv 6 avTos j3a(n\evs eirl ttjs 'Aaias dS€\(pQv, TravToiais xj^peai<br />

Trpos tQiv iinxo3pi(i}v drjpuov KaTairovovixivuiv, TOiavT-qs rj^lucre Tb kolvov ttjs 'Acrias<br />

Siardfews; where 'the same emperor' ought to refer to Antoninus Pius, who has been<br />

mentioned immediately before by Eusebius (iv. 11) as the sovereign to whom Justin<br />

dedicated his Apology (jSaaiXel 'AvtwvIvi^ ry 5ij iiriKK-qdivTi Ewe/Sei), and again (iv.<br />

12) in the opening of the Apology itself, which Eusebius quotes. Moreover the document<br />

is introduced in the midst of events relating to the reign of Antoninus Pius, and<br />

this emperor's death and the consequent succession of M. Aurelius are not recorded<br />

till a later point in the history (iv. 14).<br />

On the supposition of the genuineness, Wieseler {Christaiverfolgiingen p. 21 sq)<br />

explains these phenomena as follows. The edict, though bearing the name of the<br />

reigning Augustus, Antoninus Pius, was really dictated by the Cresar, M. Aurelius. To<br />

this Melito refers, when in his Apology addressed to the latter he writes (Euseb. H. E.<br />

iv. 26), 6 5^ TraTTfp crov, Kai

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