apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

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apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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Didymus of Alexandria^ report Valentinus as making Sige<br />

the immediate<br />

parent of Logos while the<br />

;<br />

Valentinian Theodotus, as quoted by-<br />

Clement of Alexandria', speaks of Sige as 'the mother of all the<br />

emanations (twv npo^XriOf.vTm') from Bythos', probably however meaning<br />

nothing more than that she was the first parent of the whole race of<br />

reons. Still less happy was the solution adopted by Pearson (p. 384 sq)<br />

and Cotelier {ad loc.) and by other more recent writers, that the passage<br />

is directed against the Ebionites, the 'procession from silence' being<br />

thus regarded as equivalent to the denial of the pre-existence of the<br />

Son^; though<br />

this solution had one slender foot-hold of truth in the<br />

fact that our author in the context is plainly seen to be attacking<br />

Judaizers. Nor was Pearson successful in his attempt to show (ii. 7)<br />

that, even if Valentinus were intended, the statement could not be<br />

regarded as an anachronism, since the errors of this heresiarch might<br />

have been known even to Ignatius. With greater effect he and others<br />

after him maintained that this Sige was by<br />

no means a creation of<br />

Valentinus ;<br />

that it was borrowed from heathen cosmogonies ;<br />

that it<br />

was found in a cosmical genealogy as early as the Comic poet Antiphanes*<br />

;<br />

and lastly that Gregory Nazianzen (in a very loose and highly<br />

ttJ dSeX^Tj n.i'^vv^ivov rkKvov -yap elvai.<br />

Tov JivOov iXiyero i] 'S(.yi].<br />

In the text<br />

which Pearson had before him, the words<br />

were read eTeKfoirolei. X67011 tov Trap' "E\-<br />

Xijcrt!' Ai6s" ovTos %e/pwj' tov k.t.X., and<br />

'<br />

he conjectured \6y(j) ad modum vel similitudinem<br />

Jovis' (Vind. Ign. p. 402 sq),<br />

though he mentions the reading \hyov in<br />

an Oxford MS. See the next note.<br />

^<br />

De Trm. iii.<br />

42 (p. 992, Migne) Ova.-<br />

XevTbov... fivdov<br />

. . .<br />

dvavXaaafJ-ivov Toiovde,<br />

OTL 6 3v9bs eyivprjcrev ttjv ^lyrjv, e/c 5^<br />

ravTijs TexvoTTOLTicraiJ.ei'OV \6yov<br />

tlvo, tov<br />

Trap' "EXXtjcti At6s k.t.X., quoted by Churton<br />

(Pearson Vhtd. /gn. p. 403, note),<br />

who remarks 'Quo sensu intelHgendus<br />

sit iste X670S rts tov Trap' "EXXtjcti Atbs nescire<br />

me non diffiteor ', and then offers a<br />

tentative explanation. It is clear however<br />

from the whole context that the passage<br />

of Didymus is not independent of the<br />

passage of Cyril. He must therefore<br />

have misread or misheard (for he was<br />

blind) the words of Cyril or Cyi-il's authority,<br />

as the substitution of T€xvoiroi.y)-<br />

aa/jiivov 'having artificially invented' for<br />

€T€KvoTroi7]cre shows, and his text must<br />

have wrongly connected the words.<br />

2 Exc. Theod. 29 [Op. 11. p. 976, Potter)<br />

'H crt777, (pafflv, tX7)T7)p ovaa wavruv<br />

Tuv irpo^\7]divTU}v inrb tov ^ddovs {^vdov7)<br />

K.T.X. The same is<br />

probably the meaning<br />

of the authority quoted by Epiphanius<br />

Haer. xxxi. 5 (p. 169) aiJr7 5^ 17 e/c tov<br />

Trarpos koX t^s aiyri's TCTpds' HvOpuiros,<br />

eKK\7](rLa, \6yos, ^wrj. Pearson suspects<br />

a lacuna in this passage of Epiphanius,<br />

Vind. Ign, p. 402.<br />

^<br />

This same interpretation had been<br />

suggested by Petau (de Theol. Dogni, iv.<br />

p. 163, Antwerp 1700) but he ; says<br />

nothing of a polemical reference to the<br />

Ebionites. Pearson's view is controverted<br />

by Bull Defcns. Fid. Nic. iii. i (<br />

Works<br />

v. p. 476 who sq), supposes the Cerinthians<br />

to be intended. The Docetism of<br />

Cerinthus however was, as I have pointed<br />

out, different in character from that of<br />

these heretics.<br />

* Iren. Haer. ii.<br />

14. i 'Antiphanes in

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