apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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are given in the notes on the passage (ii. p. 349 sq) for adopting a<br />

wholly different interpretation of the words idv yvwa-Orj<br />

irXiov tov<br />

eTna-KOTTov, ' if his VOW of chastity go beyond the ears of the bishop ',<br />

as<br />

the context suggests.<br />

If this be the correct meaning, the inference falls<br />

to the ground, and the point must be left undetermined. Under any<br />

circumstances the conjecture that Alee, who is saluted in the letters of<br />

Ignatius to Polycarp (§ 8) and to the Smyrnjeans (§ 13), was the wife of<br />

Polycarp, has nothing to recommend it. The manner in which she is<br />

mentioned in the account of Polycarp's martyrdom (§ 17) is alone<br />

sufficient to set it aside. In this case, as in the similar instance of<br />

Renan's conjecture that Lydia (Acts xvi. 14) was S. Paul's wife', the<br />

absolute silence of the writer about any such intimate relationship seems<br />

fatal to the hypothesis. Silence is often a very precarious guide, but<br />

here we may safely trust ourselves to its leading.<br />

More important for our purpose, than these considerations of country<br />

or rank or wealth or condition of life, are his Christian relationships<br />

:<br />

Jirs^ with the Apostles and earliest founders of the Church; secondly<br />

with his contemporaries, the fathers of the sub-apostolic age ;<br />

and lastly<br />

with his younger friends and disciples.<br />

(i)<br />

It has been stated that coincidently with the birth of Polycarp,<br />

proconsular Asia, the province in which Polycarp resided continuously<br />

from the first moment when we have any authentic notice of his life,<br />

lived and<br />

became the spiritual centre of Christendom. Here S. John<br />

taught for more than a quarter of a century<br />

after the destruction of<br />

Jerusalem, dying at length in extreme old age in the early years of<br />

Trajan's reign (c. a.d. 100)". The other Apostles and personal disciples<br />

of Christ, who had migrated to these parts, were carried off first<br />

one and then another by death, until at length (it<br />

would appear) he<br />

was left alone^ Here he gathered disciples about him, ordained<br />

bishops and presbyters, founded new churches, making Ephesus his<br />

head-quarters, but visiting the neighbouring districts as occasion required^<br />

Of this circle of disciples Polycarp was the most famous.<br />

^<br />

Saint Paul '^. 148 sq.<br />

^ IrenfEUS Haer. iii. 3, 4 M^X/" ''''^^ Tpai-<br />

^ '<br />

Canon Mtiratoriantis p. 33 cohortantibus<br />

condiscipulis et episcopis suis',<br />

where the 'condiscipuli {crv/x/jiadTjral)' are<br />

those who like himself had been personal<br />

disciples of Christ.<br />

*<br />

Clem. Alex. Qiiis Div. Salv. 42 (p.<br />

958) ^TreiS} 7dp tov Tvpavvov TiXevrriaav-<br />

Tos (XTrd r^s Ildr^ou r^y vqcxov ixerrfKOev [d<br />

^lwa.vvii{\ iirl ttjv "E^ecroj',.d7r^et irapaKa-<br />

Xovfievos Kal enl to. ttXtjctioxi^PO. tCjv idvwv,<br />

oTTov fxev eiriaKOTTOVs KaTaffTrjauv, vttov Si<br />

oXas eKKXrjaias ap/Jiocriav,<br />

owov 6^ K\7]pi{) iva<br />

7^ TLva KK-qpihawv tCjv vtto tov irvevtiaTos<br />

arjp.aivop.^vLoi', after which follows the wellknown<br />

story of the Apostle and the young<br />

robber. Clement describes the city to<br />

whose bishop S. John had entrusted the

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