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apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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phorus 'the God-bearer' (comp. Ephes. 9 Travres 6eo(ji6poi . . . . xpt^o'ro-<br />

(f>6poL) in these words of Irenseus ' Dominus apparuit in terris, cum<br />

martyribus nostris, quasi et ipse misericordiam consecutus, opprobrium<br />

simul bajulavit hominis, et cum eis ductus est, velut adjectio quaedam<br />

donata eis.' So again in the same context he speaks of the Church<br />

as suffering in the person of those who undergo persecution but *<br />

anon<br />

growing fresh Hmbs and being restored to her integrity (statim augens<br />

membra et integra fiens),' herein employing language which closely<br />

resembles the Ignatian description of the recovery of the Church<br />

of Antioch after the restoration of peace {Smyrn. 1 1 direXa/Sov to<br />

tStov //.eye^os ^at d-n-eKaTeaTaOr] avTols to ISlov crcoyaaTetov).<br />

In short the<br />

passages in Irenseus relating to the Docetic heretics are found, when<br />

examined carefully, to be instinct with the language and thoughts<br />

of the Ignatian letters, more especially of the Epistle to the Smyrngeans.<br />

It is no surprise to find these resemblances in a pupil of<br />

Polycarp.<br />

Here then is the answer, alike to Daille (pp. 257 sq, 270 sq, 433<br />

sq), who maintains that Irenaeus cannot have been acquainted with the<br />

Epistle to the Romans because he does not quote against<br />

heretics the<br />

other epistles which formed part of the same collection, and to Renan<br />

{Les Evangiles p. xxxi), who argues that the Epistle to the Romans cannot<br />

have formed part of the same collection with the other six because,<br />

though Irensus certainly was acquainted with this one epistle, he betrays<br />

no knowledge of the others. But one point<br />

still remains to be<br />

considered. What amount of force is there in Daille's assumption that,<br />

if Irenaeus had known these letters, he must have quoted them against<br />

the heretics This question<br />

is answered by reference to his practice in<br />

other cases. Why does he not quote Polycarp's Epistle, though he was<br />

certainly acquainted with it (iii. 3. 4), and it<br />

though contains not a few<br />

things (e.g. § 7) which would have served his purpose excellently<br />

Why does he mention Clement of Rome and Papias once only, though<br />

they would have afforded abundant material useful for the end which he<br />

had in view <br />

Why are only two passages cited from Justin Martyr, and<br />

these from works no longer extant, though Justin's extant writings would<br />

have furnished many more passages suitable for his purpose<br />

than the<br />

Ignatian Epistles Why lastly does he entirely ignore other early<br />

Christian writers such as Melito and Dionysius of Corinth, or at least<br />

not quote them by name, though they wrote on kindred subjects<br />

and their writings must have been store-houses of serviceable quotations<br />

Of the passages in the Ignatian Epistles which Daille especially<br />

mentions, as likely to have been quoted, a considerable number are

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