apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics

apostolicfathers0201clem - Carmel Apologetics


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and Bentley' and Waterland", not to mention others only second to<br />

these in the field of theological criticism.<br />

To one school of contemporary theologians however the discovery<br />

of Ussher and Voss was a grave disappointment. The French Protestant<br />

divines had attacked the integrity of the Ignatian letters mainly on<br />

account of their testimony to the early spread of episcopacy ;<br />

but they<br />

had for the most part expressed themselves in favour of a genuine<br />

though indeterminate nucleus, overlaid with spurious matter. To these<br />

critics the Vossian letters gave no relief. Though the sacerdotal language<br />

had disappeared, the testimony to the existence and authority<br />

of the episcopate was as strong and as precise here as in the letters of<br />

the Long Recension. It was too much to expect<br />

that under these circumstances<br />

the Vossian letters should receive an impartial hearing.<br />

An interval of twenty years elapsed, before French Protestantism put<br />

forth its<br />

supreme effort in the elaborate work of Daille. But meanwhile<br />

other antagonists of no mean repute stepped forward. In 1645<br />

Saumaise, who had already on the eve of Ussher's discovery mingled<br />

in the fray (see above, p. 239), again declared himself against the<br />

Ignatian letters {Adparatus ad Libras de Primatu Fapac, Lugd. Bat.<br />

the Respondent had quoted<br />

sq,<br />

would be impossible<br />

Bentley's IVorks 11. p. 29 The ' most to say. We may conjecture however that<br />

'<br />

excellent Bishop Pearson had designed a<br />

from the<br />

been for the story it 262 sq (ed. Van Mildert).<br />

new edition of Ignatius's Epistles with an spurious or interpolated epistles, and was<br />

ample commentary. A specimen of which called to account for this by Bentley.<br />

posthumous work has been published by Not many years had then passed since<br />

the learned Dr Smith, and the whole is Whiston's attempt to resuscitate this recension.<br />

earnestly expected from him. For though<br />

Moreover a Respondent in an<br />

it has not passed the last hand of the Act would not be unlikely to get his information<br />

author, yet it is every way worthy of him,<br />

at second hand from such a<br />

and the very dust of his writings is gold. book as Suicer's Thesaurus (ed. i, 1682 ;<br />

In that published specimen there is this ed. 2, 1728); and in Suicer the Long<br />

annotation upon the words of Ignatius Recension is<br />

commonly, ifnot universally,<br />

TON YM^C CO(J)IC(\NT(\ [S/iiyru. i]' etc. cited. We have an example of a similar<br />

In Monk's Life of Bentley il. p. 44 ignorance and misapprehension as regards<br />

(ed. 2, 1833) it is stated on the authority Ussher; ' I could not but smile,' writes<br />

of a contemporary letter, that a nimour Hammond to Ussher, ' when I was of<br />

reached Oxford in the summer of 17 18 to late required by the London ministers to<br />

the effect that ' Cambridge was in a great answer the objections you had made to<br />

ferment on account of Dr Bentley having the Epistles of Ignatius,' Ussher's Works<br />

on occasion of a Divinity Act made a XVI. p. 148. But whatever may be the<br />

speech condemning the Epistles of S. account of the mistake, Bentley's views<br />

Ignatius and afterwards refusing to hear are clearly indicated in the passage just<br />

the Respondent, who attempted to reply.' quoted from the Disse^'tation on the<br />

All this we are told '<br />

is given on hearsay. '<br />

Epistles of Fhalaris.<br />

What foundation in fact there may have<br />

-<br />

Waterland's IVorks in. pp. 239

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