apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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4^3<br />

at least from one of his immediate disciples and converts, it would<br />

receive the first tidings of the Gospel during this period. The author<br />

of the Life of Polycarp indeed supplies more explicit information with<br />

regard to the early days of the Smyrn^an Church. He speaks of<br />

Stratseas, a brother of Timothy, whom S. Paul had known in Pamphyha<br />

as residing there. The Apostle, leaving Galatia, sought rest and<br />

refreshment among the faithful in Smyrna, and took up his abode with<br />

Strataeas. The visit to 'Asia' here intended is apparently the same which is<br />

described in Acts xix. i sq, during the Apostle's third missionary journey,<br />

commencing about a.d. 54'. After the Apostle's departure, Stratceas<br />

*<br />

succeeds to the instruction '<br />

of the Church {^uSe$aTo...Trjv StSacr/caXiav),<br />

apparently as its first bishop. The immediate predecessor of Polycarp<br />

in the episcopate was Bucolusj but others had intervened between<br />

Stratseas and him. The account in the Apostolic ConstitutioJis (vii. 46)<br />

runs on the same lines, but is not consistent in its details with the<br />

story of Polycarp's biographer. The writer of this work gives the first<br />

bishop as Ariston, then Strataeas, then another Ariston^ It is noticeable<br />

that Aristion is the name of one of those personal disciples of<br />

Christ with whom Papias was acquainted', and from whom he derived<br />

some traditions of the earliest days of the Gospel. We have no<br />

means of extricating the historical kernel of which these legendary<br />

stories are the husk; but the repetition of the same name might suggest<br />

the inference that there was an alternation in the presidency of the<br />

college of presbyters, before Smyrna had a bishop properly so called.<br />

Anyhow it is far from improbable that Polycarp was not the first<br />

bishop of Smyrna, even in the more restricted sense of the term.<br />

As interpreted by some writers, the letter to the angel of the Church<br />

of Smyrna in the Apocalypse (ii. 8 — 10) contains the earliest and most<br />

interesting reference to Polycarp, of whose destiny<br />

it thus becomes a<br />

prophetic utterance ;<br />

^<br />

Acts xviii. 23, 24, xix. i, i^rjXOev elaeXdwv 6 IlavXos Kal avvavayayHiv to^s<br />

[UauXos] dtepxanevos Tr/v TaXaTLKriv xcipai' foras TriaTovs k.t.X. The ' days of iin-<br />

Kal . .<br />

i>pvyLau .'lovdawi de tls 'AttoXXws... leavened bread' are mentioned to intro-<br />

KaTritn-i]ff€v et's<br />

'E(p€(7ov..'EyiveTo 8L.. duce the Apostle's subsequent discourse<br />

IlavXov SteXOovTa TO, dfuiTepLKo, /xiprj iXOe^u on the proper time of observing Easter;<br />

(v. 1. KareXdelv) els "E^etroi' Kal evpelv but the journey to Jerusalem must be a<br />

TtJ'oiJ Hadryrd^. With this compare the slip, as no such journey took place till<br />

language of ViL Polyc. 2 'E>' ras Tj/xipais more than three years later.<br />

Tuv a'^vp.u3v 6 IlavXot (k Trjs VaXarias<br />

" The names, Ariston and Aristion,<br />

KOLTiijiv KaT7]VT7](Tev els Trit''A(Tlav,...fj.iXXuv occur on the coins of Smyrna; Mionnet<br />

"<br />

Xoi7r6i' airUvai et's<br />

TepocroXu^a. ^Xdev odv ill. 193, Suppl. VI. 310.<br />

iv ry "Ztwpvrj irpbs "Sit par alav... trap y<br />

^ Euseb. H. E. iii. 39.

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