apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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4^1<br />

firmness, and moderation of the sovereign saved the empire from the<br />

worst scourges of war and tumult during his reign, yet<br />

it was marked<br />

—<br />

by a succession of overwhelming physical calamities conflagrations,<br />

earthquakes, famines, pestilences, portents of divers kinds'. Proconsular<br />

Asia more especially was scourged by these catastrophes. Only<br />

two or three years before Polycarp's death an earthquake<br />

— exceptionally<br />

violent even for this region — had utterly destroyed Mitylene and<br />

ruined a considerable part of Smyrna itself. The Smyrnaeans were<br />

thrown into the utmost consternation by the disaster ^ We have only<br />

to imagine the recurrence of a shock, however slight, at this crisis, and<br />

the excited populace would demand its victims to appease the angry<br />

deities before it was too late. When the cry Christianos ad leones was<br />

once raised, the result was inevitable. The fate of Polycarp must be<br />

the fate of every faithful servant of Christ. If he were accused, he<br />

must confess. If he confessed, he must be condemned. The law left<br />

no logical standing-ground short of this. No wonder that humane and<br />

far-seeing emperors did their best by indirect means to minimise the<br />

application of the law.<br />

But, if the Christians fared ill under Antoninus Pius, their condition<br />

was still worse under his successor. The traditions, amidst which<br />

he had been brought up, were highly unfavourable to a generous appreciation<br />

of them. His tutor and familiar friend Fronto did not<br />

disdain to give circulation to the most shameful libels against them^<br />

His favourite teacher, whom he loaded with honours, Junius Rusticus,<br />

as city praetor,<br />

condemned Justin and his companions<br />

Rome*. He himself could see nothing but ' sheer obstinacy<br />

'<br />

^<br />

Spartian. Pins 9 'Adversa ejus tern- (nrovTov ceiaixos yev^adai<br />

to death at<br />

{\\ii\-qv<br />

/cat aXXas re<br />

poribus haec provenerunt fames de qua TroKeis KapLuv lax^P^^ ; '^'^^ i^aipirios rriv<br />

diximus ;<br />

circi ruina; terrae motus quo Krj^iKov k.t.X.<br />

Rhodiorum et Asiaeoppidaconciderunt...<br />

^ Aristides Orai. 25 {Op. i. p. 497)<br />

et Romae incendium quod trecentas qua- ''EcpicnoL 8^ /cat ^/xvpvaloi Trap dWyXovs<br />

draginta insulas vel domes absumsit ;<br />

et ^dtov Oopv^ov/xevoi, tj 0^ (xvvixe^o- davfiaari)<br />

Narbonensis civitas, et Antiochense oppi- koL tQv aeia/xQi' Kal tGiv (po^oiv.<br />

For the<br />

dum, et Carthaginiense forum arsit. Fuit date (a.d. 151, 152) see Waddington<br />

et inundatio Tiberis ;<br />

apparuit et stella Manoire sur Aristide p. 242 sq, Pastes<br />

crinita; natus est et biceps puer et uno<br />

; Asialiques -p. 214. This is to be distinpartu<br />

mulieris quinque pueri editi sunt guished from the earthquake which some<br />

etc.', where other prodigies are mentioned; years later, at the close of the reign of<br />

Chronographer of 354 'Hoc imper(ante) M. AureHus, threw down nearly the whole<br />

Circensibus Apollinaribus partectorum of Smyrna.<br />

columna ruit et oppressit homines MCXli ' *<br />

Minuc. Felix Octav. 9, 31 see<br />

; below,<br />

(ed. Mommsen, p. 647) ;<br />

Dion Cass. Ixx. 4 p. 529.<br />

iirlrov 'AuTwvlvov Xiyerai Kal (po^epuxraTOi<br />

* See below, p. 510. For this emnept<br />

TO, p^pT] T^s ^idvvla^ Kal tou "EiWri- peror's relation to Rusticus see Capitol.

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