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apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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of Renan.<br />


He cannot resist the evidence, external' as well as internal,<br />

in favour of the six epistles, and supposes them to have been written<br />

about A.D. 150 by an Ignatius, not however the bishop of Antioch but<br />

a namesake distinguished from him by the surname Theophorus, who<br />

was not a bishop but ' a prominent member of the Antiochene Church<br />

at a later date'. As regards the bishop, he accepts the statement of<br />

John Malalas, that he suffered martyrdom at Antioch under Trajan.<br />

To support this novel treatment of Ignatius, he is obliged to adopt a<br />

novel treatment of Polycarp also. He neither accepts wholly nor<br />

rejects wholly the 13th chapter of Polycarp's Epistle, in which reference<br />

is made to the Epistles of Ignatius, but supposes the beginning and end<br />

of the passage to be interpolated. The Epistle to the Romans was<br />

forged, he believes, before a.d. 180— igo (at which time it is<br />

quoted by<br />

Irenceus), and the motive was to supplement the allusions in the genuine<br />

letters and thus furnish a commentary to them by an account of the<br />

saint's coming martyrdom, but the fabricator confused the writer of the<br />

letters with the bishop of Antioch.<br />

In a later number of the same periodical (May 1887, p. 272 sq) he<br />

continues the subject. He suggests that the name 'Ignatius' has been<br />

inserted or substituted in the six epistles, and that slight interpolations<br />

have been made here and there to bring out the idea that the writer was<br />

on his way to martyrdom at Rome. Correspondingly he supposes the<br />

name of Ignatius in § 9,<br />

and the particulars respecting him in § 13, of<br />

Polycarp's Epistle, to have been interpolated but he holds that I<br />

;<br />

have<br />

shown § 3 to belong to the genuine Polycarp. He holds that the Peregrinus<br />

of Lucian is the same person with the writer of these epistles,<br />

but he does not suppose that Lucian was directly acquainted with them.<br />

He considers that the writer of the six epistles was acquainted with the<br />

Epistle of Barnabas and the Shepherd of Hermas. The Letter of the<br />

Smyrnseans, relating the martyrdom of Polycarp, he supposes to have<br />

borrowed from the account of Lucian, and not conversely. To the<br />

writer of the Epistle to the Romans he attributes the introduction of<br />

the name Ignatius and the other interpolations in the six epistles.<br />

This theory<br />

is<br />

open to all the objections which hold against Renan's<br />

view, while not a few others besides might be alleged against it.<br />

Though it is offered by its author as ' the solution of the Ignatian question',<br />

I can hardly anticipate that he will succeed in convincing others,<br />

1<br />

What does he mean (p. iiS) by Trajan The language of Clement sugquoting<br />

'Clement' as an authority for gests that he was not unacquainted with<br />

the statement that the letters were written these letters but does not go beyond this<br />

by Ignatius bishop of Antioch under (see above, p. 143).

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